ICAO Aviation Data and Analysis Seminar

(ICAO APAC Regional Office, Bangkok, Thailand, 10 - 13 December 2019)

collapse Type Name : 2019 ICAO ADA Seminar ‎(17)
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(5)
Invitation Letter.PDF01Invitation Letter18 October 2019Secretariat 
Seminar programme (updated).pdf02Seminar Programme (updated)10 December 2019Secretariat 
Attachment B - Nomination Form.docx03Nomination form18 October 2019Secretariat 
Event Bulletin.pdf04Event Bulletin18 October 2019Secretariat 
group photo ADA Seminar.pdf05Group Photo10 December 2019Secretariat 
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(12)
State of Air Transport in 2018 and The Role of Air Transport Connectivity.pdf01State of Air Transport in 2018 and The Role of Air Transport Connectivity12 December 2019ICAO 
Non-Urban Passenger Model (ITF).pdf02Non-Urban Passenger Model - Structure and Forecast11 December 2019ITF 
Economics of Airports (ACI).pdf03Economics of Airports11 December 2019ACI 
Economics of Airlines (IATA).pdf04Economics of Airlines 11 December 2019IATA 
Air Connectivity and Competition - Big Data Analytics.pdf05Air Connectivity and Competition - Big Data Analytics12 December 2019ICAO & ICM 
How does Turkish Airlines uses Data in Network Planning and Scheduling Activities.pdf06How does Turkish Airlines uses Data in Network Planning and Scheduling Activities11 December 2019Turkish Airlines 
Boeing Presentation - Airline Schedule Analysis.pdf07Airline Schedule Analysis12 December 2019Boeing 
Data Usage Analysis - Airports of Thailand.pdf08Data Usage Analysis 12 December 2019Airports of Thailand 
Environment_DATA ANALYSIS _SUSTAINABLE - CAAT.pdf09Environment-focused Data Analysis13 December 2019CAAT 
Experience of using data and analysis for policy making - CAAT.pdf10Experience of using data and analysis for policy making 13 December 2019CAAT 
ATM planning based on data analysis - AEROTHAI.pdf11ATM planning based on data analysis13 December 2019AEROTHAI 
GADA and GADA - BIT China.pdf12GADA and GADA13 December 2019Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) 


For further information please contact:

Mr. D. Parakrama Dissanayake

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