2012 OPMET/M TF/10

​The Tenth Meeting of ASIA/PAC O​​​​PMET Management Task Force of CNS/MET Sub-group of APANPIRG (OPMET/M TF/10)

( Bangkok, Thailand,17 - 1​9 April 2012)

collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(2)
Final Report of OPMET-M-TF-10.pdfReport of the Tenth Meeting of ASIA/PACIFIC OPMET Management Task Force (OPMET M/TF/10)Final Report of OPMET-M-TF-10May 25,2012Secretariat
group photo 17 April 2012.pdfGroup Photogroup photo 17 April 2012May 16,2012Secretariat
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(5)
WP-IP template.docWP/IP TemplateWP-IP templateFeb 27,2012Secretariat
Attachment 3_Nominatin form.docNomination FormAttachment 3_Nominatin formMar 29,2012Secretariat
MET024 - Invitation letter to OPMET-MTF-10.pdfState Letter Ref.: T 4/3.2.3MET024 - Invitation letter to OPMET-MTF-10Feb 22,2012Secretariat
Order of Business Day 2.pdfOrder of Business (Day 2)Order of Business Day 2Apr 17,2012Secretariat
Order of Business Day Tu-Th (2012).pdfOrder of BusinessOrder of Business Day Tu-Th (2012)Apr 17,2012Secretariat
collapse Category : 3-Working Papers ‎(25)
WP01_ICAO - Provisional agenda (revised 17-04-12).pdfWP/01Provisional Agenda (Revised)WP01_ICAO - Provisional agenda (revised 17-04-12)Apr 18,2012Secretariat
WP02_ICAO AI.1(b) - TORs and work plan (revised 16-04-12).pdfWP/02Terms of Reference and Work Programme of the OPMET/M Task Force (Revised)WP02_ICAO AI.1(b) - TORs and work plan (revised 16-04-12)Apr 16,2012Secretariat
WP03_ICAO AI.1(b) - Review OPMET-MTF-9 and Follow-up Action (revised 2012-05-31).pdfWP/03Review of OPMET/M TF/9 Meeting and Action Items (Revised)WP03_ICAO AI.1(b) - Review OPMET-MTF-9 and Follow-up Action (revised 2012-05-31)May 31,2012Secretariat
WP04_ICAO AI.2(a) - MET deficiencies update.pdfWP/04MET Deficiencies UpdateWP04_ICAO AI.2(a) - MET deficiencies updateApr 05,2012Secretariat
WP05_ICAO AI.1(b) - Review of APANPIRG-22 and progress (revised 2012-05-31).pdfWP/05Review of APANPIRG/22 Conclusions and Progress (Revised)WP05_ICAO AI.1(b) - Review of APANPIRG-22 and progress (revised 2012-05-31)May 31,2012Secretariat
WP06_ICAO AI.2(c) - Review of 30-HR TAF.pdfWP/06Review the Implementation of 30-H TAF in the ASIA/PAC RegionWP06_ICAO AI.2(c) - Review of 30-HR TAFApr 05,2012Secretariat
WP07_ICAO AI.3(a) - Review of ROBEX HB (revised 17-04-12).pdfWP/07Review Update to the ROBEX Handbook (Revised)WP07_ICAO AI.3(a) - Review of ROBEX HB (revised 17-04-12)Apr 17,2012Secretariat
WP08_Revised USA AI.2(a) - ISCS G2 Termination.pdfWP/08ISCS-G2 Contract Termination on 1 July 2012 (Revised 04/04/12)WP08_Revised USA AI.2(a) - ISCS G2 TerminationApr 05,2012USA WAFS Provider User
WP09_(2nd Rev) - USA AI.2(a) - WIFS Operational Users Status.pdfWP/09WIFS User Operational Status (Revised 04/04/12)WP09_(2nd Rev) - USA AI.2(a) - WIFS Operational Users StatusApr 05,2012USA WAFS Provider User
WP10_USA AI2 (a) - Cessation of WAFS GRIB-1 upper Data.pdfWP/10Planned Cessation of WAFS GRIB-1 Upper Air Data in November 2013WP10_USA AI2 (a) - Cessation of WAFS GRIB-1 upper DataApr 02,2012USA WAFS Provider User
WP11_ICAO AI.3(b) - Updates to ASIA-PAC ICD (revised 17-04-12).pdfWP/11Review Updates to the ASIA/PAC ICD (Revised)WP11_ICAO AI.3(b) - Updates to ASIA-PAC ICD (revised 17-04-12)Apr 17,2012Secretariat
WP12 ICAO AI.3 (c) - Review OPMET related FASID Tables.pdfWP/12Review of OPMET related FASID TablesWP12 ICAO AI.3 (c) - Review OPMET related FASID TablesApr 05,2012Secretariat
