Seminar on Air Traffic Management Automation System

(Web-conference, 27 October 2020)

collapse Type Name : 2020 ATMAS Seminar  ‎(21)
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(7)
AP151-20-CNS.pdf01Letter of invitation 29 Jul. 2020Secretariat 
Attachment A - TOR of  ATM Automation System TF adopted by CNS SG23.pdf02Attachment A - Terms of reference of Asia and Pacific ATM Automation System Task Force (ATMAS/TF)29 Jul. 2020Secretariat 
Attachment B - Provisional Agenda for ATMAS TF1.pdf03Attachment B - Provisional Agenda First Meeting of the Asia/Pacific Air Traffic Management Automation System Task Force (APAC ATMAS TF/1)29 Jul. 2020Secretariat 
Attachment C - Meeting and Seminar Bulletin revised.pdf03Attachment C - Seminar and Meeting Bulletin26 Oct. 2020Secretariat 
Attachment D - Registration Form.pdf05Attachment D - Registration/Nomination Form29 Jul. 2020Secretariat 
FINAL - Biography ATMAS Seminar.pdf06Biography of Presenters26 Oct. 2020Secretariat 
Seminar Programme for uploading.pdf07Seminar Programme26 Oct. 2020Secretariat 
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(13)
SP01 USA - ATC Automation System Selection and Implementation.pdfSP/01 ATC Automation System Selection and Implementation: Best-Practices and Lessons-Learned16 Oct. 2020FAA/USA 
SP02_CETC LES - Air Traffic Control System Based on Cloud Computing(Revised).pdfSP/02Architecture of the Next-generation Air Traffic Control System Based on Cloud Computing and Virtualization Technology27 Oct. 2020CETC LES 
SP03_CHN - The Solution to the Centralized FDP Risks of Large ATM Automation System.pdfSP/03The Solution to the Centralized FDP Risks of Large ATM Automation System16 Oct. 2020ATMB/China 
SP04_CHN - Application of AMAM Technology in Busy Terminal Area(Revised).pdfSP/04Application of AMAN Technology in Busy Terminal Area27 Oct. 2020China 
SP05_THALES BEST-  Digital Transformation in ATM.pdfSP/05Digital Transformation in ATM16 Oct. 2020Thales BEST 
SP06_ CASRI - Air Traffic Integrated Tower System Solution-Revised.pdfSP/06Air Traffic Integrated Tower System Solution (Revised)25 Oct. 2020CASRI 
SP07_ IATA - ATM Automation System Support to the Airlines Operational Efficiency.pdfSP/07ATM Automation System Support to Airlines Operational Efficiency20 Oct. 2020IATA 
SP08_HKCAD - Enhanced Robustness for Provision of ATM Service.pdfSP/08Enhanced Robustness for Provision of ATM Service26 Oct. 2020Hong Kong, China 
SP09_SIN Smart Tower Prototype.pdfSP/09Smart Tower Prototype at Singapore Changi Airport26 Oct. 2020Singapore 
SP10_INDRA - ATM Service Oriented Architecture.pdfSP/10ATM Service Oriented Architecture20 Oct. 2020Indra 
SP11_Dubai -Dubai Airport – A-SMGCS L4 Implementation.pdfSP/11Dubai Airport – A-SMGCS (L4) Implementation25 Oct. 2020Dubai Airport 
SP12_IND - Challenges in Implementing ATM Automation System.pdfSP/12Challenges in Implementing ATM Automation System26 Oct. 2020AAI/India 
SP13_EUROCONTROL - SWIM in Support of ATM Automation.pdfSP/13SWIM in Support of ATM Automation System27 Oct. 2020EUROCONTROL 
collapse Category : List of Sponsors/Contributors ‎(1)
Sponsor List to be uploaded_26Oct20_11.10 am.pdfList of Sponsors/Contributors26 Oct. 2020Secretariat 


For further information please contact:
Mr. Luo Yi

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