2012 ISTF/2

​The Second Meeting of Ionosph​​eric Studies Task Force (ISTF/2)

( Bang​​kok, Thailand,15 - 17 October 2012)

collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(4)
ISTF-2 (15-17 October 2012).pdfGroup PhotoISTF-2 (15-17 October 2012)Oct 16,2012Secretariat
ISTF2 Final Report.pdfReport of the Second Meeting of Ionospheric Studies Task ForceISTF2 Final ReportNov 13,2012Secretariat
WP-IP template.docxWP/IP TemplateWP-IP templateOct 01,2012Secretariat
AP107_Invitation letter and Attachments.pdfState letter Ref.: T 8/5.10:AP107/12 (CNS)AP107_Invitation letter and AttachmentsSep 25,2012Secretariat
collapse Category : 3-Working Papers ‎(11)
WP01_ICAO - Provisional Agenda.pdfWP/01Provisional AgendaWP01_ICAO - Provisional AgendaOct 01,2012Secretariat
WP02_ICAO AI. 6 - ISTF Portal.pdfWP/02ISTF PortalWP02_ICAO AI. 6 - ISTF PortalOct 04,2012Secretariat
WP03_ICAO AI. 2 - CNS-MET SG16 and APANPIRG23 Outcome.pdfWP/03Review of CNS/MET SG/16 & APANPIRG/23 OutcomeWP03_ICAO AI. 2 - CNS-MET SG16 and APANPIRG23 OutcomeOct 05,2012Secretariat
WP04_ICAO AI. 2 - APEC GIT 16-7 outcome.pdfWP/04Review Outcome of APEC GIT 16/17WP04_ICAO AI. 2 - APEC GIT 16-7 outcomeOct 05,2012Secretariat
WP5_ISTF2_data_server clear.pdfWP/05Data server for ionospheric data collection, analysis, and sharingWP5_ISTF2_data_server clearOct 11,2012Japan
WP6_ISTF2_data_sources -Japan.pdfWP/06Summary of ionosphere data sources identified through a data collection templateWP6_ISTF2_data_sources -JapanOct 11,2012Japan
WP7_ISTF2_format_SCINT_rev3.pdfWP/07Data format for sharing ionospheric scintillation measurementsWP7_ISTF2_format_SCINT_rev3Oct 11,2012Japan
WP8_ISTF2_format_TEC_rev3.pdfWP/08Data format for sharing ionospheric delay measurementsWP8_ISTF2_format_TEC_rev3Oct 11,2012Japan
WP09_India AI. 3 - Status of GAGAN Project.pdfWP/09Current Status: GAGAN ProjectWP09_India AI. 3 - Status of GAGAN ProjectOct 14,2012India
WP10_India AI. 3 - Ionospheric studies for GAGAN.pdfWP/10Ionospheric Studies for GAGANWP10_India AI. 3 - Ionospheric studies for GAGANOct 14,2012India
WP11_India AI. 3 - GAGAN GEO Integration Challenges.pdfWP/11Effect of Scintillation on the GAGAN Geo Signals - Challenges in Integrating Geostationary Satellite with Uplink StationsWP11_India AI. 3 - GAGAN GEO Integration ChallengesOct 14,2012India
collapse Category : 4-Information Papers ‎(2)
IP01_ICAO - Meetinb Bulletin.pdfIP/01Meeting BulletinIP01_ICAO - Meetinb BulletinOct 01,2012Secretariat
IP02_ICAO AI. 2 - Review outcome of WGW meeting.pdfIP/02Review Outcome of ICAO Navigation Systems Panel Working Group of the whole (WGW) MeetingIP02_ICAO AI. 2 - Review outcome of WGW meetingOct 05,2012Secretariat
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(1)
SP01_ROK AI. 5 - Data quality improvement.pdfSP/01Data-Quality Improvments and Applications of Long-Term Monitoring of Ionospheric Anomalies for GBASSP01_ROK AI. 5 - Data quality improvementOct 15,2012Republic of Korea


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