2013 ADS-B SITF/12

​Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B)​​​​ Seminar and the Twelfth Meeting of ADS-B Study and Implementation Task Force (ADS-B SITF/12)​

( Kolkata, India,15 - 18 April 2013)

collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(1)
Final Report of ADS-B SITF-12.pdfReport of ADS-B SITF Seminar and ADS-B SITF/12 MeetingFinal Report of ADS-B SITF-12Apr 26,2013Secretariat
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(5)
WP-IP template.docWP/IP TemplateWP-IP templateMar 11,2013Secretariat
ADS-B-Seminar-and-SITF12-[2]-rev.pdfGroup PhotoADS-B-Seminar-and-SITF12-[2]-revApr 18,2013Secretariat
AP018 - Invitation letter (States).pdfState Letter Ref.: T 8/10.21:AP018/13 (CNS)AP018 - Invitation letter (States)Feb 14,2013Secretariat
Attachment 1 - REV. (17-04-13)Final List of participants.docList of Participants for verification/confirmationAttachment 1 - REV. (17-04-13)Final List of participantsApr 17,2013Secretariat
Attachment 1 (part 2) -Rev. List of additonal participants form India.pdfAdditional List of Participants from IndiaAttachment 1 (part 2) -Rev. List of additonal participants form IndiaApr 17,2013India
collapse Category : 3-Working Papers ‎(20)
WP01 - Provisioal Agenda.pdfWP/01Provisional AgendaWP01 - Provisioal AgendaApr 09,2013Secretariat
WP02 - AUS and HKG AI.4 - REV. Proposed Amendment to AIGD.pdfWP/02Proposed Amendments to ADS-B Implementation and Operations Guidance Document (AIGD)WP02 - AUS and HKG AI.4 - REV. Proposed Amendment to AIGDApr 15,2013Australia & Hong Kong, China
WP03 - ICAO - AI.2 - Outcome of APANPIRG23 on ADS-B.pdfWP/03Outcome of APANPIRG/23 on ADS-BWP03 - ICAO - AI.2 - Outcome of APANPIRG23 on ADS-BApr 03,2013Secretariat
WP04 - AUS AI.5 - ADS-B performance monitoring update.pdfWP/04Performance Monitoring UpdateWP04 - AUS AI.5 - ADS-B performance monitoring updateApr 09,2013Australia
WP05- AUS AI.6 - Adequate spares.pdfWP/05The Need for Adequate Logistics and Spares Support for ADS-B Ground StationsWP05- AUS AI.6 - Adequate sparesApr 04,2013Australia
WP06 - AUS AI.6 - Commissioning checklist.pdfWP/06Use of Commissioning Checklist for ADS-B Ground StationsWP06 - AUS AI.6 - Commissioning checklistApr 04,2013Australia
WP07 - ICAO  AI. 2 - SEA-BOB ADS-B WG-8.pdfWP/07Review Report of the Eighth Meeting of South-East Asia Bay of Bengal Sub-regional ADS-B Implementation Working Group (SEA/BOB ADS-B WG/8)WP07 - ICAO AI. 2 - SEA-BOB ADS-B WG-8Apr 04,2013Secretariat
WP08 - CANSO AI.7 - Report of focus group.pdfWP/08Report of CANSO Focus Group MeetingWP08 - CANSO AI.7 - Report of focus groupApr 04,2013CANSO
WP09 - ICAO AI. 6 - REV. 17-04-13 CNS-ATM Implementation Matrix.docWP/09Attachment to WP/09 (MS word)(Revised 17/04/13)WP09 - ICAO AI. 6 - REV. 17-04-13 CNS-ATM Implementation MatrixApr 17,2013Secretariat
