​ICAO APAC webinars, Safety and Air Navigation Services

(Video Teleconference, 18 September to 30 November 2020)

Online Registration (Click this Link to Register for this Event)

collapse Type Name :  ‎(3)
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(3)
AP-171-20 (RSO) ICAO APAC Webinars Safety and Air Navigation Services.pdf01State letter25 August 2020ICAO 
Attachment A - Programme.pdf02Programme (Attachment A)25 August 2020ICAO 
Event Registration guide.pdf03Event Registration guide14 September 2020ICAO 
collapse Type Name : 2020 Safety Air Navigation Services  ‎(6)
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(6)
ICAO APAC Webinar_Introduction to the GASP 2020-2022 edition.pdf01ICAO APAC Webinar_Introduction to the GASP 2020-2022 edition18 September 2020ICAO 
ICAO APAC AIDC Webinar_9 Oct_FINAL_PDF ver.pdf02AIDC Implementation: Benefits and Lessons Learnt09 October 2020Co-Chair of APA AIDC Implementation Task Force 
ICAO APAC Webinar_ATS Route Implementation.pdf03ICAO APAC Webinar_ATS Route Implementation9 November 2020ICAO 
ICAO APAC Webinar_NASP.PDF04ICAO APAC Webinar_NASP16 November 2020ICAO 
ICAO APAC Webinars - Safety and ANS - MET (20201130)(no video).pdf05ICAO APAC Webinars – Safety and Air Navigation Services Aeronautical Meteorology30 Nov. 2020ICAO 
SP06_ICAO Q and A Session.pdf06Q &A Session - Nov 30 - Meteorology (MET) Webinar30 Nov. 2020ICAO 
collapse Type Name : ATM Safety Assessment in Change Management ‎(7)
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(3)
(Day1-1) ICAO documents and concept review.pdf01(Day1-1) ICAO documents and concept review9 November 2020ICAO 
(Day1-2) USOAP Programme - Basic Guidance to States_Len.pdf02(Day1-2) USOAP Programme - Basic Guidance to States_Len9 November 2020ICAO 
(Day2-1) Case Study and Key considerations when conducting ATM safety assessment.pdf03(Day2-1) Case Study and Key considerations when conducting ATM safety assessment9 November 2020ICAO 
collapse Category : Case sharing ‎(4)
India_ICAO WEBINAR_Safet  assessment case sharing.pdf01India_ICAO WEBINAR_Safet  assessment case sharing9 November 2020ICAO 
Australia_Safety change management_ICAO APAC webinar_Aiservices.pdf02Australia_Safety change management_ICAO APAC webinar_Aiservices9 November 2020ICAO 
Singapore_CAAS safety risk assessment_ICAO APAC webinar.pdf03Singapore_CAAS safety risk assessment_ICAO APAC webinar9 November 2020ICAO 
ROK_SSP and SMS of ROK with focus on SSPIA_ICAO APAC webinar.pdf04ROK_SSP and SMS of ROK with focus on SSPIA_ICAO APAC webinar9 November 2020ICAO 


For further information please contact:

Mr. Raphael Guillet

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