​Eighth Meeting of the Air Traffic Management Sub-Group (ATM/SG/8) of APANPIRG

(Video Teleconference, 23 - 27 November 2020)

Online Registration (Click this Link to Register for this Event):

collapse Type Name : 2020 ATM-SG8 ‎(73)
collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(8)
Final Report.pdf01ATM/SG/8 FINAL Report 02 December 2020Secretariat 
Appendix A List of Participants.pdf02Appendix A List of Participants27 November 2020Secretariat 
Appendix B List of Working and Information Papers.pdf03Appendix B List of Working and Information Papers27 November 2020Secretariat 
Appendix C ATM-AIM-SAR Deficiencies List.pdf04Appendix C ATM-AIM-SAR Deficiencies List02 December 2020Secretariat 
Appendix D AAITF TOR.pdf05Appendix D AAITF TOR25 November 2020Secretariat 
Appendix E SAR Plan SAR Plan Compliance Tracking Sheet.pdf06Appendix E SAR Plan SAR Plan Compliance Tracking Sheet26 November 2020Secretariat 
Appendix F SAR Agreement Matrix.pdf07Appendix F SAR Agreement Matrix26 November 2020Secretariat 
Appendix G ATM SG Task List.pdf08Appendix G ATM SG Task List27 November 2020Secretariat 
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(7)
AP120-20-ATM.pdfPostponement of the ATM/SG/8 (23 - 27 November 2020)03 June 2020Secretariat 
AP177-20-ATM.pdfATM/SG/8 - Meeting Updates02 September 2020Secretariat 
Event Registration Guide.pdfGuide - How to register to the meeting?10 September 2020Secretariat 
AP113-19 (ATM) ATMSG8.pdf01Invitation Letter12 February 2020Secretariat 
ATMSG8 IPWP Template.docm02ATM/SG/8 IPWP Template (.Docm)24 August 2020Secretariat 
ATMSG8 IPWP Template.docx03ATM/SG/8 IPWP Template (.Docx)24 August 2020Secretariat 
OOD.pdf04Order of Discussion20 November 2020Secretariat 
collapse Category : 3-Working Papers ‎(33)
SP04 AI5 WP17 Mode S Conspicuity Code.pdfSP04 AI5 WP17 Mode S Conspicuity Code25 November 2020Secretariat 
WP01 Provisional Agenda.pdfWP/01Provisional Agenda13 November 2020Secretariat 
WP02 APANPIRG Outcomes.pdfWP/02APANPIRG Outcomes 13 November 2020Secretariat 
WP03 RASG and APRAST Meeting Outcomes.pdfWP/03RASG and APRAST Meeting Outcomes 13 November 2020Secretariat 
WP04 Conference of Directors General of Civil Aviation Outcomes.pdfWP/04Conference of Directors General of Civil Aviation Outcomes 13 November 2020Secretariat 
WP05 FIT-Asia and RASMAG Outcomes.pdfWP/05FIT-Asia and RASMAG Outcomes 13 November 2020Secretariat 
WP06 Seamless ANS Plan and Monitoring Update.pdfWP/06Seamless ANS Plan and Monitoring Update 13 November 2020Secretariat 
WP07 USOAP Update.pdfWP/07ANS USOAP Update13 November 2020Secretariat 
WP08 Application of ATC Separation Standards.pdfWP/08Application of ATC Separation Standards 13 November 2020Secretariat 
WP09 Indonesia Corrective Actions on AIS and SAR Deficiencies.pdfWP/09Indonesia Corrective Actions on AIS and SAR Deficiencies13 November 2020Indonesia 
WP10 Air Navigation Service Deficiencies List.pdfWP/10Air Navigation Service Deficiencies List25 November 2020Secretariat 
WP11 Air Traffic Flow Management Steering Group Outcomes.pdfWP/11Air Traffic Flow Management Steering Group Outcomes24 November 2020Secretariat 
WP12 Asia Pacific Unmanned Aircraft Systems Update.pdfWP/12Asia/Pacific Unmanned Aircraft Systems Update 13 November 2020Secretariat 
WP13 Annex 11 and PANS-ATM Amendments.pdfWP/13Annex 11 and PANS-ATM Amendments 19 November 2020Secretariat 
WP14 Recent CNS-Related Developments.pdfWP/14Recent CNS-Related Developments16 November 2020Secretariat 
WP15 Establishment of ADS-B Out Exclusive Airspace.pdfWP/15Establishment of ADS-B Out Exclusive Airspace20 November 2020Singapore 
WP16 Regional Air Navigation Plan Update.pdfWP/16Regional Air Navigation Plan Update18 November 2020Secretariat 
WP17 Mode S Conspicuity Code.pdfWP/17Mode S Conspicuity Code25 November 2020Secretariat 
WP18 Trans-Regional ATS Coordination.pdfWP/18Trans-Regional ATS Coordination13 November 2020Secretariat 
WP19 IPACG Update.pdfWP/19IPACG Update13 November 2020Japan, USA 
WP20 Need for Effective Implementation of Himalaya 2 Route.pdfWP/20Need for Effective Implementation of Himalaya 2 Route23 November 2020Nepal 
WP21 ATS Route Catalogue.pdfWP/21ATS Route Catalogue23 November 2020Secretariat 
WP22 Asia Pacific Region ATS Route Catalogue – IATA Review.pdfWP/22Asia Pacific Region ATS Route Catalogue – IATA Review13 November 2020IATA 
WP23 Civil-Military Cooperation Update.pdfWP/23Civil/Military Cooperation Update13 November 2020Secretariat 
WP24 Regional ATM Contingency Planning and Status Reporting.pdfWP/24Regional ATM Contingency Planning and Status Reporting 23 November 2020Secretariat 
