​The Eigh​th Meeting of the South East Asia & Bay of Bengal Sub-regional ADS-B Implementation Working Group (SEA/BOB​​ ADS-B WG/8)

( Yangon, Myanmar,5 - 7 Decemb​​​​er 2012)

collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(1)
Final Report of the meeting.pdfReport of SEA/BOB ADS-B WG/8Final Report of the meeting21 Oct. 2013Secretariat
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(2)
AP140 - States letter.pdfState letter Ref. T 8/10.21 - AP140/12 (CNS)AP140 - States letterNov 05,2012Secretariat
WP and IP Template.docWP/IP TemplateWP and IP TemplateNov 05,2012Secretariat
collapse Category : 3-Working Papers ‎(8)
WP01_ICAO - Provisional Agenda.pdfWP/1Provisional AgendaWP01_ICAO - Provisional AgendaNov 05,2012Secretariat
WP02_ICAO - AI.2 - Outcome of ADS-B SITF-11 and APANPIRG23.pdfWP/2Outcome of ADS-B SITF/11 and APANPIRG/23 on ADS-BWP02_ICAO - AI.2 - Outcome of ADS-B SITF-11 and APANPIRG23Nov 22,2012Secretariat
WP03_ICAO - AI.2 - Outcome of SEA-BOB ADS-B WG-7.pdfWP/3Outcome of the Seventh Meeting of South-East Asia Bay of Bengal Sub-regional ADS-B Implementation Working Group (SEA/BOB ADS-B WG/7)WP03_ICAO - AI.2 - Outcome of SEA-BOB ADS-B WG-7Nov 22,2012Secretariat
WP04_CANSO AI.3.3 - Report of focus group.pdfWP/4Report of CANSO Focus Group MeetingsWP04_CANSO AI.3.3 - Report of focus groupNov 23,2012Secretariat
WP05_AUS AI.5.1 - Adequated logistics and spares support.pdfWP05The Need for Adequate Logistics and Spares Support for ADS-B Ground StationsWP05_AUS AI.5.1 - Adequated logistics and spares supportOct. 9, 2013Australia
WP06_HKG AI. 5 - Use of Barometric Altitude.pdfWP06Use of Barometric Altitude and Geometric Altitude Information in ADS-B Message for ATC ApplicationsWP06_HKG AI. 5 - Use of Barometric AltitudeOct. 9, 2013Hong Kong, China
WP07_IND AI. 4.5 - ADS-B data sharing.pdfWP07ADS-B Data Sharing between India and Neighbouring StatesWP07_IND AI. 4.5 - ADS-B data sharingOct. 9, 2013India
WP08_ICAO AI  5 - Proposal for Amendment to SUPPs on ADS-B.pdfWP08Proposal for Amendment to Supplementary Procedures on ADS-BWP08_ICAO AI 5 - Proposal for Amendment to SUPPs on ADS-BOct. 9, 2013Secretariat
collapse Category : 4-Information Papers ‎(9)
IP01_ICAO - Meeting Bulletin.pdfIP/1Meeting BulletinIP01_ICAO - Meeting BulletinNov 05,2012Secretariat
IP02_ROK - AI.3.4 - ADS-B Development and Deployment Plan.pdfIP/2ADS-B Development and Deployment Plan in the Republic of KoreaIP02_ROK - AI.3.4 - ADS-B Development and Deployment PlanNov 23,2012Republic of Korea
IP03_MYN AI.3.4 - ADS-B Deployment.pdfIP/3Progress on ADS-B Implementation in MyanmarIP03_MYN AI.3.4 - ADS-B DeploymentNov 23,2012Myanmar
IP04_AUS AI.3.5 - Transition to an ADS-B Black list.pdfIP/4Australia's Transition to an ADS-B Black ListIP04_AUS AI.3.5 - Transition to an ADS-B Black listOct. 9, 2013Australia
