2012 RASMAG/16

​The 16th Meeting of the Regional Airspace Safety ​​Monitoring Advisory Group (RASMAG/16)

(Bangkok, Thailand,20-23 February 2012)

collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(1)
FINAL REPORT RASMAG16.pdfReport of the 16th Meeting of the Regional Airspace Safety Monitoring Advisory GroupFINAL REPORT RASMAG16Mar 02,2012Secretariat
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(5)
WP-IP TEMPLATE.docWP/IP TemplateWP-IP TEMPLATEJan 16,2012Secretariat
AP004-12 (ATM)_States.pdfState Letter ref. T3/10.1.17-AP004/12 (ATM)AP004-12 (ATM)_StatesJan 16,2012Secretariat
group photo RASMAG 16.pdfGroup Photogroup photo RASMAG 16Feb 21,2012Secretariat
Order of BusinessRev.pdfOrder of BusinessOrder of BusinessRevFeb 17,2012Secretariat
Order of Discussion.pdfOrder of DiscussionOrder of DiscussionFeb 20,2012Secretariat
collapse Category : 3-Working Papers ‎(28)
Flimsy 1 AP-AGA0036-12+Attachment.pdfFlimsy 1Scheduling of DGCA Conference being held in the same year as ICAO AssemblyFlimsy 1 AP-AGA0036-12+AttachmentFeb 17,2012Secretariat
WP01 Agenda.pdfWP01Provisional AgendaWP01 AgendaJan 18,2012Secretariat
WP02 Asia Pacific Long Term Height Monitoring.pdfWP02Asia Pacific Regional Long Term Height MonitoringWP02 Asia Pacific Long Term Height MonitoringJan 18,2012IATA
WP03 Japan_Refined Calc Method for Risk Analysis of Longitudinal Time Separation.pdfWP03Refined Calculation Method for Risk Analysis of Longitudinal Time SeparationWP03 Japan_Refined Calc Method for Risk Analysis of Longitudinal Time SeparationFeb 07,2012Japan
WP04 SEASMA for south china sea Dec 10 - Nov 11.pdfWP04Report from the South East Asia Safety Monitoring Agency: December 2010 - November 2011WP04 SEASMA for south china sea Dec 10 - Nov 11Feb 09,2012SEASMA
WP05 APANPIRG22 and APSAPG1 Outcomes.pdfWP05APANPIRG/22 and APSAPG/1 OutcomesWP05 APANPIRG22 and APSAPG1 OutcomesFeb 13,2012Secretariat
WP06 Regional Safety Monitoring Assessment.pdfWP06Regional Safety Monitoring AssessmentWP06 Regional Safety Monitoring AssessmentFeb 13,2012Secretariat
WP07 Competent Airspace Safety Monitoring Organizations List Review_REV.pdfWP07Competent Airspace Safety Monitoring Organizations List ReviewWP07 Competent Airspace Safety Monitoring Organizations List Review_REVFeb 13,2012Secretariat
WP08 Task List.pdfWP08RASMAG Task ListWP08 Task ListFeb 13,2012Secretariat
WP09 AAMA assessments Dec 10 - Nov 11.pdfWP09Safety Assessment of RVSM within the Flight Information Regions monitored by the AAMAWP09 AAMA assessments Dec 10 - Nov 11Feb 10,2012Australia
WP10 ROK_Working_Paper_RASMAG_16_Korea_KOTI_120215.pdfWP10Preliminary Analysis of ATS Route B576 for Safety AssessmentWP10 ROK_Working_Paper_RASMAG_16_Korea_KOTI_120215Feb 17,2012Republic of Korea
WP11 Japan_Safety Assessment of RVSM within Fukuoka FIR_rev.pdfWP11Safety Assessment of RVSM within the Fukuoka Flight Information RegionWP11 Japan_Safety Assessment of RVSM within Fukuoka FIR_revFeb 17,2012Japan
WP12 NZ_Datalink Performance for RASMAG 16.pdfWP12Datalink Performance Monitoring ResultsWP12 NZ_Datalink Performance for RASMAG 16Feb 13,2012New Zealand
WP13 Frequency of RASMAG Meetings.pdfWP13Frequency of RASMAG MeetingsWP13 Frequency of RASMAG MeetingsFeb 13,2012Secretariat
WP14 AAMA ADSB Monitoring.pdfWP14Foreign Registered Aircraft in the Australian Airspace Monitoring Agency (AAMA) ADS-B Height-Keeping Monitoring ProgramWP14 AAMA ADSB MonitoringFeb 14,2012Australia
WP15 ChinaRMA Safety Assessment_update.pdfWP15Safety Monitoring Report from China Regional Monitoring Agency December 2010 - November 2011WP15 ChinaRMA Safety Assessment_updateFeb 14,2012China RMA