WP25 AOP Subgroup Outcomes.pdfWP/25AOP Subgroup Outcomes16 November 2020Secretariat 
WP26 AIS – AIM Implementation Task Force Outcomes.pdfWP/26AIS – AIM Implementation Task Force Outcomes 19 November 2020Secretariat 
WP27 Meteorology Issues Relevant to ATM.pdfWP/27Meteorology Issues Relevant to ATM17 November 2020Secretariat 
WP28 Asia Pacific SAR Update.pdfWP/28Asia/Pacific Search and Rescue Update 26 November 2020Secretariat 
WP29 ATMSG Task List.pdfWP/29APANPIRG ATM Sub Group Task List13 November 2020Secretariat 
WP30 ATM Points of Contact List.pdfWP/30ATM Points of Contact List13 November 2020Secretariat 
WP31 Air Traffic Management Security Requirements.pdfWP/31Air Traffic Management Security Requirements 16 November 2020Secretariat 
WP32 COVID-19 ATM Economics - IATA.pdfWP/32COVID-19 ATM Economics 13 November 2020IATA 
collapse Category : 4-Information Papers ‎(17)
IP01 List of Tentative Working and Information Papers.pdfIP/01List of Tentative Working and Information Papers20 November 2020Secretariat 
IP02 Airspace Capacity Optimisation Initiatives.pdfIP/02Airspace Capacity Optimisation Initiatives13 November 2020Hong Kong, China 
IP03 Mumbai RNP Approach and Revised PBN SID-STARs.pdfIP/03Mumbai RNP Approach and Revised PBN SID/STARs13 November 2020India 
IP04 Space-Based ADS-B Coverage Over Indian FIRs.pdfIP/04Space-Based ADS-B Coverage Over Indian FIRs13 November 2020India 
IP05 Future Air Traffic Systems Of Japan (CARATS) Vision.pdfIP/05Future Air Traffic Systems Of Japan (CARATS) Vision13 November 2020Japan 
IP06 Introduction of Domestic CPDLC in Japan.pdfIP/06Introduction of Domestic CPDLC in Japan13 November 2020Japan 
IP07 Need for Collaboration and Role of Stakeholders for CARATS.pdfIP/07Need for Collaboration and Role of Stakeholders for CARATS13 November 2020Japan 
IP08 ATM Automation System Transition Lessons Learned.pdfIP/08ATM Automation System Transition Lessons Learned13 November 2020Thailand 
IP09 BIMT7 Meeting Outcomes.pdfIP/09BIMT7 Meeting Outcomes13 November 2020Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Thailand and IATA 
IP10 Mekong ATM Coordination Group 8 Outcomes.pdfIP/10Mekong ATM Coordination Group Outcomes13 November 2020Cambodia, China, Hong Kong China Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, Viet Nam and IATA 
IP11 Implementation of Unidirectional Parallel Tracks.pdfIP/11Implementation of Unidirectional Parallel Tracks13 November 2020Hong Kong, China 
IP12 Implementation of Extended RNAV 2 Domestic En Route.pdfIP/12Implementation of Extended RNAV 2 Domestic En Route13 November 2020Indonesia 
IP13 Implementation of RNP 4 on ATS Routes M767 and N884.pdfIP/13Implementation of RNP 4 on ATS Routes M767 and N88413 November 2020Singapore, Philippines 
IP14 Indonesia 5LNC Status and Progress.pdfIP/14Indonesia 5LNC Status and Progress13 November 2020Indonesia 
IP15 ATM Economics Seminar Outcomes.pdfIP/15ATM Economics Seminar Outcomes13 November 2020Secretariat 
IP16 COVID-19 Contingency Action and Recovery Measures.pdfIP/16COVID-19 Contingency Action and Recovery Measures13 November 2020India 
IP17 COVID-19 Related ATM Contingency Recovery.pdfIP/17COVID-19 Related ATM Contingency Recovery13 November 2020Indonesia 
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(7)
SP01 AI5 WP11 Air Traffic Flow Management Steering Group Outcomes.pdfSP/01  AI5 WP11 Air Traffic Flow Management Steering Group Outcomes25 November 2020Secretariat 
SP02 AI5 WP12 Asia-Pacific Unmanned Aircraft Systems Update.pdfSP/02AI5 WP12 Asia-Pacific Unmanned Aircraft Systems Update25 November 2020Secretariat 
SP03 AI5 WP13 Annex 11 and PANS-ATM Amendments.pdfSP/03 AI5 WP13 Annex 11 and PANS-ATM Amendments25 November 2020Secretariat 
SP05 AI6 WP20 Need for Effective Implementation of Himalaya 2 Route.pdfSP/05 AI6 WP20 Need for Effective Implementation of Himalaya 2 Route25 November 2020Nepal 
SP06 AI6 WP24 Regional ATM Contingency Plannning and Status Reporting.pdfSP/06 AI6 WP24 Regional ATM Contingency Plannning and Status Reporting25 November 2020Secretariat 
SP07 AI7 WP26 AIS AIM Implementation Task Force Outcomes.pdfSP/07 AI7 WP26 AIS AIM Implementation Task Force Outcomes25 November 2020Secretariat 
SP08 AI9 Outcome of the Webinar on ATM Safety Assessment in Change Management.pdfSP/08AI9 Outcome of the Webinar on ATM Safety Assessment in Change Management27 November 2020Secretariat 
collapse Category : Flimsies ‎(1)
Flimsy 01 Update on the progress about AKARA Corridor (WP05).pdfFlimsy 01Update on the progress about AKARA Corridor (WP05)20 November 2020Republic of Korea 


For further information please contact:

Mr. Len Wicks

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