Airport Collaborative Decision Making integration with Air Traffic Flow Management
workshop (A-CDM integration with ATFM Workshop)

(New Delhi, India, 02 – 04 December 2019)


collapse Type Name :  ‎(24)
collapse Category :  ‎(6)
ICAO State Letter AP116_19 A-CDM workshop.pdf01ICAO State Letter AP116_19 A-CDM workshop9 October 2019Secretariat-RSO 
Attachment A Information Bulletin v1.pdf02Attachment A Information Bulletin v19 October 2019Secretariat-RSO 
Attachment B - Outline of the A-CDM Integration with ATFM Workshop v1.pdf03Attachment B - Outline of the A-CDM Integration with ATFM Workshop v19 October 2019Secretariat-RSO 
Attachment C - Tentative Workshop Programme v1.1.pdf04Attachment C - Tentative Workshop Programme v1.19 October 2019Secretariat-RSO 
Attachment D - Registration Form.docx05Attachment D - Registration Form9 October 2019Secretariat-RSO 
Program Outline (Revised).pdf06Program Outline (Revised)2 December 2019Secretariat-RSO 
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(18)
ATFM Implementation - ICAO.pdfSP01ATFM Implementation - ICAO2 December 2019Secretariat-RO 
AUs Expectations - IATA.pdfSP02AUs Expectations - IATA29 November 2019IATA 
Thailand ATFM Implementation.pdfSP03Thailand ATFM Implementation 2 December 2019Thailand 
ATFM Implementation in India.pdfSP04 ATFM Implementation in India 2 December 2019 India 
ACDM Implementation in APAC Region.pdfSP05 ACDM Implementation in APAC Region 2 December 2019Secretariat-RO 
INTRODUCTION  to  A-CDM  systems.pdfSP06INTRODUCTION  to  A-CDM  systems 2 December 2019India 
JKIA A-CDM.pdfSP07 JKIA A-CDM 2 December 2019Kenya 
AFI ATFM.pdfSP08 AFI ATFM 3 December 2019ICAO(ESAF) 
Improving ATM Efficiencies through ATFM implementation.pdfSP09Improving ATM Efficiencies through ATFM implementation3 December 2019IATA 
Middle East Regional ATFM and Role of India.pdfSP10Middle East Regional ATFM and Role of India3 December 2019India 
BOBCAT.pdfSP11BOBCAT 3 December 2019Thailand 
Thailand ATFM Training.pdfSP12Thailand ATFM Training 4 December 2019Thailand 
ATFM Training in INDIA.pdfSP13ATFM Training in INDIA4 December 2019India 
ICAO works together with Member States.pdfSP14 ICAO works together with Member States4 December 2019ICAO 
ICAO Integration of A-CDM and ATFM.pdfSP15ICAO Integration of A-CDM and ATFM4 December 2019ICAO 
CDM ATFM Integration.pdfSP16CDM ATFM Integration 4 December 2019IATA 
ACDM integration with ATFM.pdfSP17-1ACDM integration with ATFM 4 December 2019India 


For further information please contact:

Mr. Hiroyuki Takata

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