
Fourth Meeting of the Asia/Pacific Air Traffic Flow Management Steering Group (ATFM/SG/4)
(01 -  05 December 2014, Bangkok, Thailand)
collapse Type Name : 2014 ATFM-SG4 ‎(42)
collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(1)
Final Report ATFMSG4.pdfFinal Report for ATFM/SG/4Final Report ATFMSG4Dec 22, 2014Secretariat 
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(9)
AP0127_14 ATFMSG4 Invitation Letter (only).pdfATFM/SG/4 Invitation LetterAP0127_14 ATFMSG4 Invitation Letter (only)Sep 04, 2014Secretariat 
ATFMSG4 Meeting Bulletin.pdfMeeting BulletinATFMSG4 Meeting BulletinSep 04, 2014Secretariat 
ATFMSG4 Provisional Agenda.pdfProvisional AgendaATFMSG4 Provisional AgendaSep 04, 2014Secretariat 
ATFMSG4.pdfRegistration FormATFMSG4Sep 04, 2014Secretariat 
ATFM WP IP Template.docATFM/SG/4 WP IP TemplateATFM WP IP TemplateSep 04, 2014Secretariat 
Order of Discussion.pdfOrder of DiscussionOrder of DiscussionDec 02, 2014Secretariat 
Order of Business.pdfOrder of BusinessOrder of BusinessNov 30, 2014Secretariat 
group photo ATFMSG4 1-5 Dec 2014.pdfGroup Photo ATFM/SG/4group photo ATFMSG4 1-5 Dec 2014Dec 01, 2014Secretariat 
Participant list ATFMSG4 update 01122014.docxList of Participation for ATFM/SG/4Participant list ATFMSG4 update 01122014Dec 01, 2014Secretariat 
collapse Category : 3-Working Papers ‎(21)
WP01 Provisional Agenda.pdfWP01Provisional AgendaWP01 Provisional AgendaNov 27, 2014Secretariat 
WP02 Related Meeting Outcomes.pdfWP02Related Meeting OutcomesWP02 Related Meeting OutcomesNov 27, 2014Secretariat 
WP03 IATA ATFM Study reduce file.pdfWP03IATA ATFM StudyWP03 IATA ATFM Study reduce fileNov 24, 2014IATA 
WP04 Proposed Draft ATFM Concept of Operations.pdfWP04Proposed Draft ATFM Concept of Operations WP04 Proposed Draft ATFM Concept of OperationsNov 25, 2014Secretariat 
WP05 Progress of The Collaborative Air Traffic Flow Management Operational Trial.pdfWP05Progress of The Collaborative Air Traffic Flow Management Operational Trial WP05 Progress of The Collaborative Air Traffic Flow Management Operational TrialNov 25, 2014Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Thailand, other States and International Organizations 
WP06 ATFM Terminology.pdfWP06ATFM TerminologyWP06 ATFM TerminologyNov 25, 2014Canso and Thailand 
WP07 ATFM Workshop Asia Pacific 2014.pdfWP07ATFM Workshop Asia Pacific 2014 WP07 ATFM Workshop Asia Pacific 2014Nov 25, 2014ICAO  
WP08 North Asia Region ATFM Harmonization Group.pdfWP08North Asia Region ATFM Harmonization Group WP08 North Asia Region ATFM Harmonization GroupNov 25, 2014China, Japan and Republic of Korea 
WP09 ATFM Training Requirements.pdfWP09ATFM Training RequirementsWP09 ATFM Training RequirementsNov 26, 2014EU-AATIP, supported by Thailand 
WP10 ATFM Principles.pdfWP10ATFM PrinciplesWP10 ATFM PrinciplesNov 27, 2014Secretariat 
WP11 ASBU Block-0 Applicability to the Regional ATFM Framework.pdfWP11ASBU Block-0 Applicability to the Regional ATFM FrameworkWP11 ASBU Block-0 Applicability to the Regional ATFM FrameworkNov 27, 2014Secretariat 
