Type Name : (52)
 Category : 1-Report (1)
| |  | | Final Report for RASMAG/21 | Final report with all att | June 21, 2016 | Secretariat | |
 Category : 2-General Information (8)
| |  | | RASMAG/21 Invitation Letter | AP032 RASMAG21 Invitation Letter | Mar 16, 2016 | Secretariat | |
| |  | | Provisional Agenda | App A Provisional Agenda | Mar 16, 2016 | Secretariat | |
| |  | | Registration Form | App B Registration Form | Mar 16, 2016 | Secretariat | |
| |  | | Meeting Bulletin | App C Meeting Bulletin | Mar 16, 2016 | Secretariat | |
| |  | | RASMAG/21 IP/WP Template | RASMAG IPWP Template | Mar 22, 2016 | Secretariat | |
| |  | | Order of Discussion | OOD | June 14, 2016 | Secretariat | |
| |  | | Group Photo RASMAG/21 | group photo RASMAG21 | June 14, 2016 | Secretariat | |
| |  | | List of Participation (Any updated, please sent to pjirawiwatkul@icao.int) | RASMAG21 Participants list | June 14, 2016 | Secretariat | |
 Category : 3-Working Papers (36)
| |  | WP01 | Provisional Agenda | WP01 Provisional Agenda | June 09, 2016 | Secretariat | |
| |  | WP02 | Relevant Meeting Outcomes | WP02 Relevant Meeting Outcomes with att | June 13, 2016 | Secretariat | |
| |  | WP03 | FIT - Asia/5 Outcomes | WP03 FITAsia5 Outcomes-3 | June 11, 206 | Secretariat | |
| |  | WP04 | RASMAG-MAWG3 Report | WP04 RASMAG-MAWG3 Report with att | June 09, 2016 | Australia | |
| |  | WP05 | AAMA Vertical Safety Report | WP05 AAMA Vertical Safety Report with att | June 09, 2016 | Australia | |
| |  | WP06 updated | China Vertical Safety Report | WP06 China Vertical Safety Report | June 14, 2016 | China | |
| |  | WP07 | JASMA Vertical Safety Report | WP07 JASMA Vertical Safety Report | June 09, 2016 | Japan | |
| |  | WP08 | MAAR Vertical Safety Report | WP08 MAAR Vertical Safety Report | June 09, 2016 | Thailand | |
| |  | WP09 | Hot Spot Analysis | WP09 Hot Spot Analysis (MAAR) | June 09, 2016 | Thailand | |
| |  | WP10 | Estimation of Vertical Overlap Probability for BOB and WPAC-SCS Regions | WP10 Estimation of Vertical Overlap Probability for BOB and WPAC-SCS Regions (MAAR) | June 09, 2016 | Thailand | |
| |  | WP11 | PARMO Vertical Safety Report | WP11 PARMO Vertical Safety Report | June 09, 2016 | USA | |
| |  | WP12 | AKARA Safety Assessment | WP12 AKARA Safety Assessment (USA) | June 13, 2016 | USA | |
| |  | WP13 | Vertical Overlap Probability Parameter Re-Estimation | WP13 Vertical Overlap Probability Parameter Re-Estimation (USA) | June 11, 206 | USA | |
| |  | WP14 | Horizontal Risk Assessment for the Brisbane and Melbourne FIRs | WP14 Horizontal Risk Assessment for the Brisbane and Melbourne FIRs | June 09, 2016 | Australia | |
| |  | WP15 | BOBASMA Horizontal Safety Report | WP15 BOBASMA Horizontal Safety Report | June 09, 2016 | India | |
| |  | WP16 | JASMA Horizontal Safety Report | WP16 JASMA Horizontal Safety Report | June 09, 2016 | Japan | |
| |  | WP17 | PARMO Horizontal Safety Report | WP17 PARMO Horizontal Safety Report with att | June 09, 2016 | USA | |
| |  | WP18 | SEASMA Horizontal Safety Report | WP18 SEASMA Horizontal Safety Report | June 09, 2016 | Singapore | |
| |  | WP19 | LHD material package 2016 | WP19 LHD material package with att | June 09, 2016 | Thailand | |
