Sixth Meeting of the Asia Pacific Accident Investigation Group (APAC-AIG/6)
(Bangkok, Thailand, 11 to 12 October 2018) and
ICAO Regional Accident Investigation Workshop, Asia and Pacific Regions
(Bangkok, Thailand, 8 to 10 October 2018)

collapse Type Name : 2018 APAC-AIG6 & Workshop    ‎(31)
collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(1)
APAC-AIG6 - Record of Discussions and Decisions Conclusions FINAL 2018-10-12.pdfRecord of Discussions and Conclusions of the APAC-AIG/6 Meeting16 October 2018 
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(8)
group photo APAC-AIG6.pdfGroup Photo11 Oct. 2018 
List of participants - APAC-AIG-6 Meeting[11Oct2018].pdfList of Participants (any update please send to: Oct. 2018 
APAC-AIG6 - Meeting Programme_updated.pdf-Meeting Programme4 Oct. 2018 
AP083-18-FS - INV_APAC-AIG.pdf01Letter of Invitation 8 August 2018 
AP083-18-FS Att A - Provisional agenda.pdf02Provisional Agenda (APAC-AIG/6)8 August 2018 
AP083-18-FS Att D - Meeting Bulletin.pdf04Meeting Bulletin8 August 2018 
List of Hotels.pdf04.1List of Hotels 
AP083-18-FS Att C - Registration Form.pdf05Registration Form8 August 2018 
collapse Category : 3-Working Papers ‎(13)
APAC-AIG6 WP-01 AI_0 - [SEC] Adoption of Agenda.pdfWP/01Adoption of Agenda4 Oct. 2018Secretariat 
APAC-AIG6 WP-02 AI_1 - [Chairman] Update on APAC-AIG activities.pdfWP/02Update on APAC-AIG Activities 4 Oct. 2018Chairman APAC-AIG 
APAC-AIG6 WP-03 AI_1 -  [SEC] 1st Asia Pacific Ministerial Conference on Civil Aviation.pdfWP/03First Asia/Pacific Ministerial Conference on Civil Aviation4 Oct. 2018Secretariat 
APAC-AIG6 WP-04 AI_2 - [Australia] Amendment 16 to Annex 13.pdfWP/04Amendment 16 to Annex 134 Oct. 2018Australia 
APAC-AIG6 WP-05 AI_2 - [Australia] Proposed amendment to Annex 13.pdfWP/05Proposed amendments to Annex 134 Oct. 2018Australia 
APAC-AIG6 WP-06 AI_3 - [HKG].pdfWP/06Establishment of the Air Accident Investigation Authority in Hong Kong4 Oct. 2018Hong Kong, China 
APAC-AIG6 WP-07 AI_3 - [Singapore] Usefulness of Field Investigation Exercise.pdfWP/07Usefulness of Field Investigation Exercise4 Oct. 2018Singapore 
APAC-AIG6 WP-08 AI_3 - [Singapore] TSIB Sea Search Exercise 2018.pdfWP/08TSIB Sea Search Exercise 20184 Oct. 2018Singapore 
APAC-AIG6 WP-09 AI_3 - [FRA] Overview of the BEA Analysis Framework.pdfWP/09Overview of the BEA Analysis Framework4 Oct. 2018France 
APAC-AIG6 WP-10 AI_5 - [Chairman] Updates to Work Plan.pdfWP/10Updates to Work Plan4 Oct. 2018Chairman APAC-AIG 
APAC-AIG6 WP-11 AI_6 - [MYS] Investigation Training Developments.pdfWP/11Investigation Training Developments in Malaysia4 Oct. 2018Malaysia 
APAC-AIG6 WP-12 AI_6 - [MYS] Preparation for APAC-AIG7.pdfWP/12Preparations for APAC-AIG/74 Oct. 2018Malaysia 
APAC-AIG6 WP-13 AI_6 - [Singapore] Attachment of CI Rwanda to TSIB.pdfWP/13Attachment of Chief Investigator of Rwanda to TSIB Singapore4 Oct. 2018Singapore 
collapse Category : 4-Information Papers ‎(9)
APAC-AIG6 - IP-01 AI_1 - List of Papers.pdfIP/01List of Papers4 Oct. 2018- 
APAC-AIG6 IP-02 AI_1 - [SEC] APAC-AIG direct reporting to RASGAPAC.pdfIP/02APAC-AIG Direct Reporting to RASG-APAC4 Oct. 2018Secretariat 
APAC-AIG6 IP-03 AI_2 - [Singapore] 4th Meeting of ICAO Accident Investigation Panel.pdfIP/03Fourth Meeting of the ICAO Accident Investigation Panel (AIGP)4 Oct. 2018Singapore 
APAC-AIG6 IP-04 AI_3 - [Australia Indonesia] Investigation Analysis Training for APAC.pdfIP/04Investigation Analysis Training for APAC States/Administrations4 Oct. 2018Australia and Indonesia 
APAC-AIG6 IP-05 AI_3 - [Singapore] 4th International Accident Investigation Forum.pdfIP/054th International Accident Investigation Forum4 Oct. 2018Singapore 
APAC-AIG6 IP-06 AI_3 - [Singapore] Transport Safety Investigations Act.pdfIP/06Transport Safety Investigations Act4 Oct. 2018Singapore 
APAC-AIG6 IP-07 AI_4 - [Singapore] AsiaSASI Workshop.pdfIP/07Asian Society of Air Safety Investigators Workshop5 Oct. 2018Singapore 
APAC-AIG6 IP-08 AI_4 - [Singapore] OJT for Flight Recorder Specialists.pdfIP/08On-the-job Training for Flight Recorder Specialists4 Oct. 2018Singapore 
APAC-AIG6 IP-09 AI_6 - [Singapore] Voluntary SSP Assessment by ICAO.pdfIP/09Voluntary State Safety Programme Assessment by ICAO4 Oct. 2018Singapore 
collapse Type Name : ICAO Regional Accident Investigation Workshop, Asia and Pacific Regions ‎(5)
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(4)
AP083-18-FS Att B - Workshop outline.pdfICAO APAC Regional Accident Investigation Workshop outline8 August 2018 
APAC AIG-6 Workshop schedule.pdfWorkshop Schedule4 October 2018 
group photo.pdf-Group Photo08 Oct. 2018 
List of participants - AIG Workshop [8Oct2018].pdf-List of Participants (any update please send to Oct. 2018 
collapse Category : Documentation ‎(1)
APAC AIG Investigation Analysis Workshop manual.pdfAPAC AIG Investigation Analysis Workshop Manual4 Oct. 2018 

 For further information please contact:

Mr.SM Nazmul Anam

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