​Third Meeting of the Common Aeronautical Virtual Private Network Operations Group (CRV OG/3)

(Bangkok, Thailand, 18-20 December 2017)    

collapse Type Name : 2017 CRV_OG3 ‎(21)
collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(1)
Final Report of CRV OG-3- meeting_Rev.pdfFinal Report28 Mar. 2022Secretariat 
collapse Category : 3-Working Papers ‎(15)
WP01_ICAO - Provisional Agenda.pdfWP/01Provisional Agenda27 Nov. 2017Secretariat 
WP02-AI3 - Outcome of DGCA Conf54 on CRV.pdfWP/02Review of the Outcomes of Relevant Meetings 30 Nov. 2017Secretariat 
WP03-AI3 - Outcome of APANPIRG28  on CRV.pdfWP/03Outcome of APANPIRG/28 meeting on CRV30 Nov. 2017Secretariat 
WP04_Task Lead AI3 - Outcome of  Itermmediate.pdfWP/04Outcome of Intermediate Review Meeting on CRV Engineering Package12 Dec. 2017Secretariat and Task Lead 
WP05_ICAO AI.3 - Communication strategy and CRV implementation plan updates revised.pdfWP/05Strategy for Implementation of Communication Infrastructure and Updated to CRV Implementation Plan 11 Dec. 2017Secretariat 
WP06_NZ AI.4 - CRV Pilot Project Test Plan_Pilot Service Acceptance Testing.pdfWP/06Pilot Test Plan /Pilot Service Acceptance Test12 Dec. 2017New Zealand 
WP07_Task Lead - Final Review  of Engineering Package  rev.pdfWP/07Final Review of  CRV Engineering Package18 Dec. 2017Task Lead 
Document flow v2.2.pdfWP/07 - AttachmentDocument Flow (V2.2)18 Dec. 2017Task Lead 
WP07_Attachment - Common package - change control v9.pdfWP/07 - AttachmentCommon Package (Change Control V.9)18 Dec. 2017Task Lead 
WP07_Attachment - Intermediate review - 24July17 v10.pdfWP/07 - AttachmentIntermediate Review (24 July 2017 - V10)18 Dec. 2017Task Lead 
WP08_AUS AI.4 - Proof Of Concept-High Level Design.pdfWP/08Proof of Concept Plan Including High Level Network Design12 Dec. 17Airservices Australia 
WP09_SIN AI.6 - CRV Implementation Plan draft v5_rev.pdfWP/09Review of the Working Draft of the CRV Implementation Plan, Version 0.528 Mar. 2022Singapore 
WP10_HKG and THA AI.3 - Technical Trial on CRV Hong Kong and Bangkok.pdfWP/10A Joint Technical Trial on Asia Pacific Common Regional Virtual Private Network between Hong Kong China and Thailand18 Dec. 2017Hong Kong China and Thailand 
WP11_USA_AI. 4 - CRV Contract End Date clean copy.pdfWP/11CRV Contract Starting and End Dates for Initial Five Years Phase18 Dec. 2017FAA, USA 
WP12_USA AI.4 -VoIP and Analog Voice ICD.pdfWP/12CRV Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and Analog Voice Interface Control Document (ICD)04 Jan. 2018FAA, USA 
collapse Category : 4-Information Papers ‎(5)
IP01_ICAO - Meeting Bulletin.pdfIP/01Meeting Bulletin27 Nov. 2017Secretariat 
IP02_RUS AI.9 - AMHS Implementation in Russia.pdfIP/02AMHS  Implementation  in  Russia27 Nov. 2017Russian Federation 
IP03_Outcome of  1st meeting of sterring commeettee.pdfIP/03Outcome of CRV 1st Meeting of CRV Steering Committee 14 Dec. 2017Secretariat 
IP04_Indonesia AI. 6 - National Aeronautical Com Network.pdfIP/04National Aeronautical Communication Network of Indonesia13 Dec. 2017Indonesia 
IP05_French DNSA AI.10 -CRV OG-3 DSNA Position Ver4-DSNA update-Revised.pdfIP/05CRV DSNA Position18 Dec. 2017DSNA, France 
collapse Type Name : CRV_OG3 ‎(6)
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(6)
AP112-17-CNS.pdfLetter of invitation02 Oct. 2017Secretariat 
AP112 - Attachment A - Provisional Agenda.pdfAttachment A - Provisional Agenda02 Oct. 2017Secretariat 
AP112 - Attachment B - Meeting Bulletin.pdfAttachment B - Meeting Bulletin02 Oct. 2017Secretariat 
AP112 - Attachment C - Nomination Form.pdfAttachment C - Nomination Form02 Oct. 2017Secretariat 
WP-IP template.dotmWP/IP Template21 Nov. 2017Secretariat 
group photo crv og3.pdfGroup photo19 Dec. 2017Secretariat 

For further information please contact:
Mr. Li Peng

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