Category : 1-Report (1)
| | Report - MET SG/17 (PDF) | Final Report of MET SG-17 v1.1 | Jun 04,2013 | Secretariat |
Category : 2-General Information (5)
| | State letter Ref.: T 4/3.2:AP028/13 (MET) | AP028 - MET SG-17_Invitation SL | Feb 21,2013 | ICAO |
| | List of Participants | Attachment 1 - (53) PAR List as of 15 May | May 15,2013 | Secretariat |
| | Group Photo | group photo | May 14,2013 | Secretariat |
| | Order of Business | Order_of_business | May 13,2013 | Secretariat |
| | WP/IP Template | WP-IP template | Apr 26,2013 | Secretariat |
Category : 3-Working Papers (28)
| WP/01 | Provisional Agenda | WP01 - ICAO Provisional Agenda | Apr 09,2013 | Secretariat |
| WP/02 | Follow-up Actions on CNS/MET SG/16 and APANPIRG/23 | WP02 - ICAO AI 3.1 - Follow-up CNS-MET-16 and APANPIRG-23 | May 07,2013 | Secretariat |
| WP/03 | Action Items from 49th Conference of DGCA | WP03 - ICAO AI 3.2 - Review DGCA-49 | May 07,2013 | Secretariat |
| WP/04 | Review Outcomes of AN-Conf/12 | WP04 - ICAO AI 3.3 - Review AN-Conf 12 Outcomes | May 07,2013 | Secretariat |
| WP/05 | Review Outcomes from APSAPG | WP05 - Review APSAPG outcomes | May 07,2013 | Secretariat |
| WP/06 | Survey on Operational Use of Services and Products from Service Providers of World Area Forecast System (WAFS) in Asia/Pacific Region and WAFS Training Needs of Asia/Pacific States | WP06_Chair WAFSTF AI 4.2 - WAFS Survey | May 06,2013 | Chairman of WAFS Task Force |
| WP/07 | Summary of Recent and Forthcoming Developments to the WAFS | WP07 - WAFC Provider States AI. 4.2 - Developments to the WAFS | May 07,2013 | WAFC Provider States |
| WP/08 | Regional Progress in WAFS Implementation | WP08 - Chair WAFSTF AI 4.2 - WAFS Implementation | May 06,2013 | Secretariat |
| WP/09 | Summary of Recent and Forthcoming Development to the SADIS | WP09 - SADIS AI 4.3 - SADIS Developments | May 06,2013 | Service Provider |
| WP/10 | WIFS Accounts | WP10 - USA AI. 4.3 - WIFS Accounts | May 06,2013 | USA |
| WP/11 | Use of Volcano Observatory Notice for Aviation (VONA) Format | WP11 - JPN AI. 5 - Use of VONA | May 06,2013 | Japan |
| WP/12 | MET/H Task Force Report | WP12 - Chair METHTF AI. 7.1 - MET H TF3 Report | May 06,2013 | Chair of MET/H TF |
| WP/13 | MET/H Task Force Work Plan | WP13 - Chair METHTF AI. 7.1 MET H TF Work Plan | May 06,2013 | Chair of MET/H TF |
| WP/14 | Updates to the Regional SIGMET Guide | WP14 - ICAO AI. 7.4 - Updates Regional SIGMET Guide | May 07,2013 | Secretariat |
| WP/15 | ROBEX Working Group Report | WP15 - Chair ROBEX WG AI 8.1 - ROBEX WG Report | May 07,2013 | Chair of ROBEX WG |
| WP/16 | ROBEX Working Group Work Prograemme | WP16 - Chair ROBEX AI. 8.1 - ROBEX Work Programme | May 06,2013 | Chair of ROBEX WG |
| WP/17 | Review Updates to the ROBEX Handbook and ICD | WP17 - ICAO AI. 8.6 - Updates ROBEX HB and ICD | May 07,2013 | Secretariat |
| WP/18 | Update on ROBEX Handbook | WP18 - IDN AI. 8 - Update ROBEX HB | May 06,2013 | Indonesia |
| WP/19 | Review of the ANP/FASID - Part VI (MET) | WP19 - ICAO AI. 9 - Review ANP and FASID | May 08,2013 | Secretariat |
| WP/20 | Survey on the Implementation of QMS in the APAC Region | WP20 - ICAO AI 11 - Survey on QMS implementation | May 09,2013 | Secretariat |
| WP/21 | Terms of Reference and Task List of the MET Sub-group | WP21 - ICAO AI. 12 - TOR Task and Tasks List of MET-SG | May 08,2013 | Secretariat |
| WP/22 | Review of Deficiencies in the MET Field | WP22 - ICAO AI 13 - Update of MET Deficiencies | May 08,2013 | Secretariat |
| WP/23 | MET Deficiencies Update | WP23 - TON AI. 13 - MET Deficiencies Update | May 06,2013 | Tonga |
| WP/24 | AP-MET-06 Deficiency Update | WP24 - IDN AI. 13 - AP-MET 06 Deficiency | May 06,2013 | Indonesia |
