Workshop on implementation of the ICAO Meteorologic Information Exchange Model (IWXXM)
for the Exchange of Operational Meteorological (OPMET) Data
(Hong Kong, China, 10-12 October 2017)

collapse Type Name : 2017 IWXXM-OPMET ‎(35)
collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(1)
IWXXM_Workshop_SoD-final.pdfSummary of Discussions22 Mar. 2018Secretariat 
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(9)
AP084-17-MET.pdfLetter of invitation04 August 2017Secretariat 
AP084 - Attachment 1.pdfAttachment 1 - Workshop information04 August 2017Secretariat 
AP084 - Attachment 2.pdfAttachment 2 - Information for participants04 August 2017Secretariat 
AP084 - Attachment 3.pdfAttachment 3 - Nomination form04 August 2017Secretariat 
IWXXM_HongKong_Workshop_Programme.pdfWork Programme09 Oct. 2017Secretariat 
General_Introduction.pdfIntroduction11 October 2017Secretariat 
Group_photo.pdfGroup Photo12 October 2017Secretariat 
2-General-Photo_Album.pdfPhoto Album16 October 2017Secretariat 
Amended_General_workshop_participants_v3.pdfList of Participants (Revised 20/10/17)24 Oct. 2017Secretariat 
collapse Category : 3-Overview ‎(6)
SP01_Sue_IWXXM_Workshop_HKG_GANP_ASBU.pdfSP/01Global aspects – IWXXM and its importance to Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP) and Aviation System Block Upgrade (ASBU)11 October 2017Australian BoM / ICAO MET Panel member 
SP02_Peter_ICAO-presentation-1.pdfSP/02Regional aspects – Roles and responsibilities of ICAO APAC groups involving IWXXM11 October 2017Secretariat 
SP03_Tim_Regional Considerations.pdfSP/03 Regional Considerations for the Implementation of IWXXM & AMHS11 October 2017Chair of MET/IE WG 
SP04_Patrick_IWXXM Experience   EUR Region.pdfSP/04IWXXM Experience in EUR Region 11 October 2017Meteo France 
SP05 - Requirements and current implementation status.pdfSP/05Requirements and Current Implementation Status16 October 2017Secretariat 
3-Overview-SP06_WMO-Collaboration_in_development_of_IWXXM.pdfSP/06Collaboration in the Development of IWXXM16 October 2017WMO 
collapse Category : 4-Technical Aspects ‎(6)
SP01_Aaron_20171010-Introduction to IWXXM Development of an XMLâpGML representation of OPMET information.pdfSP/01Introduction to IWXXM – Development of an XML/GML representation of OPMET information11 October 2017NCAR 
SP02_Choy_IWXXM_Encoding.pdfSP/02Introduction to IWXXM – Message encoding examples11 October 2017Hong Kong Observatory 
SP03_Choy_WMO_Code_Registry.pdfSP/03Introduction to IWXXM – The WMO Code Registry11 October 2017Hong Kong Observatory 
Amended_Technical_SP04_Aaron_20171011-IWXXM-Validation-and-resources_v2.pdfSP/04IWXXM Validation and Resources (Revised 12/10/17)12 October 2017NCAR 
SP05_Choy_TAC_to_IWXXM.pdfSP/05Translation of TAC to IWXXM11 October 2017Hong Kong Observatory 
SP06_Aaron_20171012-Further Evolution of IWXXM.pdfSP/06Further evolution of IWXXM11 October 2017NCAR 
collapse Category : 5-Plans and experiences on IWXXM implementation and exchange ‎(13)
SP01_Australia - Status and Plans.pdfSP/01Australia's Status & Plans for IWXXM & AMHS11 October 2017Australia 
SP02_China_Implementation of IWXXM in China v2.pdfSP/02Implementation of IWXXM in China11 October 2017China 
SP03_HongKongChina_IWXXM development prgress in HKG.pdfSP/03Status of IWXXM Implementation in Hong Kong SAR11 October 2017Hong Kong, China 
SP04_Japan_IWXXM_plan_RODB_Tokyo.pdfSP/04IWXXM Implementation Plan of RODB Tokyo11 October 2017Japan 
SP05_MacaoChina_IWXXM Implementation plan of Macao, China.pdfSP/05 IWXXM Implementation Plan of Macao, China11 October 2017Macao, China 
SP06_Malaysia_MMD STATUS.pdfSP/06 IWXXM Implementation Plan of Malaysia11 October 2017Malaysia 
SP07_Maldives_IWXXM-b.pdfSP/06 Plans and experiences on IWXXM implementation and exchange in Maldives11 October 2017Maldives 
SP08_Morocco_Workshop.HongKong.IWXXM.10-12Oct2017.Morocco.pdfSP/08IWXXM Implementation Plan of Morocco12 October 2017Morocco 
SP09_NewZealand_NZMS IWXXM implementation.pdfSP/09IWXXM/AMHS Implementation at New Zealand MetService12 October 2017New Zealand 
SP10_Korea_KMA_eng_171012.pdfSP/10Status and Plans for IWXXM in Republic of Korea12 October 2017Republic of Korea 
SP11_Seychelles_Country Report- Hong Kong Workshop.pdfSP/11Status and Plans for IWXXM and AMHS in Seychelles12 October 2017Seychelles 
SP12 - 5-Plans_Thailand AMHS and IWXXM Implementation Status.pdfSP/12Thailand’s AMHS and IWXXM Implementation Status19 Oct. 2017Thailand 
SP13_Vietnam_VATM.pdfSP/13A Brief Introduction about VATM/Aviation MET Service in Viet Nam & AMHS/IWXXM Plan12 October 2017Viet Nam 


For further information please contact:

Mr. Peter Dunda

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