Category : 1-Report (1)
| | Report of the 16th Meeting of the Regional Airspace Safety Monitoring Advisory Group | FINAL REPORT RASMAG16 | Mar 02,2012 | Secretariat |
Category : 2-General Information (5)
| | WP/IP Template | WP-IP TEMPLATE | Jan 16,2012 | Secretariat |
| | State Letter ref. T3/10.1.17-AP004/12 (ATM) | AP004-12 (ATM)_States | Jan 16,2012 | Secretariat |
| | Group Photo | group photo RASMAG 16 | Feb 21,2012 | Secretariat |
| | Order of Business | Order of BusinessRev | Feb 17,2012 | Secretariat |
| | Order of Discussion | Order of Discussion | Feb 20,2012 | Secretariat |
Category : 3-Working Papers (28)
| Flimsy 1 | Scheduling of DGCA Conference being held in the same year as ICAO Assembly | Flimsy 1 AP-AGA0036-12+Attachment | Feb 17,2012 | Secretariat |
| WP01 | Provisional Agenda | WP01 Agenda | Jan 18,2012 | Secretariat |
| WP02 | Asia Pacific Regional Long Term Height Monitoring | WP02 Asia Pacific Long Term Height Monitoring | Jan 18,2012 | IATA |
| WP03 | Refined Calculation Method for Risk Analysis of Longitudinal Time Separation | WP03 Japan_Refined Calc Method for Risk Analysis of Longitudinal Time Separation | Feb 07,2012 | Japan |
| WP04 | Report from the South East Asia Safety Monitoring Agency: December 2010 - November 2011 | WP04 SEASMA for south china sea Dec 10 - Nov 11 | Feb 09,2012 | SEASMA |
| WP05 | APANPIRG/22 and APSAPG/1 Outcomes | WP05 APANPIRG22 and APSAPG1 Outcomes | Feb 13,2012 | Secretariat |
| WP06 | Regional Safety Monitoring Assessment | WP06 Regional Safety Monitoring Assessment | Feb 13,2012 | Secretariat |
| WP07 | Competent Airspace Safety Monitoring Organizations List Review | WP07 Competent Airspace Safety Monitoring Organizations List Review_REV | Feb 13,2012 | Secretariat |
| WP08 | RASMAG Task List | WP08 Task List | Feb 13,2012 | Secretariat |
| WP09 | Safety Assessment of RVSM within the Flight Information Regions monitored by the AAMA | WP09 AAMA assessments Dec 10 - Nov 11 | Feb 10,2012 | Australia |
| WP10 | Preliminary Analysis of ATS Route B576 for Safety Assessment | WP10 ROK_Working_Paper_RASMAG_16_Korea_KOTI_120215 | Feb 17,2012 | Republic of Korea |
| WP11 | Safety Assessment of RVSM within the Fukuoka Flight Information Region | WP11 Japan_Safety Assessment of RVSM within Fukuoka FIR_rev | Feb 17,2012 | Japan |
| WP12 | Datalink Performance Monitoring Results | WP12 NZ_Datalink Performance for RASMAG 16 | Feb 13,2012 | New Zealand |
| WP13 | Frequency of RASMAG Meetings | WP13 Frequency of RASMAG Meetings | Feb 13,2012 | Secretariat |
| WP14 | Foreign Registered Aircraft in the Australian Airspace Monitoring Agency (AAMA) ADS-B Height-Keeping Monitoring Program | WP14 AAMA ADSB Monitoring | Feb 14,2012 | Australia |
| WP15 | Safety Monitoring Report from China Regional Monitoring Agency December 2010 - November 2011 | WP15 ChinaRMA Safety Assessment_update | Feb 14,2012 | China RMA |
| WP16 | Assessment of Non-RVSM-Approved Aircraft Operating in the RVSM Airspace of Chinese Flight Information Regions and Pyongyang Flight Information Region | WP16 ChinaRMA Scrutiny Assessment | Feb 14,2012 | China RMA |
| WP17 | Updated Estimate of RVSM Long Term Height Monitoring Burden for the Australian Airspace Monitoring Agency (AAMA) | WP17 Estimated RVSM Monitoring Burden for AAMA | Feb 15,2012 | Australia |
| WP18 | Identification of Non-Approved Airframes Operating with RVSM Approval Status | WP18 AAMA Non-Approved Airframes Operating With RVSM Approval Status | Feb 15,2012 | Australia |
| WP19 | Airspace Analysis of Bay of Bengal Arabian Sea Indian Ocean Region and Safety Assessment of RNP10 Routes | WP19 India_RASMAG16 WORKING PAPER15022012 | Feb 17,2012 | BOBASMA |
| WP20 | Airspace Safety Review for the RVSM Operation in the Mongolia Airspace | WP20 MAAR_RASMAG16-WP-Mongolia-CovPg | Feb 17,2012 | MAAR |
| WP21 | Summary of the Airspace Safety Review for the RVSM Operation in the Asia Region | WP21 MAAR_RASMAG16-WP-BOB_SCS | Feb 17,2012 | MAAR |
| WP22 | Assessment of Aircraft Operating in the Asia RVSM Airspace without Proof of RVSM Approval | WP22 MAAR_RASMAG16-WP-NonRVSMFinding | Feb 17,2012 | MAAR |
| WP23 | RCP and RSP Planning and Implementation | WP23 US_socm2 RASMAG | Feb 17,2012 | United States |
| WP24 | Safety Assessment to Support Use of the 30NM Lateral and 30NM Longitudinal Separation Standards in Anchorage Oceanic and Offshore Airspace | WP24 PARMO_anchorage 3030 safety assessment | Feb 17,2012 | United States |
| WP25 | Vertical Safety Monitoring Report from the Pacific Approvals Registry and Monitoring Organization December 2010 - November 2011 | WP25 PARMO safety moniitoring report dec 2010_Nov2011 | Feb 17,2012 | PARMO |
| WP26 | Progress of Work for Safety Assessment of Horizontal Separation Minima within the Fukuoka Flight Information Region | WP26 Japan_JASMA's EMA activity | Feb 17,2012 | Japan |
| WP27 | Horizontal Safety Monitoring Report from the Pacific Approvals Registry and Monitoring Organization December 2010 - November 2011 | WP27 parmo horizontal safety moniitoring report dec10 - nov12 | Feb 20,2012 | PARMO |
Category : 4-Information Papers (6)
| IP01 | Tentative List of Working and Information Papers | IP01 List of Papers | Feb 20,2012 | Secretariat |
| IP02 | Assessment of the Safety of 50-NM Lateral and 50-NM Longitudinal Separation Standards on RNAV Routes M635 and M774 | IP02 - Safety Assessment of 50NM lateral and longitudinal on M774 M635 | Feb 09,2012 | SEASMA |
| IP03 | Australian Fitment Mandate Awareness | IP03 Australian Airspace ADSB mandate | Feb 13,2012 | Australia |
| IP04 | Reporting of Height-Keeping Monitoring Results from ADS-B | IP04 Airline Monitoring Report from AAMA | Feb 14,2012 | Australia |
| IP05 | Updates of Large Height Deviation Data Collection | IP05 China RMA | Feb 14,2012 | China RMA |
| IP06 | Setouchi HMU Implementation Progress Report | IP06 Setouchi HMU | Feb 20,2012 | Japan |