The Second Meeting of the Asia/Pacific Air Traffic Management Automation  System Task Force


(Video Teleconference, 14 – 16 September 2021)   


Online Registration (Click This Link to Register for this event)


collapse Type Name : 2021 ATMAS TF 2  ‎(33)
collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(1)
Final Report of ATMAS TF2.pdfFinal Report20 Sept. 2021Secretariat 
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(8)
AP116-21-CNS - ATMAS TF2.pdf01Letter of invitation21 Jun. 2021Secretariat 
Attachment 1 - Provisional Agenda for ATMAS TF2 - rev6a.pdf02Attachment 1 - Provisional Agenda21 Jun. 2021Secretariat 
Attachment 2 - Video Tele-Conference_Bulletin.pdf03Attachment 2 - Video Teleconference Bulletin21 Jun. 2021Secretariat 
Attachment 3 - Registration Form.pdf04Attachment 3 - Registration Form21 Jun. 2021Secretariat 
WP-IP template.docx05WP-IP Template31 Aug. 2021Secretariat 
List of Sponsors_ATM AS TF2.pdf06List of Sponsors13 Sept. 2021Secretariat 
Attachment 1 - ATMAS TF2 - List of participants as of 13 Sept. 2021.pdf07List of participants (Please verify your name and email address. If participant is not listed, please email to for updating15 Sept. 2021Secretariat 
Tentative schedule_ATMAS TF2.pdf08Tentative Schedule14 Sept. 2021Secretariat 
collapse Category : 3-Working Papers ‎(12)
WP01_ICAO-Provisional Agenda.pdfWP/01Provisional Agenda13 Sept. 2021Secretariat 
WP02_ICAO AI.2 - Review of Relevant Meetings-revised.pdfWP/02Review of Relevant Meetings01 Sept. 2021Secretariat 
WP03_ICAO AI.6 - Review Report of APA TF7.pdfWP/03Review Report of APA TF/7 Meeting16 Sept. 2021Secretariat 
WP04_ICAO AI.7 - Review ATMAS TF ToR and Update SubjectTasks List.pdfWP/04Review of the Terms of Reference (ToR) and Update Subject/Tasks List of ATMAS TF with Integration of APA TF01 Sept. 2021Secretariat 
WP05_IDN and ICAO AI.3- Repository of the ATMAS in APAC.pdfWP/05Repository of the ATMAS in APAC01 Sept. 2021Indonesia and Secretariat 
WP06_ICAO AI.2 - Outcomes of SURICG6 r1.pdfWP/06Outcomes of the Sixth meeting of the Surveillance Implementation Coordination Group (SURICG/6)13 Sept. 2021Secretariat 
WP07_HKG AI.3 - Air Traffic Management Automation System Problem Reporting Database.pdfWP/07Air Traffic Management Automation System Problem Reporting Database03 Sept. 2021Hong Kong, China 
WP08_HKG AI.4.5 - Protecting ATC Systems Against Cyber Threats by Deployment of Data Diode Technology_final.pdfWP/08Protecting Air Traffic Control Systems against Cyber Threats by Deployment of Data Diode Technology in Hong Kong, China03 Sept. 2021Hong Kong, China 
WP09_HKG AI.4.5 - Considerations in Design and Implementation of an Approach Spacing Tool.pdfWP/09Considerations in Design and Implementation   of an Approach Spacing Tool03 Sept. 2021Hong Kong, China 
WP10_SGP AI.4.3 - Open ATM – A New Approach to Future ATM Systems.pdfWP/10Open ATM – a New Approach to Future ATM Systems06 Sept. 2021Singapore  
WP11_CHN-HKG-SGP AI.5 -ATMAS Implementation and Operations Guidance Document.pdfWP/11Air Traffic Management Automation System Implementation and Operations Guidance Document10 Sept. 2021China, Hong Kong-China and Singapore 
WP12_CHN AI.4.2 - Application of Flight Data Exchange in ATM Automation System REV.pdfWP/12Application of Flight Data Exchange in ATM Automation System 15 Sept. 2021China 
collapse Category : 4-Information Papers ‎(11)
IP01_ICAO - Meeting bulletin.pdfIP/01Meeting Bulletin01 Sept. 2021Secretariat 
IP02_ICAO AI.2 Outcomes of APAC Webinars.pdfIP/02Outcomes of ICAO APAC Regional Webinars02 Sept. 2021Secretariat 
IP03_SGP AI.4.4 - Benefits of an Integrated Arrival and Departure Manager.pdfIP/03Benefits of an Integrated Arrival and Departure Manager03 Sept. 2021Singapore  
IP04_CHN AI.4.4 - Solution of Flight Plan Association Consistency.pdfIP/04Solution of Flight Plan Association Consistency between Tower ATM Automation System and ATM Automation System09 Sept. 2021China 
IP05_CHN AI.4.2 - Exploration and Realization of the Efficient Utilization of SSR Codes.pdfIP/05Exploration and Realization of Efficient Utilization of SSR Codes10 Sept. 2021China 
IP06_CHN AI.4.3 - Exploration on the Application of Mode S DAPs in Safety Net of ATMAS.pdfIP/06Exploration on the Application of Mode S DAPs in Safety Net of ATMAS09 Sept. 2021China 
IP07_CHN AI.4.5 - PBCS Technology Application and ATMAS Function Requirements.pdfIP/07PBCS Technology Application and ATM  Automation System Function Requirements09 Sept. 2021China 
IP08_CHN AI.4.4 - Requirement and Implementation of Data Interaction.pdfIP/08Requirement and Implementation of Data Interaction between the Tower ATM Automation System and the ATM Automation System09 Sept. 2021China 
IP09_CHN AI.4.4 - The Implement of A-SMGCS IV Operation in Daxing International Airport.pdfIP/09The Implement of A-SMGCS IV Operation in Daxing International Airport10 Sept. 2021China 
IP10_CHN AI.4.5 - The Implementation of Virtualization Technology in ATMAS Test and Validate System.pdfIP/10The Implementation of Virtualization Technology  in ATMAS Test and Validate System09 Sept. 2021China 
IP11_ROK AI.4.1 - Current Status and Promotion Plan of the DMAN AMAN in Incheon.pdfIP/11Current Status and Promotion Plan of the DMAN/AMAN in Incheon International Airport for Enhancement of ATM Automation System13 Sept. 2021Republic of Korea 
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(1)
SP01_CASRI AI.4.5 - The Practice of RIP in Tower ATM Automation System.pdfSP/01The Practice of Runway Incursion Prevention In Tower ATM Automation System14 Sept. 2021CASRI 


For further information please contact:

Mr. Luo Yi

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