​ICAO Asia Pacific Regional Seminar on Aerodrome Safety Management Systems (SMS)

(Incheon, Korea, 27 to 28 May 2019)


collapse Type Name : 2019 SMS Seminar ‎(26)
collapse Category : 1-Outcome of the Seminar ‎(1)
Outcome of the Seminar.pdfOutcome of the Seminar31 May 2019Secretariat 
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(8)
!AP-021-19 [AGA].pdf01Invitation Letter13 March 2019Secretariat 
Tentative Seminar Program-FINAL.pdf02 Tentative Programme 26 May 2019Secretariat 
AP-021 - ATT-B - ICAO Aerodrome SMS Seminar Bulletin_Rev.1(190304).pdf03Seminar Bulletin13 March 2019Secretariat 
ICAO Opening Remarks-AD SMS Seminar_Final.pdf04Opening Remarks30 May 2019ICAO 
Welcome speech(MOLIT).pdf05Welcome Address by MOLIT31 May 2019ROK 
Welcome speech(Incheon Airport).pdf06Welcome Address by Incheon Airport31 May 2019ROK 
ICAO SMS Seminar VIP and speakers.jpg07Group photo 0131 May 2019Secretariat 
ICAO SMS Seminar all participants.jpg08Group photo 0231 May 2019Secretariat 
collapse Category : 3-Leaflet ‎(2)
ICAO Aerodrome SMS Seminar leaflet_1.jpg01ICAO Aerodrome SMS Seminar Leaflet26 May 2019Secretariat 
Leaflet_2.jpg02ICAO Aerodrome SMS Seminar Leaflet26 May 2019Secretariat 
collapse Category : 4-Log-In Instruction for Pigeonhole Live ‎(1)
Pigeonhole Live for AD SMS Workshop.pdfLog-In Instruction for Pigeonhole Live26 May 2019Secretariat 
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(14)
1.ICAO Safety Management Updates_Incheon May 2019.pdf01ICAO Safety Management Programme Updates 30 May 2019ICAO 
2.Airport Cerification of Republic of Korea-MOLIT.pdf02Aerodrome Certification30 May 2019ROK 
3. Implementation of SMS AND chanllenges-Ken.pdf03Challenges in the Implementation of Aerodrome SMS 30 May 2019ACI 
4_1.SMS-En-0522.pdf04Implementation of Civil Aerodromes Safety Management System in China 30 May 2019China 
5_1. Vreedenburgh.pdf05New methodology for assessing and reporting runway surface conditions 30 May 2019ICAO 
6. Changis Experience - Challenges-Changi.pdf06Experience and Challenges faced in the implementation of SMS 30 May 2019Singapore 
7.KAC_RM Case of RKPC.pdf07Risk Management Case at Jeju International Airport 30 May 2019ROK 
8_1.-aaron-ICAO Asia Pacific Aerodrome SMS Presentation.pdf08Integration of SMS into daily operations 30 May 2019Australia 
9.new-Equilateral Triangle-MoC-HazID-Investigation.pdf09The equilateral triangle of MoC-Hazard identification & mitigation-Accident/Incident investigation 30 May 2019India 
10.SMS Implementation  Challenges.pdf10Implementation of SMS and Challenges 30 May 2019India 
11_1. Application and Development of SMS for safe airport-Korea.pdf11Application and Development of SMS for Safe Airport 30 May 2019ROK 
12_1. SMS Interface Management_Punya R. Shakya.pdf12SMS Interface Management30 May 2019ICAO 
13_IBAC APAC Aerodrome SMS Seminar 19-05 Final.pdf13IS-BAH: SMS in Business Aviation Ground Handling 30 May 2019IBAC 
14_SMS in IIA_2019 icao.pdf14ICN’s SMS Implementation & Airside Safety Operation 30 May 2019ROK 


 For further information please contact:
 Mr. Punya R. Shakya

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