​Twenty-Fifth Meeting of the Regional Airspace Safety Monitoring Advisory Group (RASMAG/25)

(Video Teleconference, 27 - 30 October 2020)


Online Registration (Click this Link to Register for this Event)

collapse Type Name : 2020 RASMAG25 ‎(65)
collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(9)
Final Report RASMAG25.pdfFinal Report RASMAG/2506 November 2020Secretariat 
Appendix A List of Participants.pdf01Appendix A List of Participants30 October 2020Secretariat 
Appendix B List of Working and Information Papers.pdf02Appendix B List of Working and Information Papers30 October 2020Secretariat 
Appendix C PBCS Non-Compliance Report Template.pdf03Appendix C PBCS Non-Compliance Report Template30 October 2020Secretariat 
Appendix D Minimum Monitoring Requirements.pdf04Appendix D Minimum Monitoring Requirements30 October 2020Secretariat 
Appendix E Competent Safety Monitoring Organisations.pdf05Appendix E Competent Safety Monitoring Organisations30 October 2020Secretariat 
Appendix F Asia Pacific Consolidated Safety Report Presentation.pdf06Appendix F Asia Pacific Consolidated Safety Report Presentation04 November 2020Secretariat 
Appendix G APANPIRG ATM-AIM-SAR Deficiencies List.pdf07Appendix G APANPIRG ATM/AIM/SAR Deficiencies List04 November 2020Secretariat 
Appendix H RASMAG Task List.pdf08Appendix H RASMAG Task List04 November 2020Secretariat 
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(7)
AP119-20-ATM.pdfPostponement of the RASMAG/25 (27 - 30 October 2020)03 June 2020Secretariat 
AP176-20-ATM.pdfRASMAG/25 - Meeting Updates02 September 2020Secretariat 
Event Registration Guide.pdfGuide - How to register to the meeting?10 September 2020Secretariat 
AP112-19 (ATM) RASMAG25.pdf01Invitation Letter12 February 2020Secretariat 
RASMAG25 IPWP Template.docm02IPWP Template (.Docm)18 September 2020Secretariat 
RASMAG25 IPWP Template.docx03IPWP Template (.Docx)18 September 2020Secretariat 
OOD.pdf04Order of Discussion22 October 2020Secretariat 
collapse Category : 3-Working Papers ‎(40)
WP01 Provisional Agenda.pdfWP/01Provisional Agenda16 October 2020Secretariat 
WP02 Relevant Meeting Outcomes.pdfWP/02Relevant Meeting Outcomes 16 October 2020Secretariat 
WP03 FIT-Asia Meeting Outcomes.pdfWP/03FIT-Asia Meeting Outcomes23 October 2020Secretariat 
WP04 RASMAG MAWG and RMACG Reports.pdfWP/04RASMAG/MAWG and RMACG Reports16 October 2020Thailand 
WP05 AAMA Vertical Safety Report.pdfWP/05AAMA Vertical Safety Report16 October 2020Australia 
WP06 China RMA Vertical Safety Report.pdfWP/06China RMA Vertical Safety Report16 October 2020China 
WP07 LHD Hot Spot Analysis Report.pdfWP/07LHD Hot Spot Analysis Report16 October 2020China 
WP08 JASMA Vertical Safety Report.pdfWP/08JASMA Vertical Safety Report16 October 2020Japan 
WP09 JASMA AKARA LHD Mitigations.pdfWP/09JASMA AKARA LHD Mitigations16 October 2020Japan 
WP10 JASMA Category J LHD Investigation.pdfWP/10JASMA Category J LHD Investigation16 October 2020Japan 
WP11 MAAR Vertical Safety Report.pdfWP/11MAAR Vertical Safety Report16 October 2020Thailand 
WP12 Manila FIR AIDC Implementation LHD Mitigations Update.pdfWP/12Manila FIR AIDC Implementation LHD Mitigations Update16 October 2020Philippines 
WP13 PARMO Vertical Safety Report.pdfWP/13PARMO Vertical Safety Report 16 October 2020USA 
WP14 AKARA Safety Assessment.pdfWP/14AKARA Safety Assessment16 October 2020USA 
WP15 Central East Pacific Traffic Flow Assessment.pdfWP/15Central East Pacific Traffic Flow Assessment16 October 2020USA 
WP16 BOBASMA Horizontal Safety Report.pdfWP/16BOBASMA Horizontal Safety Report 16 October 2020India 
WP17 Identified Airspace Risk Occurrences within Indian Airspace.pdfWP/17Identified Airspace Risk Occurrences within Indian Airspace16 October 2020India 
WP18 JASMA Horizontal Safety Report.pdfWP/18JASMA Horizontal Safety Report16 October 2020Japan 
