Type Name : 2014 ATFM-SG4 (42)
Category : 1-Report (1)
| | | | Final Report for ATFM/SG/4 | Final Report ATFMSG4 | Dec 22, 2014 | Secretariat | |
Category : 2-General Information (9)
| | | | ATFM/SG/4 Invitation Letter | AP0127_14 ATFMSG4 Invitation Letter (only) | Sep 04, 2014 | Secretariat | |
| | | | Meeting Bulletin | ATFMSG4 Meeting Bulletin | Sep 04, 2014 | Secretariat | |
| | | | Provisional Agenda | ATFMSG4 Provisional Agenda | Sep 04, 2014 | Secretariat | |
| | | | Registration Form | ATFMSG4 | Sep 04, 2014 | Secretariat | |
| | | | ATFM/SG/4 WP IP Template | ATFM WP IP Template | Sep 04, 2014 | Secretariat | |
| | | | Order of Discussion | Order of Discussion | Dec 02, 2014 | Secretariat | |
| | | | Order of Business | Order of Business | Nov 30, 2014 | Secretariat | |
| | | | Group Photo ATFM/SG/4 | group photo ATFMSG4 1-5 Dec 2014 | Dec 01, 2014 | Secretariat | |
| | | | List of Participation for ATFM/SG/4 | Participant list ATFMSG4 update 01122014 | Dec 01, 2014 | Secretariat | |
Category : 3-Working Papers (21)
| | | WP01 | Provisional Agenda | WP01 Provisional Agenda | Nov 27, 2014 | Secretariat | |
| | | WP02 | Related Meeting Outcomes | WP02 Related Meeting Outcomes | Nov 27, 2014 | Secretariat | |
| | | WP03 | IATA ATFM Study | WP03 IATA ATFM Study reduce file | Nov 24, 2014 | IATA | |
| | | WP04 | Proposed Draft ATFM Concept of Operations | WP04 Proposed Draft ATFM Concept of Operations | Nov 25, 2014 | Secretariat | |
| | | WP05 | Progress of The Collaborative Air Traffic Flow Management Operational Trial | WP05 Progress of The Collaborative Air Traffic Flow Management Operational Trial | Nov 25, 2014 | Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Thailand, other States and International Organizations | |
| | | WP06 | ATFM Terminology | WP06 ATFM Terminology | Nov 25, 2014 | Canso and Thailand | |
| | | WP07 | ATFM Workshop Asia Pacific 2014 | WP07 ATFM Workshop Asia Pacific 2014 | Nov 25, 2014 | ICAO | |
| | | WP08 | North Asia Region ATFM Harmonization Group | WP08 North Asia Region ATFM Harmonization Group | Nov 25, 2014 | China, Japan and Republic of Korea | |
| | | WP09 | ATFM Training Requirements | WP09 ATFM Training Requirements | Nov 26, 2014 | EU-AATIP, supported by Thailand | |
| | | WP10 | ATFM Principles | WP10 ATFM Principles | Nov 27, 2014 | Secretariat | |
| | | WP11 | ASBU Block-0 Applicability to the Regional ATFM Framework | WP11 ASBU Block-0 Applicability to the Regional ATFM Framework | Nov 27, 2014 | Secretariat | |
| | | WP12 | ATFM Communications | WP12 ATFM Communications | Nov 28, 2014 | Secretariat | |
| | | WP13 | CDM for Regional ATFM | WP13 CDM for Regional ATFM | Nov 28, 2014 | India | |
| | | WP14 | ATFM Interface with A-CDM | WP14 ATFM Interface with A-CDM | Nov 29, 2014 | Secretariat | |
| | | WP15 | ATFM Phases and Processes | WP15 ATFM Phases and Processes | Nov 29, 2014 | Secretariat | |
| | | WP16 | ATFM Capability and Performance Improvement Plan | WP16 ATFM Capability and Performance Improvement Plan | Nov 30, 2014 | Secretariat | |
| | | WP17 | ATFM SG Task List | WP17 ATFM SG Task List | Nov 30, 2014 | Secretariat | |
| | | WP18 | Current CDM ATFM Status in China | WP18 Current CDM ATFM Status in China | Dec 01, 2014 | China | |
| | | WP19 | Capacity Management Procedure and Practice in China | WP19 Capacity Management Procedure and Practice in China | Dec 01, 2014 | China | |
| | | WP20 | Suggestions of ATFM Information Interaction in Asia-Pacific Region | WP20 Suggestions of ATFM Information Interaction in Asia-Pacific Region | Dec 01, 2014 | China | |
| | | WP21 | Meteorological Products for ATFM | WP21 Meteorological Products for ATFM | Dec 01, 2014 | Hong Kong, China | |
Category : 4-Information Papers (6)
| | | IP01 | List of Papers | IP01 List of Papers | Dec 01, 2014 | Secretariat | |
| | | IP02 | MET Services for ATM and the Terminal Area | IP02 MET Services for ATM and the Terminal Area | Nov 27, 2014 | Secretariat | |
| | | IP03 | Templates for ATFM CDM in Japan | IP03 Templates for ATFM CDM in Japan | Nov 28, 2014 | Japan | |
| | | IP04 | Capacity Assessment Workshop | IP04 Capacity Assessment Workshop | Nov 29, 2014 | EU-AATIP, supported by Thailand | |
| | | IP05 | China Massive Delay Response System | IP05 China Massive Delay Response System | Dec 01, 2014 | China | |
| | | IP06 | AFP Operations in the South China Sea Area | IP06 AFP Operations in the South China Sea Area | Dec 01, 2014 | China | |
Category : 5-Presentations (5)
| | | PPT01 | IATA Report | Presentation 1 IATA Report | Dec 02, 2014 | IATA | |
| | | PPT02 | ATFM Training Requirements | Presentation 2 ATFM Training Requirements | Dec 02, 2014 | EU-AATIP and Thailand | |
| | | PPT03 | Templates for ATFM CDM in Japan | Presentation 3 Templates for ATFM CDM in Japan | Dec 02, 2014 | Japan | |
| | | PPT04 | MET Services for ATM and the Terminal Area | Presentation 4 MET Services for ATM and the Terminal Area | Dec 05, 2014 | ICAO | |
| | | PPT05 | FAA Chicago Contingency Response | Presentation 5 FAA Chicago Contingency Response | Dec 08, 2014 | United States | |