Cross-Border ATFM Workshop India
(New Delhi, India, 03-04 September 2015)
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collapse Type Name : 2015 ATFM WS-India ‎(13)
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SP01 ICAO Doc9971 and APAC Cross Border ATFM Initiatives.pdfSP01ICAO Doc9971 and APAC Cross Border ATFM Initiatives SP01 ICAO Doc9971 and APAC Cross Border ATFM InitiativesOct 15, 2015ICAO 
SP02  Airline Perspective on ATFM.pdfSP02Airline Perspective on ATFM SP02 Airline Perspective on ATFMOct 15, 2015ICAO 
SP03 CANSO Role in ATFM in the Region.pdfSP03CANSO Role in ATFM in the Region SP03 CANSO Role in ATFM in the RegionOct 15, 2015CANSO 
SP04 Description Domestic and Cross Border ATFM.pdfSP04Description Domestic and Cross Border ATFM SP04 Description Domestic and Cross Border ATFMOct 15, 2015IATA 
SP05 Why Cross Border ATFM.pdfSP05Why Cross Border ATFM SP05 Why Cross Border ATFMOct 15, 2015Singapore 
SP06 Cross Border Multi-Nodal ATFM Concept.pdfSP06Cross Border Multi-Nodal ATFM Concept SP06 Cross Border Multi-Nodal ATFM ConceptOct 15, 2015Thailand 
SP07 Cross-border ATFM Taking a Regional view.pdfSP07Cross-border ATFM Taking a Regional view SP07 Cross-border ATFM Taking a Regional viewOct 15, 2015China 
SP08 Asia Pacific Region Draft Framework for Collaborative ATFM.pdfSP08Asia Pacific Region Draft Framework for Collaborative ATFM SP08 Asia Pacific Region Draft Framework for Collaborative ATFMOct 15, 2015ICAO 
SP09 Role of ATFM in Managing Adverse WeatherCyclones.pdfSP09Role of ATFM in Managing Adverse Weather Cyclones SP09 Role of ATFM in Managing Adverse WeatherCyclonesOct 15, 2015India 
SP10 How ATFM Assists with the Disaster Recovery.pdfSP10How ATFM Assists with the Disaster Recovery SP10 How ATFM Assists with the Disaster RecoveryOct 15, 2015Japan 
SP11 Distributed Multi-Nodal ATFM Operational Trial.pdfSP11Distributed Multi-Nodal ATFM Operational Trial SP11 Distributed Multi-Nodal ATFM Operational TrialOct 15, 2015Singapore 
SP12 From BOBCAT to Cross-Border ATFM.pdfSP12From BOBCAT to Cross-Border ATFM SP12 From BOBCAT to Cross-Border ATFMOct 15, 2015Thailand 
SP13 From Domestic to Cross Border ATFM -.pdfSP13From Domestic to Cross Border ATFM SP13 From Domestic to Cross Border ATFM -Oct 15, 2015Japan 

 For further information please contact:
Mr. Hiroyuki Takata 
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