WP19 JASMA Assessment of Non-PBCS Approved Aircraft.pdfWP/19JASMA Assessment of Non-PBCS Approved Aircraft16 October 2020Japan 
WP20 Status of RSP RCP Approval Collection.pdfWP/20Status of RSP/RCP Approval Collection16 October 2020Thailand 
WP21 PARMO Horizontal Safety Report.pdfWP/21PARMO Horizontal Safety Report16 October 2020USA 
WP22 SEASMA Horizontal Safety Report.pdfWP/22SEASMA Horizontal Safety Report16 October 2020Singapore 
WP23 Estimation of Vertical Overlap Probability (Pz) Update.pdfWP/23Estimation of Vertical Overlap Probability (Pz) Update16 October 2020Thailand 
WP24 AAMA Assessment of Non-RVSM Approved Aircraft.pdfWP/24AAMA Assessment of Non-RVSM Approved Aircraft16 October 2020Australia 
WP25 China RMA Assessment of Non-RVSM Approved Aircraft.pdfWP/25China RMA Assessment of Non-RVSM Approved Aircraft29 October 2020China 
WP26 JASMA Assessment of Non-RVSM Approved Aircraft.pdfWP/26JASMA Assessment of Non-RVSM Approved Aircraft16 October 2020Japan 
WP27 MAAR Assessment of Non-RVSM Approved Aircraft.pdfWP/27MAAR Assessment of Non-RVSM Approved Aircraft16 October 2020Thailand 
WP28 PARMO Assessment of Non-RVSM Approved Aircraft.pdfWP/28PARMO Assessment of Non-RVSM Approved Aircraft16 October 2020USA 
WP29 AAMA LTHM Burden Estimate Update.pdfWP/29AAMA RMA LTHM Burden Estimate Update16 October 2020Australia 
WP30 China RMA LTHM Burden Estimate Update.pdfWP/30China RMA LTHM Burden Estimate Update16 October 2020China 
WP31 JASMA LTHM Burden Estimate Update.pdfWP/31JASMA LTHM Burden Estimate Update16 October 2020Japan 
WP32 Consolidated APAC LTHM Compliance Status Update.pdfWP/32APAC Consolidated LTHM Compliance Status Update 16 October 2020Thailand 
WP33 PARMO LTHM Burden Estimate Update.pdfWP/33PARMO LTHM Burden Estimate Update16 October 2020USA 
WP34 2019 Asia Pacific Consolidated Safety Report Presentation.pdfWP/34Asia/Pacific Consolidated Safety Report (PPT)27 October 2020USA 
WP35 Regional Airspace Safety Assessment.pdfWP/35Regional Airspace Safety Assessment27 October 2020Secretariat 
WP36 Competent Airspace Safety Monitoring Organizations List.pdfWP/36Competent Airspace Safety Monitoring Organizations List27 October 2020Secretariat 
WP37 ANS Deficiencies List.pdfWP/37Air Navigation Service Deficiencies List16 October 2020Secretariat 
WP38 RASMAG Task List.pdfWP/38RASMAG Task List16 October 2020Secretariat 
WP39 ATM Points of Contact.pdfWP/39 ATM Points of Contact23 October 2020Secretariat 
WP40 Production of the Asia-Pacific Region Combined PBCS Monitoring Report.pdfWP/40Production of the Asia/Pacific Region Combined PBCS Monitoring Report22 October 2020USA 
collapse Category : 4-Information Papers ‎(5)
IP01 Tentative List of Working and Information Papers.pdfIP/01List of Working Papers (WPs) and Information Papers (IPs)27 October 2020Secretariat 
IP02 JASMA Supplemental Information Request.pdfIP/02JASMA Supplemental Information Request16 October 2020Japan 
IP03 Changes to Global Guidance Related to Reported LHDs.pdfIP/03Changes to Global Guidance Related to Reported LHDs16 October 2020USA 
IP04 NARMO LTHM Burden Estimate Update.pdfIP/04NARMO LTHM Burden Estimate Update16 October 2020USA 
IP05 Summary Report of Identified Airspace Risk Occurrences.pdfIP/05Summary Report of Identified Airspace Risk Occurrences16 October 2020Singapore 
collapse Category : Flimsies ‎(4)
Flimsy 01 AKARA Coordination Progress Report.pdfFlimsy 01AKARA Coordination Progress Report27 October 2020Republic of Korea 
Flimsy 02 Revised Draft Decision - WP40.pdfFlimsy 02Revised Draft Decision - WP4027 October 2020ICAO 
FL03 NAARMO PARMO Approval Verification.pdfFlimsy 03JASMA Non RVSM Aircraft Data 30 October 2020USA 
Flimsy 4 PARMO Burden Update.pdfFlimsy 04PARMO Burden Update02 November 2020USA 


For further information please contact:

Mr. Len Wicks

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