Sixth Meeting of the Asia/Pacific Airport Collaborative Decision Making Task Force (APA-CDM/TF/6)

(Video Teleconference, 28 to 30 April 2021)


collapse Type Name : 2021 APA-CDM TF6 ‎(24)
collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(1)
!Final Report APA-CDMTF-6 - FULL VERSION.pdfFinal Report of the APA-CDM/TF/624 May 2021Secretariat 
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(10)
AP030-21 [AGA].pdf01Invitation Letter16 Feb. 2021Secretariat 
AP-030 - Attachment A - Provisional Agenda.pdf02Provisional Agenda16 Feb. 2021Secretariat 
AP-030 - Attachment B - Tentative Programme.docx.pdf03Tentative Programme16 Feb. 2021Secretariat 
AP-030 - Attachment C - Registration Form.docx04Registration Form16 Feb. 2021Secretariat 
AP-030 - Attachment D - IP_WP Template.docx05Template of Papers16 Feb. 2021Secretariat 
APA-CDM-6_MS Team Famil.pdf06MS Team Familiarization20 Apr. 2021Secretariat 
VTC Instruction.pdf07VTC Instruction20 Apr. 2021Secretariat 
Order of Business.pdf08Order of Business27 Apr. 2021Secretariat 
Group Photo.pdf09Group Photo28 Apr. 2021Secretariat 
List of participants-APA-CDM-TF-6.pdf10List of participants - APA-CDM/TF/628 Apr. 2021Secretariat 
collapse Category : 3-Working Papers ‎(8)
WP01 AI 1 - Adoption of Agenda.pdfWP/01Adoption of the Provisional Agenda 21 Apr. 2021Secretariat 
WP02 AI02 - Outcomes of AOP SG 4 and APANPIRG 31.docx.pdfWP/02Outcomes of APANPIRG/31 & AOP/SG/4 Meetings21 Apr. 2021Secretariat 
WP03, AI 5 - JointOperationalProcedureGuidance_Integration-ATFM-ACDM.pdfWP/03Development of Joint Operational Procedure Guidance for the Integration of ATFM and A-CDM Operations21 Apr. 2021Hong Kong China, China, India, ROK, Thailand and CANSO 
WP04 AI 5 - REV 1 -CANSO ACI Paper on ATFM-ACDM Integration Workshop Final.pdfWP/04             Revision 1CANSO/ACI Workshop on ATFM/A-CDM Integration23 Apr. 2021CANSO and ACI 
WP05, AI6 - CANSO  IATA_A-CDM FAQs.pdfWP/05A-CDM Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)21 Apr. 2021CANSO and IATA 
WP06, AI 6 - A-CDM Monitoring Survey.pdfWP/06Questionnaire Based on ICAO Asia Pacific A-CDM Implementation Plan23 Apr. 2021India and CANSO 
WP07, AI 6 - A-CDM Implementation Plan Amendment_Final_Draft_Ver2.pdfWP/07Amendments to APAC A-CDM Implementation Plan23 Apr. 2021India, Thailand and CANSO 
WP08, AI7 - APA-CDM-TF Task List.pdfWP/08APA-CDM/TF Terms of Reference and Task List23 Apr. 2021Secretariat 
collapse Category : 4-Information Papers ‎(5)
IP01 - List of Papers.pdfIP/01List of Papers27 Apr. 2021Secretariat 
IP02 - List of Experts for APA-CDM Task Force.pdfIP/02List of Experts on Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) 21 Apr. 2021Secretariat 
IP03 AI 3_REV 1 - Progress of A-CDM implemention in Japan_Clean.pdfIP/03           Revision 1Progress of A-CDM Implementation in Japan27 Apr. 2021Japan 
IP04, AI 5 - SGP_ATFM and ACDM integration.pdfIP/04Integration of Airport-Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) with Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) in Singapore22 Apr. 2021Singapore 
IP05, AI 8 - IATA_ SWIM Update.pdfIP/05Update on SWIM Regional Coordination23 Apr. 2021IATA on behalf of ICAO APAC SWIM Task Force 


For further information please contact:

Mr. Punya R. Shakya

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