| |  | WP20 | AAMA Assessment of Non-RVSM Approved Aircraft | WP20 AAMA Assessment of Non-RVSM Approved Aircraft | June 09, 2016 | Australia | |
| |  | WP21 | China RMA Assessment of Non-RVSM Approved Aircraft | WP21 China RMA Assessment of Non-RVSM Approved Aircraft | June 09, 2016 | China | |
| |  | WP22 | JASMA Assessment of Non-RVSM Approved Aircraft | WP22 JASMA Assessment of Non-RVSM Approved Aircraft | June 09, 2016 | Japan | |
| |  | WP23 | MAAR Assessment of Non-RVSM Approved Aircraft | WP23 MAAR Assessment of Non-RVSM Approved Aircraft | June 09, 2016 | Thailand | |
| |  | WP24 | PARMO Assessment of Non-RVSM Approved Aircraft | WP24 PARMO Assessment of Non-RVSM Approved Aircraft | June 09, 2016 | USA | |
| |  | WP25 | AAMA LTHM Burden Estimate Update | WP25 AAMA LTHM Burden Estimate Update with att | June 09, 2016 | Australia | |
| |  | WP26 updated | China RMA LTHM Burden Estimate Update | WP26 China RMA LTHM Burden Estimate Update | June 14, 2016 | China | |
| |  | WP27 | JASMA LTHM Burden Estimate Update | WP27 JASMA LTHM Burden Estimate Update | June 09, 2016 | Japan | |
| |  | WP28 | MAAR LTHM Burden Estimate Update | WP28 MAAR LTHM Burden Estimate Update | June 09, 2016 | Thailand | |
| |  | WP29 | PARMO LTHM Burden Estimate Update | WP29 PARMO LTHM Burden Estimate Update | June 09, 2016 | USA | |
| |  | WP30 | Regional Safety Monitoring Assessment | WP30 Regional Safety Monitoring Assessment-2 | June 11, 206 | Secretariat | |
| |  | WP31 | Recent Change In A320’s Altimetry System Error | WP31 Recent Change In A320’s Altimetry System Error | June 09, 2016 | Thailand | |
| |  | WP32 | Comparison of Average ASE by Aircraft Group ASE and RMA | WP32 Comparison of Average ASE by Aircraft Group ASE and RMA | June 09, 2016 | Thailand | |
| |  | WP33 | Progress Made in China’s LHD Reporting | WP33 Progress Made In China’s LHD Reporting | June 09, 2016 | China | |
| |  | WP34 | The Requirement for a BOBASIO RMA | WP34 The Requirement for a BOBASIO RMA | June 09, 2016 | India | |
| |  | WP35 | Competent Airspace Safety Monitoring Organizations | WP35 Competent Airspace Safety Monitoring Organizations with att | June 09, 2016 | Secretariat | |
| |  | WP36 | RASMAG Task List | WP36 RASMAG Task List with att | June 09, 2016 | Secretariat | |
 Category : 4-Information Papers (7)
| |  | IP01 | List of Papers | IP01 List of Papers-5 | June 10, 206 | Secretariat | |
| |  | IP02 | RMACG11 Report | IP02 RMACG11 Report with att | June 13, 2016 | Australia | |
| |  | IP03 | Role and responsibilities of EMA regarding PBCS (Japan) | IP03 Role and responsibilities of EMA regarding PBCS (Japan) with att | June 09, 2016 | Japan | |
| |  | IP04 | China RMA’S Attendance at APRAST8 | IP04 China RMA’S Attendance at APRAST8 | June 09, 2016 | China | |
| |  | IP05 | Integration of Unmanned Aircraft Systems | IP05 Integration of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (USA) | June 09, 2016 | USA | |
| |  | IP06 | Updating the Global Aviation Safety Plan | IP06 Updating the Global Aviation Safety Plan (USA) | June 09, 2016 | USA | |
| |  | IP07 | Latest Monitoring Results from the Setouchi HMU (Japan) | IP07 Latest Monitoring Results from the Setouchi HMU (Japan) | June 09, 2016 | Japan | |