Seventh Meeting of the South China Sea Traffic Flow Review Group (SCSTFRG/7)

(Manila, Philippines, 5-7 November 20 18)


collapse Type Name : 2018 SCSTFRG7 ‎(28)
collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(1)
SCSTFRG_7 Final Report.pdf01Final Report19 November 2018Secretariat 
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(7)
Invitation Letter.pdf01Invitation Letter13 September 2018Secretariat 
Provisional Agenda.pdf02Provisional Agenda13 September 2018Secretariat 
Registration Form.docx03Registration Form13 September 2018Secretariat 
Meeting Bulletin.pdf04Meeting Bulletin13 September 2018Secretariat 
IP WP Template.docx05IP WP Template13 September 2018Secretariat 
OOD Order of Discussion-Secretariat Revision 2.pdf06Order of Discussion04 November 2018Secretariat 
Group Photo.pdf07Group Photo12 November 2018Secretariat 
collapse Category : 3-Working Papers ‎(9)
AI1 WP01 Provisional Agenda-Secretariat.pdfAI1 WP1Provisional Agenda31 October 2018Secretariat 
AI2 WP02 Review of the South China Sea Operational Concept-Secretariat.pdfAI2 WP2Review of the South China Sea Operational Concept04 November 2018Secretariat 
AI2 WP09 Enhancement of Horizontal Separation on ATS Route M768-Indonesia.pdfAI2 WP9Enhancement of Horizontal Separation on ATS Route M76831 October 2018Indonesia 
AI3 WP05 Optimisation of M771 and L642-Singapore.pdfAI3 WP5Optimisation of M771 and L64231 October 2018Singapore 
AI4 WP03 APAC Region ATS Route Catalogue-Secretariat.pdfAI4 WP3APAC Region ATS Route Catalogue31 October 2018Secretariat 
AI4 WP04 SEA Route Review Implementation Plan Proposals-Secretariat.pdfAI4 WP4SEA Route Review Implementation Plan Proposals31 October 2018Secretariat 
AI4 WP06 Review of South China Sea FLOS-IFATCA.pdfAI4 WP6Review of South China Sea FLOS06 November 2018IFATCA 
AI4 WP07 Handling Overflight Traffic within KK FIR-Malaysia.pdfAI4 WP7Handling Overflight Traffic within KK FIR31 October 2018Malaysia 
AI5 WP08 SCSTFRG Task List-Secretariat.pdfAI5 WP8SCSTFRG Task List31 October 2018Secretariat 
collapse Category : 4-Information Papers ‎(8)
AI1 IP01 List of Working and Information Papers-Secretariat Revision 2.pdfAI1 IP1List of Working and Information Papers04 November 2018Secretariat 
AI2 IP03 Information Updates to the New Philippine ATM Center-Philippines.pdfAI2 IP3Information Updates to the New Philippine ATM Center31 October 2018Philippines 
AI2 IP04 ADS-C CPDLC Planned Implementation in Manila FIR-Philippines.pdfAI2 IP4ADS-C CPDLC Planned Implementation in Manila FIR31 October 2018Philippines 
AI2 IP05 Ujung Pandang ACC Re-Sectorisation Programme-Indonesia.pdfAI2 IP5Ujung Pandang ACC Re-Sectorisation Programme31 October 2018Indonesia 
AI2 IP08 Initiatives to Optimize Airspace Capacity in Hong Kong FIR-Hong Kong China.pdfAI2 IP8Initiatives to Optimize Airspace Capacity in Hong Kong FIR04 November 2018Hong Kong China 
AI3 IP07 Updated WPAC SCS 2017 TSD Visualisation-MAAR.pdfAI3 IP7Updated WPAC SCS 2017 TSD Visualisation01 November 2018MAAR 
AI7 IP02 PBN Airspace Design Workshop.pdfAI7 IP2PBN Airspace Design Workshop31 October 2018Secretariat 
AI7 IP06 Space Based ADS-B and Flow Management-ICCAIA.pdfAI7 IP6Space Based ADS-B and Flow Management31 October 2018ICCAIA 
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(3)
AI4 WP06 Review of South China Sea FLOS-IFATCA presentation.pdfAI4 WP6Review of South China Sea FLOS Presentation06 November 2018IFATCA 
AI4 WP07 Handling Overflight Traffic within KK FIR-Malaysia presentation.pdfAI4 WP7Handling Overflight Traffic within KK FIR Presentation06 November 2018Malaysia 
AI7 IP06 Space Based ADS-B and Flow Management-ICCAIA presentation.pdfAI7 IP6Space Based ADS-B and Flow Management Presentation06 November 2018ICCAIA 


For further information please contact:

Mr. Mior Adli Bin Mior Sallehhuddin

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