Thirty-Second Meeting of the Asia/Pacific Air Navigation Planning and Implementation Regional Group

(Video teleconference, 1 December – 3 December 2021)


collapse Type Name : 2021 APANPIRG32 ‎(41)
collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(5)
Final Report of APANPIRG-32.pdf01Final Report of APANPIRG/3218 Jan. 2022Secretariat 
Appendices to the Report of APANPIRG-32.pdf02Appendices to the Report18 Jan. 2022Secretariat 
Attachments to the Report of APANPIRG-32.pdf03Attachments to the Report18 Jan. 2022Secretariat 
AGA-0005 - Attachment - Corrigendum to Final Report of APANPIRG-32 [AI 3.2].pdf04Corrigendum to the Final Report of APANPIRG/32 Meeting [AI 3.2]9 Jun. 2022Secretariat 
AGA-0005 - Ltr to States re Corrigendum to Final Report of APANPIRG-32 [AI 3.2].pdf05Letter Ref.: AP-AGA0005/22 dated 7 June 20229 Jun. 2022Secretariat 
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(13)
AP155-21 - Invitation letter to States_APANPIRG-32.pdf01Invitation Letter to States23 Aug. 2021Secretariat 
AP155-21 - Invitation letter to IO_APANPIRG32.pdf02Invitation Letter to International Organizations23 Aug. 2021Secretariat 
AP155-21 - Attachment A - Provisional Agenda - WP01.pdf03Provisional Agenda23 Aug. 2021Secretariat 
AP155-21 - Attachment B - IP-WP Template.docx04IP/WP Template23 Aug. 2021Secretariat 
AP155-21 - Attachment C - Nomination Form.docx05Nomination Form23 Aug. 2021Secretariat 
AP155-21 - Attachment D - List of Members-Alternate members.pdf06List of Members/Alternate Members23 Aug. 2021Secretariat 
AP155-21 - Attachment E - APANPIRG Members Nomination form.docx07APANPIRG Member Nomination Form23 Aug. 2021Secretariat 
APANPIRG32_MS Team Famil.pdf08MS Team Familiarization22 Nov. 2021Secretariat 
VTC Instruction_APANPIRG32.pdf09VTC Instructions22 Nov. 2021Secretariat 
AP-186 - SL - Rescheduling of APANPIRG32.pdf10State Letter Ref.: AP186/21 - Rescheduling of the APANPIRG/3223 Nov. 2021Secretariat 
List of Sponsors_APANPIRG32.pdf11List of Sponsors24 Nov. 2021Secretariat 
Order of Business-Rev. 01.pdf12Order of Business - Revision 130 Nov. 2021Secretariat 
Group Photo.pdf13Group Photo10 Dec. 2021Secretariat 
collapse Category : 3-Working Papers ‎(18)
WP01_REV 1 - Provisional Agenda.pdfWP/01              Revision 1Adoption of the Provisional Agenda25 Nov. 2021Secretariat 
WP02, AI 1A_REV 1 - Beijing Declaration Commitments implementation status_9 Nov 2021-final.pdfWP/02              Revision 1Where does APAC Stand with the Beijing Declaration Commitments?17 Nov. 2021Secretariat 
WP03, AI 1B.1 - Review of the Action Taken by the ANC and the Council.pdfWP/03Review of the Action Taken by the ANC and the Council on the Report of APANPIRG/31 and RASG-APAC/10 Meetings17 Nov. 2021Secretariat 
WP04, AI 1B.2 - APANPIRG 31 Conclusions-Decisions.pdfWP/04Status of implementation of APANPIRG/31 Conclusions and Decisions18 Nov. 2021Secretariat 
WP05, AI 1B.3_REV 1 - Outstanding Conclusions-Decisions.pdfWP/05            Revision 1Status of implementation of APANPIRG outstanding Conclusions and Decisions26 Nov. 2021Secretariat 
WP06, AI 1C - ACCRPG-Report.pdfWP/06Progress Report of the APAC COVID-19 Contingency and Recovery Planning Group (ACCRPG)23 Nov. 2021Secretariat 
WP07, AI 1C - Economics during COVID recovery.pdfWP/07Economics during COVID Recovery17 Nov. 2021IATA 
WP08, AI 1D - Updates on RASG-APAC 10-11 Outcomes.pdfWP/08Updates on RASG-APAC/10 & RASG-APAC/11 Meeting Outcomes30 Nov. 2021Secretariat 
WP09, AI 3.1 - Outcomes of AOP-SG-5.pdfWP/09Report on the Fifth Meeting of AOP Sub Group18 Nov. 2021Chairperson of AOP/SG 
WP10, AI 3.2 - ATMSG9 Outcomes.pdfWP/10ATM/SG/9 Outcomes18 Nov. 2021Chairperson of ATM/SG 
WP11, AI 3.3 - RASMAG26 Outcomes.pdfWP/11RASMAG/26 Outcomes18 Nov. 2021Chairperson of RASMAG 
WP12, AI 3.4_REV 1 - Report of CNS SG25.pdfWP/12              Revision 1Report of the Twenty Fifth Meeting of CNS Sub-Group25 Nov. 2021Secretariat 
WP13, AI 3.5 - MET-SG-Report.pdfWP/13Meteorology Sub-Group (MET SG) Report17 Nov. 2021Chairperson of MET SG 
WP14, AI 4 - AN Deficiencies [ATM, AGA, CNS, MET].pdfWP/14Status of Air Navigation Deficiencies in the Asia/PAC Region20 Nov. 2021Secretariat 
WP15, AI 5_REV 1 - APANPIRG Work Programme 2022-2023.pdfWP/15              Revision 1APANPIRG Work Programme 2022-202326 Nov. 2021Secretariat 
WP16, AI 1C_REV 1 - Outcomes of the High-Level Conference on COVID-19 (HLCC 2021)  Safety Stream V2.pdfWP/16             Revision 1Outcomes of the High-Level Conference on COVID-19 (HLCC 2021) – Safety Stream26 Nov. 2021Secretariat 
WP17, AI 3.2 - eWTS (faired) rev.pdfWP/17Implementation of Enhanced Wake Turbulence Separation at Hong Kong International Airport22 Nov. 2021Hong Kong, China 
WP18, AI 6 - Innovation_SPCP22Nov2021-minorchanges.pdfWP/18Update on Innovation23 Nov. 2021Secretariat 
collapse Category : 4-Information Papers ‎(5)
IP01 - List of Papers.pdfIP/01List of Papers and Presentations26 Nov. 2021Secretariat 
IP02, AI 3.2_REV 1 - MRTBO IP_CAAS.pdfIP/02                Revision 1Multi-Regional TBO Demonstration26 Nov. 2021Japan, Singapore, Thailand and USA 
IP03, AI 3.4 - ADS-B Implementation.pdfIP/03ADS-B Implementation20 Nov. 2021Mongolia 
IP04,  AI 32 - SAR.pdfIP/04Improvement in the Regulatory System and Emergency Mechanism of Search and Rescue Civil Aircraft20 Nov. 2021China 
IP05, AI 4 -  Airspace Classification.pdfIP/05Updates on Efforts by China to Eliminate Its ANS Deficiency of Airspace Classification25 Nov. 2021China 


For further information please contact:

Mr. Punya R. Shakya

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