ATM Safety Assessment Workshop

(Video Teleconference, 23 - 25 June 2021)


Online Registration (Click This Link to Register for this Workshop) 

Content: To enhance ATM safety assessment capability and safety risk management performance of APAC States by providing a practical guidance on safety risks management process within SSP/SMS.


collapse Type Name :  ‎(10)
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(4)
AP056-21-RSO ICAO APAC Webinars 2021.pdf01Invitation letter8 April 2021Secretariat 
Attachment A - Program Outline.pdf02Attachment A – Program Outline8 April 2021Secretariat 
Attachment B - Online Registration Guidelines.pdf03Attachment B – Online Registration Guidelines8 April 2021Secretariat 
Attachment C - Provisional Order of Business.pdf04Attachment C - Provisional Order of Business21 June 2021Secretariat 
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(6)
2. (Day1-1) ICAO documents and concept review on 24 June 2021.pdf01ICAO Requirements and Concept Review on ATM Safety Assessment23 June 2021Secretariat 
Oversight of ATM Safety Assessment -  FAA.pdf0225 June 2021Secretariat 
Safety Assessment of inter-related and inter-dependent Changes - Australia.pdf0325 June 2021Secretariat 
Safe Provision of Air Navigation Services during COVID-19 - Singapore.pdf0425 June 2021Secretariat 
SSP and SMS in Air Navigation Service of R.O.K - ROK KOCA.pdf0525 June 2021Secretariat 
DAEGU ATMO's Safety Risk Management - ROK ATMO.pdf0625 June 2021Secretariat 

For further information please contact:

Ms. Lia Sunok Lee

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