​ICAO APAC Regional Accident Investigation Workshop

(Video TeleConference, 20 October 2020)

The Workshop Video Recording is now available here

collapse Type Name : 2020 AIG Workshop ‎(9)
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(6)
Photo for website.pdfGroup Photo (screenshot)28-Oct.-2020 
List of participants - APAC-AIG for website.pdf-List of Participants (For any update please send to asirivichitvorakarn@icao.int)19-Oct-2020 
AP146-20-FS - APAC-AIG8.pdf01Letter of  InvitationSecretariat 
AP146-20-FS Attachment A_Workshop Outline.pdf02Workshop Outline 
AP146-20-FS Attachment C_Registration Form.pdf03Nomination / Registration Form 
Workshop Programme.pdf04Programme of the Workshop14-Oct-2020 
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(3)
01 - TSIB Presentation on ERC - ICAO Regional Accident Investigation Workshop_20 Oct 2020.pdf01Event Risk Classification20-Oct-2020Singapore 
02 - PPT - [Australia] ICAO RAIW 20 Oct 20 - Presentation on serious incident classification - Stuart Godley.pdf02Serious incident classification20-Oct-2020Australia 
03 - PPT - [France] ICAO RAIW 20 Oct 20 - Incident Notification Management - David Romat.pdf03BEA’s framework for the management of CAT incident notifications20-Oct-2020France 


For further information please contact:

 Mr.Kong, Cheong Tuck


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