​COSCAP SEA-EASA Flight Operations Inspector Course

(ICAO APAC Regional Office, Bangkok, Thailand, 25 November – 6 December 2019)

collapse Type Name : 2019 COSCAP SEA-EASA FOI ‎(10)
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(5)
Invitation-COSCAP SEA-EASA Flight Operations Inspector Course 25 NOV-6 DEC 2019 BKK.pdf01Invitation9 OCT 2019COSCAP-SEA 
Attachment B - Registration Form.docx02Registration9 OCT 2019COSCAP-SEA 
COSCAP SEA-EASA FOI 25 NOV-6 DEC 2019 Programme update.pdf04Programme update12 NOV 2019COSCAP-SEA 
List of participant-COSCAP-SEA EASA EU-SEA FOI Course 25 NOV-6 DEC 2019 BKK vf.pdf05List of participants27 NOV 2019COSCAP-SEA 
20191125-Flight-OPS-Inspector-Course GP.jpg06Group photo27 NOV 2019COSCAP-SEA 
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(5)
1-LEGA 1.pdf01Introductin about Flight Operations Inspector Training21 JAN 2020EASA FOI Experts 
2-AOCP 1.pdf02AOC Process - ICAO EASA AIROPS CAA Inspector Course Operations - Initial21 JAN 2020EASA FOI Experts 
3-DOC8 1.pdf03Upcoming Changes ICAO DOC 8335 CAA Inspector Course Operations - Initial21 JAN 2020EASA FOI Experts 
4-Exercises 1.pdf04Exercises 1 NCC Operations21 JAN 2020EASA FOI Experts 
WORKSH 1.pdf05Worksheet21 JAN 2020EASA FOI Experts 


For further information please contact:

Mr. Michiel Vreedenburgh


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