
Workshop on the ICAO Cabin Crew Safety Training Manual
(Singapore, 23 to 25 July 2014)��
collapse Type Name : 2014 TRG ‎(6)
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(6)
1_ AP0076-14-FS _ Cabin crew worshop.pdf01Invitation Letter1_ AP0076-14-FS _ Cabin crew worshop26 May 2014 
2 _ AP076-14-FS _ Attachment A - Programme.pdf02Programme2 _ AP076-14-FS _ Attachment A - Programme26 May 2014 
3 _ AP076-14-FS _ Attachment B - Registration Form.docx03Registration Form3 _ AP076-14-FS _ Attachment B - Registration Form26 May 2014 
4 _ AP076-14-FS _ Attachment C - Bulletin Workshop.pdf04Training Bulletin4 _ AP076-14-FS _ Attachment C - Bulletin Workshop26 May 2014 
5 _ AP076-14-FS _ Useful Travel Infomation.pdf05Useful Information for Participants5 _ AP076-14-FS _ Useful Travel Infomation26 May 2014 
6 _ AP076-14-FS _ Annex I - List of hotel (SAA rate 1 Apr 14).pdf06List of Hotel6 _ AP076-14-FS _ Annex I - List of hotel (SAA rate 1 Apr 14)26 May 2014 

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