
​Eighth Meeting of the South China Sea Traffic Flow Review Group (SCSTFRG/8)

(Bangkok, Thailand,  3 - 5 September 2019)

collapse Type Name : 2019 SCSTFRG8  ‎(21)
collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(1)
SCSTFRG8 Final Report.pdfSCSTFRG8 Final Report19 September 2019Secretariat (RSO) 
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(9)
AP-056-RSO Invitation SCSTFRG_8 (Bangkok Thailand 3-5Sep2019).pdf01SCSTFRG8 Invitation Letter13 May 2019Secretariat (RSO) 
Attachment A - Provisional Agenda.pdf02Attachment A - Provisional Agenda13 May 2019Secretariat (RSO) 
Attachment B - Registration Form.docx03Attachment B - Registration Form13 May 2019Secretariat (RSO) 
Attachment C - Meeting Bulletin.pdf04Attachment C - Meeting Bulletin13 May 2019Secretariat (RSO) 
SCSTFRG8 IP WP Template.docx05SCSTFRG8 IP WP Template13 May 2019Secretariat (RSO) 
OOB Order of Business (Revision)-Secretariat.pdf06 - Revision 1OOB Order of Business 29 August 2019Secretariat (RSO) 
OOD Order of Discussion-Secretariat.pdf07Order of Discussion28 August 2019Secretariat (RSO) 
SCSTFRG Side Meetings.pdf08SCSTFRG Side Meetings29 August 2019Secretariat (RSO) 
20190903-SCSTFRG8-Group-photo.jpg09Group Photo04 September 2019Secretariat (RSO) 
collapse Category : 3-Working Papers ‎(4)
WP01 Provisional Agenda-Secretariat.pdfWP01Provisional Agenda28 August 2019Secretariat (RSO) 
WP02 SCSTFRG Priority Areas-Secretariat.pdfWP02SCSTFRG Priority Areas28 August 2019Secretariat (RSO) 
WP03 Modelling and Simulation for Optimisation of ATS Route M771 and L642-Singapore.pdfWP03Modelling and Simulation for Optimisation of ATS Route M771 and L64228 August 2019Singapore 
WP04 SCSTFRG Terms of Reference and Task List-Secretariat.pdfWP04SCSTFRG Terms of Reference and Task List28 August 2019Secretariat (RSO) 
collapse Category : 4-Information Papers ‎(5)
IP01 List of Working and Information Papers (Revision 2)-Secretariat.pdfIP01 - Revision 2List of Working and Information Papers03 September 2019Secretariat (RSO) 
IP02 Initiatives to Optimize the Route Capacity of L642 and M771 within HK FIR-Hong Kong, China.pdfIP02Initiatives to Optimize the Route Capacity of L642 and M771 within Hong Kong FIR28 August 2019Hong Kong, China 
IP03 Implementation of 50NM on A461 and A583-Hong Kong, China.pdfIP03Reduced Longitudinal Spacing to Enhance Capacity on the Route Segments of A461 and A583 Between Hong Kong and Manila Flight Information Regions28 August 2019Hong Kong, China 
IP04 Civil_Military Cooperation Activities and Initiatives in APAC Region-Secretariat.pdfIP04Civil Military Cooperation Activities and Initiatives in APAC Region28 August 2019Secretariat (RSO) 
IP05 Civil_Military Cooperation-Malaysia.pdfIP05 Civil Military Cooperation28 August 2019Malaysia 
collapse Category : Flimsies ‎(2)
Flimsy01 50NM Separation between Ujung Pandang and Manila FIRs-Indonesia.pdfFlimsy 0150NM Separation between Ujung Pandang and Manila FIRs29 August 2019Indonesia 
FL02 Transition to the New Philippine ATMC-Philippines.pdfFlimsy 02Transition to the New Philippine ATMC02 September 2019Philippines 


For further information please contact:

Mr.Mior Adli Bin Mior Sallehhuddin​

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