| WP/25 | Status and Highlights of Amendment 76 to Annex 3 | WP25 - ICAO AI 11 - Status and Highlights of Amdt-76 to Annex3 | May 09,2013 | Secretariat |
| WP/26 | MET/R TF/3 Meeting and MET/ATM Seminar 2013 | WP26 - ICAO AI 10.2 - MET-R-TF and MET-ATM Seminar | May 09,2013 | Secretariat |
| WP/27 | Space Weather | WP27 - ICAO AI. 7.2 - Space Weather | May 09,2013 | Secretariat |
| WP/28 | PIRG-RASG Global Coordination Meeting - Outcomes | WP28 - ICAO AI. 3 - PIRG-RASG Outcomes | May 15,2013 | Secretariat |
Category : 4-Information Papers (23)
| IP/01 | Meeting Bulletin | IP01 - ICAO Meeting Bulletin | Apr 09,2013 | Secretariat |
| IP/02 | Update of WAFS Service Reference Document | IP02 - Chair WAFSTF AI 4.2 - Updated WAFS Service | May 06,2013 | Chairman of WAFS Task Force |
| IP/03 | Update of Work Plan of WAFS Task Force | IP03 - Chair WAFSTF AI 12 - WAFS Work Plan Update | May 06,2013 | Chairman of WAFS Task Force |
| IP/04 | Report on WIFS Performance | IP04 - USA AI 4.3 - WIFS Performance | May 06,2013 | USA |
| IP/05 | Wellington Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre - Industry Funded Enhancements | IP05 - NZ AI. 5 - Wellington VAAC Industry funded Enhancements | May 06,2013 | New Zealand |
| IP/06 | Review of MARIE-PT Meeting | IP06 - ICAO AI 10.1 - Review MARIE-PT meeting | May 10,2013 | Secretariat |
| IP/07 | Progress on Graphical Tropical Cyclone Advisory at TCAC Tokyo | IP07 - JPN AI. 6 - Progress on TCG TCAC | May 06,2013 | Japan |
| IP/08 | Outcome of Volcanic Ash Exercise in Kamchatka in 2013 (VOLKAM 13) | IP08 - JPN AI. 7 - Outcomes of VOLKAM-13 | May 06,2013 | Japan |
| IP/09 | Termination of the Interim Tsunami Advisory Service Provided by the United States' Pacific in the Indian Ocean Basin | IP09 - USA AI. 7.2 - Termination of Tsunami Advisory | May 06,2013 | USA |
| IP/10 | Meeting the Requirement of Issuing a SIGMET for Radioactive Clouds | IP10 - USA AI. 7.2 - Radio Active Clouds -SIGMET | May 07,2013 | USA |
| IP/11 | Space Weather Prediction Center Services | IP11 - USA AI. 7.2 - Space Weather Prediction | May 07,2013 | USA |
| IP/12 | Updated OPMET Data Availability in Viet Nam | IP12 - VNM AI. 8.2 - Updated OPMET Data | May 07,2013 | Viet Nam |
| IP/13 | VAAC Darwin Management Report | IP13 - AUS AI. 5 - Darwin VAAC Report | May 07,2013 | Australia |
| IP/14 | Progress with SIGMET Tests - WC and WV | IP14 - JPN AI. 8.4 - Progress with SIGMET Tests | May 07,2013 | Japan |
| IP/15 | ICAO Meteorological Information Exchange Model (IWXXM) | IP15 - USA AI. 8.8 - MET exchange Model IWXXM | May 07,2013 | USA |
| IP/16 | New Zealand National Airspace and Air Navigation Plan | IP16 - NZ AI. 10 - National Airspace and Air Navigation Plan | May 07,2013 | New Zealand |
| IP/17 | ICAO Aviation System Block Upgrades (ASBU) for Meteorology | IP17 - USA AI 10.1 - ASBU | May 07,2013 | USA |
| IP/18 | Changes to the Australian SIGMET Format | IP18 - AUS AI 7.2 - SIGMET Format (Rev-1) | May 09,2013 | Australia |
| IP/19 | Use of WAFS Gridded CB, Icing and Turbulence in Australia | IP19 - AUS AI 4.4 - Use of WAFS Gridded CB | May 09,2013 | Australia |
| IP/20 | Total Observing Concept for the TAF | IP20 - USA AI 10 - Total Observing Concept | May 09,2013 | USA |
| IP/21 | Progress Related to SIGMET Advisory in China | IP21 - CHN AI 7.3 - Progress on SIGMET Advisory | May 09,2013 | China |
| IP/22 | Development of Meteorological Services for the Terminal Area in China | IP22 - CHN AI 10 - Development of MSTA | May 09,2013 | China |
| IP/23 | Concept of Regional SIGMET Advisory Centres | IP23 - HKG AI 7.2 Regional SIGMET Advisory Centres | May 10,2013 | Hong Kong, China |