WP12 ATFM Communications.pdfWP12ATFM CommunicationsWP12 ATFM CommunicationsNov 28, 2014Secretariat 
WP13 CDM  for Regional ATFM.pdfWP13CDM  for Regional ATFMWP13 CDM for Regional ATFMNov 28, 2014India 
WP14 ATFM Interface with A-CDM.pdfWP14ATFM Interface with A-CDMWP14 ATFM Interface with A-CDMNov 29, 2014Secretariat 
WP15 ATFM Phases and Processes.pdfWP15ATFM Phases and ProcessesWP15 ATFM Phases and ProcessesNov 29, 2014Secretariat 
WP16 ATFM Capability and Performance Improvement Plan.pdfWP16ATFM Capability and Performance Improvement PlanWP16 ATFM Capability and Performance Improvement PlanNov 30, 2014Secretariat 
WP17 ATFM SG Task List.pdfWP17ATFM SG Task ListWP17 ATFM SG Task ListNov 30, 2014Secretariat 
WP18 Current CDM ATFM Status in China.pdfWP18Current CDM ATFM Status in ChinaWP18 Current CDM ATFM Status in ChinaDec 01, 2014China 
WP19 Capacity Management Procedure and Practice in China.pdfWP19Capacity Management Procedure and Practice in ChinaWP19 Capacity Management Procedure and Practice in ChinaDec 01, 2014China 
WP20 Suggestions of ATFM Information Interaction in Asia-Pacific Region.pdfWP20Suggestions of ATFM Information Interaction in Asia-Pacific RegionWP20 Suggestions of ATFM Information Interaction in Asia-Pacific RegionDec 01, 2014China 
WP21 Meteorological Products for ATFM.pdfWP21Meteorological Products for ATFMWP21 Meteorological Products for ATFMDec 01, 2014Hong Kong, China 
collapse Category : 4-Information Papers ‎(6)
IP01 List of Papers.pdfIP01List of PapersIP01 List of PapersDec 01, 2014Secretariat 
IP02 MET Services for ATM and the Terminal Area.pdfIP02MET Services for ATM and the Terminal Area IP02 MET Services for ATM and the Terminal AreaNov 27, 2014Secretariat 
IP03 Templates for ATFM CDM in Japan.pdfIP03Templates for ATFM CDM in JapanIP03 Templates for ATFM CDM in JapanNov 28, 2014Japan 
IP04 Capacity Assessment Workshop.pdfIP04Capacity Assessment WorkshopIP04 Capacity Assessment WorkshopNov 29, 2014EU-AATIP, supported by Thailand 
IP05 China Massive Delay Response System.pdfIP05China Massive Delay Response SystemIP05 China Massive Delay Response SystemDec 01, 2014China 
IP06 AFP Operations in the South China Sea Area.pdfIP06AFP Operations in the South China Sea AreaIP06 AFP Operations in the South China Sea AreaDec 01, 2014China 
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(5)
Presentation 1 IATA Report.pdfPPT01IATA ReportPresentation 1 IATA ReportDec 02, 2014IATA 
Presentation 2 ATFM Training Requirements.pdfPPT02ATFM Training RequirementsPresentation 2 ATFM Training RequirementsDec 02, 2014EU-AATIP and Thailand 
Presentation 3 Templates for ATFM CDM in Japan.pdfPPT03Templates for ATFM CDM in JapanPresentation 3 Templates for ATFM CDM in JapanDec 02, 2014Japan 
Presentation 4 MET Services for ATM and the Terminal Area.pdfPPT04MET Services for ATM and the Terminal AreaPresentation 4 MET Services for ATM and the Terminal AreaDec 05, 2014ICAO 
Presentation 5 FAA Chicago Contingency Response.pdfPPT05FAA Chicago Contingency ResponsePresentation 5 FAA Chicago Contingency ResponseDec 08, 2014United States 

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