​COSCAP South East Asia

Aerodrome Certification Course

(Bangkok, Thailand, 17-21 September 2018)


collapse Type Name : 2018 COSCAP-SEA AGA ‎(4)
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(4)
Invitation Letter.pdf01Invitation Letter & Bulletin25 June 2018COSCAP-SEA 
Nomination Form.docx02Nomination Form25 June 2018COSCAP-SEA 
List of participant - COSCAP-SEA Aerodrome Certification Course 17-21 SEPT 2018 BKK vf.pdf03List of participant25 September 2018COSCAP-SEA 
Group photo COSCAP-SEA Aerodrome Certification Course 17-21 SEPT 2018 BKK.pdf04Group photo25 September 2018COSCAP-SEA 


For further information please contact:

Mr. Michiel Vreedenburgh



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