ICAO Workshop on competency-based training for Air Traffic Controllers (ATCO)
and Air Traffic Safety Electronic Personnel (ATSEP)

(Bangkok, Thailand, 19-21 June 2017)

AP163-16-CNS.pdfLetter of invitation23 January 2017Secretaroat 
Attachment 1 - Meeting Bulletin.pdfMeeting Bulletin23 Jan. 2016Secretariat 
Attachment 2 - Nomination Form.pdfRegistration Form23 Jan. 2017Secretariat 
CNS0090.pdfA corrigendum on date of the ICAO CBT for ATCO and ATSEP Workshop02 May 2017Secretariat 
Draft tentative programme - APAC final - web.pdfTentative Programme25 May 2017Secretariat 
ICAO CBT Workshop for ATCO and ATSEP Group Photo.pdfGroup photo19 June 2017Secretariat 
ATCO Competency Framework.xlsxATCO Competency Framework (Right click the link and click “Save Target as…”21 June 2017New Zealand 
ICAO APAC CBT workshop 2017 - keynotes - final rev 2.pdfKeynotes of the APAC CBT Workshop 201703 August 2017Secretariat 

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