WP09 - ICAO AI.6 - CNS-ATM Planning Matrix.pdfWP/09CNS/ATM Implementation and Planning MatrixWP09 - ICAO AI.6 - CNS-ATM Planning MatrixApr 09,2013Secretariat
WP10_ICAO AI3 - Outcome of AN-Conf12 on ADS-B.pdfWP/10Follow-up to Recommendations of the Twelfth Air Navigation Conference (AN-Conf/12) on ADS-BWP10_ICAO AI3 - Outcome of AN-Conf12 on ADS-BApr 05,2013Secretariat
WP11 - ICAO AI.6 - Review surveillance strategy.pdfWP/11Review Surveillance Strategy for Asia/Pacific RegionWP11 - ICAO AI.6 - Review surveillance strategyApr 09,2013Secretariat
WP12 - AUS AI.4 -  Transition to Black List.pdfWP/12Australia's Transition to an ADS-B Black ListWP12 - AUS AI.4 - Transition to Black ListApr 09,2013Australia
WP13 - IND - AI.5 - Assessment of ADS-B Performance.pdfWP/13Assessment of ADS-B Performance to Support ATS in IndiaWP13 - IND - AI.5 - Assessment of ADS-B PerformanceApr 09,2013India
WP14 - IND AI.6 - ADS-B Meeting Challenges.pdfWP/14ADS-B Implementation: Meeting the ChallengesWP14 - IND AI.6 - ADS-B Meeting ChallengesApr 09,2013India
WP15 - ICAO AI.7 - Seamless ATM Plan.pdfWP/15Asia/Pacific Seamless ATM Plan Requirements for ADS-B SurveillanceWP15 - ICAO AI.7 - Seamless ATM PlanApr 12,2013Secretariat
WP16 - HKG AI.5 - REV. Performance Monitoring of ADS-B.pdfWP/16Performance Monitoring and Analysis of ADS-B Equipped Aircraft (Revised 15/04/13)WP16 - HKG AI.5 - REV. Performance Monitoring of ADS-BApr 15,2013Hong Kong, China
WP17 - SIN AI.5 - ADS-B station and avionics performance monitoring.pdfWP/17ADS-B Station and Avionics Performance MonitoringWP17 - SIN AI.5 - ADS-B station and avionics performance monitoringApr 15,2013Singapore
WP18 - SIN - AI.6 Singapore's experience on ADS-B safety Assessment.pdfWP/18Singapore's Expereince on the ADS-B Safety AssessmentWP18 - SIN - AI.6 Singapore's experience on ADS-B safety AssessmentApr 16,2013Singapore
WP19 - IDN-SIN-VNM AI.6 - Update on ADS-B in South China Sea.pdfWP/19Update on the ADS-B Collaboration Project in the South China SeaWP19 - IDN-SIN-VNM AI.6 - Update on ADS-B in South China SeaApr 17,2013Indonesia, Singapore and Viet Nam
collapse Category : 4-Information Papers ‎(11)
IP01 - Information for Bulletin 11022013.pdfIP/01Meeting BulletinIP01 - Information for Bulletin 11022013Feb 14,2013Secretariat
IP02 - AUS AI.6 - Australian update V3.pdfIP/02Australia ADS-B UpdateIP02 - AUS AI.6 - Australian update V3Apr 04,2013Australia
IP03 - AUS AI. 6 - FAQ.pdfIP/03Australia FAQIP03 - AUS AI. 6 - FAQApr 04,2013Australia
IP04 - AUS AI.6  -  Pilot's Guide on ADS-B.pdfIP/04ADS-B Pilot's GuideIP04 - AUS AI.6 - Pilot's Guide on ADS-BApr 04,2013Australia
IP05 - AUS AI.6 - The question of entry of non-complying aircraft into ADS-B airspace.pdfIP/05The Question of the Entry of Non-ADS-B Fitted Aircraft into Mandated ADS-B AirspaceIP05 - AUS AI.6 - The question of entry of non-complying aircraft into ADS-B airspaceApr 04,2013Australia
