2012 SRP AWG

​First Meeting of the Asia Pacific Safety Reporti​​ng and Programme Ad hoc Working Group (AP-SRP AWG/1)

( Bangkok, Thailand,13-15 June 2012)

collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(3)
Group Photo.pdfGroup PhotoGroup PhotoJun 22,2012
List of participants SRP1_FINAL.pdfList of ParticipantsList of participants SRP1_FINALJun 22,2012
SRP1 report_14June_FINAL_combined.pdfReportSRP1 report_14June_FINAL_combinedJun 22,2012
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(7)
A - RASG Structure and TOR AP SRP.pdfOrganizational Structure of RASG and TOR of AP-SRP AWGA - RASG Structure and TOR AP SRPApr 16,2012
AP054-12 letter.pdfState letter T 6/13.11.3-AP054/12 (FS) dated 05 APril 2012AP054-12 letterMay 03,2012
AP064-12 fw Agenda.pdfState letter T 6/13.11.3 - AP064/12 (FS) dated 03 May 2012AP064-12 fw AgendaMay 03,2012
B_Nomination form.docNomination FormB_Nomination formApr 16,2012
C_Meeting Bulletin.pdfBulletinC_Meeting BulletinApr 16,2012
Programme SRP1.pdfProvisional ProgrammeProgramme SRP1Jun 12,2012
Provisional Agenda.pdfProvisional AgendaProvisional AgendaMay 03,2012
collapse Category : 3-Working Papers ‎(5)
SRP1_WP1 Adoption of Agenda.pdfWP/1Adoption of AgendaSRP1_WP1 Adoption of AgendaJun 12,2012Secretariat
SRP1_WP2_Add_APRAST work.pdfWP/2Review the Terms of Reference of the Asia Pacific - Safety Reporting and Programme Ad hoc Working GroupSRP1_WP2_Add_APRAST workJun 12,2012Secretariat
SRP1_WP2_AI1_Review TORs.pdfWP/2 - AddendumAPRAST and Its Subsidiary BodiesSRP1_WP2_AI1_Review TORsJun 12,2012Secretariat
SRP1_WP3_AI3 AMAL WAY FORWARD Adoption of Agenda_edited11Jun2012.pdfWP/3Safety InformationSRP1_WP3_AI3 AMAL WAY FORWARD Adoption of Agenda_edited11Jun2012Jun 12,2012Secretariat
SRP1_WP3_ATT_ASR Third edition v 0 29 05 2012.pdfWP/3 - ATTRASG-PA Annual Safety ReportSRP1_WP3_ATT_ASR Third edition v 0 29 05 2012Jun 12,2012
collapse Category : 4-Information Papers ‎(2)
SRP1_IP1 List of Papers.pdfIP/1List of WPs and IPsSRP1_IP1 List of PapersJun 12,2012Secretariat
SRP1_IP2_AI2_RegionalMechanismToLeverageSafetyData_MSver2.pdfIP/2Regional Mechanism to Leverage Safety DataSRP1_IP2_AI2_RegionalMechanismToLeverageSafetyData_MSver2Jun 12,2012Secretariat

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