IP05_AUS AI. 3.4 - REV. Australian ADS-B Update.pdfIP/5Australian ADS-B UpdateIP05_AUS AI. 3.4 - REV. Australian ADS-B UpdateOct. 9, 2013Australia
IP06_IND AI.3.1 - REV. ADS-B Implementation.pdfIP/6ADS-B Implementation in IndiaIP06_IND AI.3.1 - REV. ADS-B ImplementationOct. 9, 2013India
IP07_BAN AI3.4 - REV. ADS-B Implementation Plan.pdfIP/7ADS-B Implementation in BangladeshIP07_BAN AI3.4 - REV. ADS-B Implementation PlanOct. 9, 2013Bangladesh
IP08_SIN AI. 4.2 - Updates on South China Sea Project.pdfIP/8Update on the ADS-B Collaboration Project in the South China SeaIP08_SIN AI. 4.2 - Updates on South China Sea ProjectOct. 9, 2013Indonesia, Singapore and Viet Nam
IP09_ SIN AI. 5 - ADS-B station and avionics Performance monitoring_v2.pdfIP/9ADS-B Station and Avionics Performance MonitoringIP09_ SIN AI. 5 - ADS-B station and avionics Performance monitoring_v2Oct. 9, 2013Singapore
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(15)
SP01_AUS - ADS-B Basics.pdfSP/1ADS-B IntroductionSP01_AUS - ADS-B BasicsOct. 9, 2013Australia
SP10_ICAO - ICAO Activity.pptxSP/10ADS-B Related ActivitiesSP10_ICAO - ICAO ActivityOct. 10, 2013Secretarait
SP02_Thales ADS-B Ground Stations and Multi.pdfSP/2ADS-B Ground StationsSP02_Thales ADS-B Ground Stations and MultiOct. 9, 2013Thales
SP03_Thales ADS-B Multilateration.pdfSP/3ADS-B MultilaterationSP03_Thales ADS-B MultilaterationOct. 9, 2013Thales
SP04_Comsoft - ATC Automation Requirementss.pdfSP/4ATC Automation Requirements for ADS-BSP04_Comsoft - ATC Automation RequirementssOct. 9, 2013Comsoft
SP05_AUS - Issues Establishing an ADS-B.pdfSP/5Issues Establishing an ADS-B ProgrammeSP05_AUS - Issues Establishing an ADS-BOct. 9, 2013Australia
SP06_Thales - ADS-B and Avionics.pdfSP/6ADS-B and AvionicsSP06_Thales - ADS-B and AvionicsOct. 10, 2013Thales
SP07_AUS - General Aviation Avionics.pdfSP/7General Aviation AvionicsSP07_AUS - General Aviation AvionicsOct. 10, 2013Australia
SP08_AUS - ADS-B Rulemaking.pdfSP/8ADS-B RulemakingSP08_AUS - ADS-B RulemakingOct. 10, 2013Australia
SP09_IATA - IATA View.pdfSP/9ADS-B Out - IATA ViewSP09_IATA - IATA ViewOct. 10, 2013IATA
SP11_SIN - Basics of ADS-B Data sharing.pptxSP11Basics of ADS-B SharingSP11_SIN - Basics of ADS-B Data sharingOct. 10, 2013Singapore
SP12_MYN - Case Study on ADS-B Facility.pdfSP12Case Study on ADS-B FacilitySP12_MYN - Case Study on ADS-B FacilityOct. 10, 2013Myanmar
SP13_IND - ADS-B Implementation in India.pdfSP13ADS-B Implementation in IndiaSP13_IND - ADS-B Implementation in IndiaOct. 10, 2013India
SP13A_IND - ADS-B Implementation in India.pdfSP13AADS-B Implementation in IndiaSP13A_IND - ADS-B Implementation in IndiaOct. 10, 2013India
SP14_AUS - the Austrtalian ADS-B Program.pdfSP14The Australian ADS-B ProgrammeSP14_AUS - the Austrtalian ADS-B ProgramOct. 10, 2013Australia

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