IP06 - AUS AI.6 - Update on Australian rulemaking.pdfIP/06Update on Australian Mandates for Aircraft GNSS and ADS-B EquipmentIP06 - AUS AI.6 - Update on Australian rulemakingApr 04,2013Australia
IP07 - USA AI.6 - FAA ADS-B Activity.pdfIP/07Report of FAA ADS-B ActivitiesIP07 - USA AI.6 - FAA ADS-B ActivityApr 10,2013USA
IP08 - IND AI.6 - State Implementation Plan.pdfIP/08State Implementation Plan for IndiaIP08 - IND AI.6 - State Implementation PlanApr 10,2013India
IP09 - JPN AI.6 - Surveillance Activities.pdfIP/09Surveillance Activities in JapanIP09 - JPN AI.6 - Surveillance ActivitiesApr 16,2013Japan
IP10_ BGD AI.6 - REV. Bangladesh ADS-B Implementation Plan.pdfIP/10ADS-B Implementation Plan in Bangladesh (Revised 16/04/13)IP10_ BGD AI.6 - REV. Bangladesh ADS-B Implementation PlanApr 16,2013Bangladesh
IP11 - US Policy and Guidance on ADS-B-to be posted as an IP.pdfIP/11United States Aircraft Certification Standards and Guidance on ADS-BIP11 - US Policy and Guidance on ADS-B-to be posted as an IPApr 25,2013USA
collapse Category : 5-Presentations for Seminar ‎(13)
SP01 - AUS ADS-B in context.pdfSP/01ADS-B in ContextSP01 - AUS ADS-B in contextApr 16,2013Australia
SP02 - IATA View - (Rev. 3).pdfSP/02IATA ViewSP02 - IATA View - (Rev. 3)Apr 15,2013IATA
SP03 - IND ADS-B Implementation in India.pdfSP/03ADS-B Implementation in IndiaSP03 - IND ADS-B Implementation in IndiaApr 16,2013India
SP04 - IND ADS-B Operational Implementation Advantages.pdfSP/04ADS-B: Operational Implementation AdvantagesSP04 - IND ADS-B Operational Implementation AdvantagesApr 16,2013India
SP05 - Update on Australian Rulemaking for ADS-B.pdfSP/05Australian ADS-B Programme Regulatory AspectsSP05 - Update on Australian Rulemaking for ADS-BApr 10,2013Australia
SP06 - FAA ADS-B Update.pdfSP/06ADS-B UpdateSP06 - FAA ADS-B UpdateApr 16,2013USA
SP07 - SAAB ATM and ADS-B.pdfSP/07SAAB Air Traffic Management and ADS-BSP07 - SAAB ATM and ADS-BApr 16,2013SAAB
SP08 - Thales Update on ADS-B B.pdfSP/08Update on ADS-B Thales PerspectiveSP08 - Thales Update on ADS-B BApr 16,2013Thales
SP09 - Comsoft Quadrant Solution.pdfSP/09The Comsoft Quadrant SolutionSP09 - Comsoft Quadrant SolutionApr 16,2013Comsoft
SP10 - Airbus ADS-B OUT and IN - Airbust Status.pdfSP/10ADS-B OUT & IN - Airbus StatusSP10 - Airbus ADS-B OUT and IN - Airbust StatusApr 16,2013Airbus
SP11 - Boeing Perspective (ADS-B SITF12).pdfSP/11A Boeing PerspectiveSP11 - Boeing Perspective (ADS-B SITF12)Apr 16,2013Beoing
SP12 - Rockwell Collins ADS-B OUT and IN and GNSS Product Update.pdfSP/12ADS-B OUT, IN and GNSS Product UpdatesSP12 - Rockwell Collins ADS-B OUT and IN and GNSS Product UpdateApr 16,2013Rockwell Collins
SP13_Honeywell ADS-B Seminar 130415.pdfSP/13Honeywell AvionicsSP13_Honeywell ADS-B Seminar 130415Apr 16,2013Honeywell

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