WP16 ChinaRMA Scrutiny Assessment.pdfWP16Assessment of Non-RVSM-Approved Aircraft Operating in the RVSM Airspace of Chinese Flight Information Regions and Pyongyang Flight Information RegionWP16 ChinaRMA Scrutiny AssessmentFeb 14,2012China RMA
WP17 Estimated RVSM Monitoring Burden for AAMA.pdfWP17Updated Estimate of RVSM Long Term Height Monitoring Burden for the Australian Airspace Monitoring Agency (AAMA)WP17 Estimated RVSM Monitoring Burden for AAMAFeb 15,2012Australia
WP18 AAMA Non-Approved Airframes Operating With RVSM Approval Status.pdfWP18Identification of Non-Approved Airframes Operating with RVSM Approval StatusWP18 AAMA Non-Approved Airframes Operating With RVSM Approval StatusFeb 15,2012Australia
WP19 India_RASMAG16 WORKING PAPER15022012.pdfWP19Airspace Analysis of Bay of Bengal Arabian Sea Indian Ocean Region and Safety Assessment of RNP10 RoutesWP19 India_RASMAG16 WORKING PAPER15022012Feb 17,2012BOBASMA
WP20 MAAR_RASMAG16-WP-Mongolia-CovPg.pdfWP20Airspace Safety Review for the RVSM Operation in the Mongolia AirspaceWP20 MAAR_RASMAG16-WP-Mongolia-CovPgFeb 17,2012MAAR
WP21 MAAR_RASMAG16-WP-BOB_SCS.pdfWP21Summary of the Airspace Safety Review for the RVSM Operation in the Asia RegionWP21 MAAR_RASMAG16-WP-BOB_SCSFeb 17,2012MAAR
WP22 MAAR_RASMAG16-WP-NonRVSMFinding.pdfWP22Assessment of Aircraft Operating in the Asia RVSM Airspace without Proof of RVSM ApprovalWP22 MAAR_RASMAG16-WP-NonRVSMFindingFeb 17,2012MAAR
WP23 US_socm2 RASMAG.pdfWP23RCP and RSP Planning and ImplementationWP23 US_socm2 RASMAGFeb 17,2012United States
WP24 PARMO_anchorage 3030 safety assessment.pdfWP24Safety Assessment to Support Use of the 30NM Lateral and 30NM Longitudinal Separation Standards in Anchorage Oceanic and Offshore AirspaceWP24 PARMO_anchorage 3030 safety assessmentFeb 17,2012United States
WP25 PARMO safety moniitoring report dec 2010_Nov2011.pdfWP25Vertical Safety Monitoring Report from the Pacific Approvals Registry and Monitoring Organization December 2010 - November 2011WP25 PARMO safety moniitoring report dec 2010_Nov2011Feb 17,2012PARMO
WP26 Japan_JASMA's EMA activity.pdfWP26Progress of Work for Safety Assessment of Horizontal Separation Minima within the Fukuoka Flight Information RegionWP26 Japan_JASMA's EMA activityFeb 17,2012Japan
WP27 parmo horizontal safety moniitoring report  dec10 - nov12.pdfWP27Horizontal Safety Monitoring Report from the Pacific Approvals Registry and Monitoring Organization December 2010 - November 2011WP27 parmo horizontal safety moniitoring report dec10 - nov12Feb 20,2012PARMO
collapse Category : 4-Information Papers ‎(6)
IP01 List of Papers.pdfIP01Tentative List of Working and Information PapersIP01 List of PapersFeb 20,2012Secretariat
IP02 - Safety Assessment of 50NM lateral and  longitudinal on M774  M635.pdfIP02Assessment of the Safety of 50-NM Lateral and 50-NM Longitudinal Separation Standards on RNAV Routes M635 and M774IP02 - Safety Assessment of 50NM lateral and longitudinal on M774 M635Feb 09,2012SEASMA
IP03 Australian Airspace ADSB mandate.pdfIP03Australian Fitment Mandate AwarenessIP03 Australian Airspace ADSB mandateFeb 13,2012Australia
IP04 Airline Monitoring Report from AAMA.pdfIP04Reporting of Height-Keeping Monitoring Results from ADS-BIP04 Airline Monitoring Report from AAMAFeb 14,2012Australia
IP05 China RMA.pdfIP05Updates of Large Height Deviation Data CollectionIP05 China RMAFeb 14,2012China RMA
IP06 Setouchi HMU.pdfIP06Setouchi HMU Implementation Progress ReportIP06 Setouchi HMUFeb 20,2012Japan

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