WP13_AUS Conjoin - VAAC_Backup_Australia.pdfWP/13VACC Backup TestWP13_AUS Conjoin - VAAC_Backup_AustraliaApr 05,2012Australia
WP14_AUS Conjoint - MET Task Forces.pdfWP/14MET Task ForcesWP14_AUS Conjoint - MET Task ForcesApr 05,2012Australia
WP15_AUS Conjoint - Volcanic Ash Advice.pdfWP/15Volcanic Ash AdviceWP15_AUS Conjoint - Volcanic Ash AdviceApr 05,2012Australia
WP16_IDN AI.3 - Location indicator change WADA to WADL.pdfWP/16Operational of MATARAM/Lombok International Aerodrome (WADL)WP16_IDN AI.3 - Location indicator change WADA to WADLApr 11,2012Indonesia
WP17_IDN AI.3 (c) - Availability of OPMET data.pdfWP/17Availability of OPMET DataWP17_IDN AI.3 (c) - Availability of OPMET dataApr 11,2012Indonesia
WP18_HKG Conjoint (d) - Volcanic Ash Advice V.2.pdfWP/18Volcanic Ash AdviseWP18_HKG Conjoint (d) - Volcanic Ash Advice V.2Apr 12,2012Hong Kong, China
WP19_THA AI.2 (c) - OPMET exchange between Asia and AFI.pdfWP/19The Current Status of the Inter-regional OPMET Exchange between Asia and AFI regionWP19_THA AI.2 (c) - OPMET exchange between Asia and AFIApr 12,2012Thailand
WP20_THA AI4 (a)-Revised Performance indices of ASIA RODBs.pdfWP/20Performance Indices of ASIA/PAC RODBS (Revised)WP20_THA AI4 (a)-Revised Performance indices of ASIA RODBsApr 16,2012Thailand
WP21_JPN_AI.4 (a) Performance Indice for METAR and TAF.pdfWP/21RODB Tokyo Performance Indices for METAR and TAFWP21_JPN_AI.4 (a) Performance Indice for METAR and TAFApr 16,2012Japan
WP22_SIN AI 4(a) - Review OPMET Monitoring Report.pdfWP/22Review of OPMET Monitoring ReportWP22_SIN AI 4(a) - Review OPMET Monitoring ReportApr 16,2012Singapore
WP23_SIN AI Conjoint WS SIGMET Test7 Report v1 (Revised).pdfWP/23WS SIGMET Test 7 (Revised)WP23_SIN AI Conjoint WS SIGMET Test7 Report v1 (Revised)Apr 20,2012Singapore
WP24_JPN AI Conjoint (a) - Progress with SIGMET tets.pdfWP/24Progress with SIGMET Tests - WC and WVWP24_JPN AI Conjoint (a) - Progress with SIGMET tetsApr 16,2012Japan
WP25_THA AI. 4(b) - RODB Backup exercise.pdfWP/25RODB Back Up Procedure Real Time Exercise between RODB Bangkok and RODB SingaporeWP25_THA AI. 4(b) - RODB Backup exerciseApr 16,2012Thailand
collapse Category : 4-Information Papers ‎(8)
IP01_ICAO - Meeting bulletin.pdfIP/1Meeting BulletinIP01_ICAO - Meeting bulletinFeb 23,2012Secretariat
IP02_Revised USA AI.2(a) - Users of WIFS.pdfIP/2Operational Users of WIFS (Revised 04/04/12)IP02_Revised USA AI.2(a) - Users of WIFSApr 05,2012USA WAFS Provider User
IP03_IDN AI.7 - Jakarta TCWC.pdfIP/3Operational of Jakarta Tropical Cyclone Warning Centre (TCWC)IP03_IDN AI.7 - Jakarta TCWCApr 11,2012Indonesia
IP04_SIN AI. 2 (a) - WIFS Implementation (Revised).pdfIP/4WIFS Implementation (Revised)IP04_SIN AI. 2 (a) - WIFS Implementation (Revised)Apr 18,2012Singapore
IP05_SIN AI.2 (a) -Update of OPMET DB Operation.pdfIP/5An update of OPMET Databank OperationsIP05_SIN AI.2 (a) -Update of OPMET DB OperationApr 16,2012Singapore
IP06_JPN Conjoint (b) - SIGMET Advisory.pdfIP/6Preparation for SIGMET Advisory at Japan Meteorological AgencyIP06_JPN Conjoint (b) - SIGMET AdvisoryApr 16,2012Japan
IP07_PAK AI.3 (a) - Nil Entry in RB Handbook.pdfIP/7Elimination of METAR NIL Entry in ROBEX HandbookIP07_PAK AI.3 (a) - Nil Entry in RB HandbookApr 17,2012Pakistan
IP08_ICAO AI.2 (a) - Primary Internet based for WAFS forecasts.pdfIP/8Primary Internet-Based Service in the ASIA/PAC Region for WAFS ForecastsIP08_ICAO AI.2 (a) - Primary Internet based for WAFS forecastsApr 19,2012Secretariat

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