2012 GNSS Seminar

​GNSS Imp​lementation Seminar/Workshop

(Bangkok, Thailand,26 March 2012)

collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(1)
GNSS Workshop summary report Version  4 -LP.pdfReport of GNSS WorkshopGNSS Workshop summary report Version 4 -LPApr 11,2012Secretariat
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(4)
AP169 - Selected States on GNSS Workshop.pdfInvitation letterAP169 - Selected States on GNSS WorkshopMar 19,2012Secretariat
Attachment 1 - Final List of participants as of 26 March 2012 V.2.pdfList of ParticipantsAttachment 1 - Final List of participants as of 26 March 2012 V.2Apr 12,2012Secretariat
group photo.pdfGroup Photogroup photoMar 26,2012Secretariat
Result of GNSS survey in Nov. 2010.pdfResult of GNSS Survey in November 2010Result of GNSS survey in Nov. 2010Mar 19,2012Secretariat
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(13)
SP01_GNSS Survey Presentation.pptxSP/01GNSS Survey OutcomeSP01_GNSS Survey PresentationMar 26,2012Secretariat
SP02_Regional_GNSS_related_activities_presentation (revised).pptxSP/02Regional GNSS Related ActivitiesSP02_Regional_GNSS_related_activities_presentation (revised)Mar 26,2012Secretariat
SP03_ Attachment Beidou ICD.pdfSP/03Attachment to SP/3SP03_ Attachment Beidou ICDMar 26,2012China
SP03_China - Beirdou Status and Aviation Application.pptSP/03Development of Beidou and Civil Aviation Consideration and EffortSP03_China - Beirdou Status and Aviation ApplicationMar 26,2012China
SP04A_APEC GIT_Noppadol.pptSP/04AAPEC GNSS Implementation Team and Outcomes of APEC GIT 16SP04A_APEC GIT_NoppadolMar 26,2012Thailand
SP04B_Regional RAIM Prediction.pptSP/04BRegional RAIM Prediction System - Progress ReportSP04B_Regional RAIM PredictionMar 26,2012Thailand
SP05_India_Validation Paper.pdfSP/05GAGAN Current Status and Validation ProcessSP05_India_Validation PaperMar 26,2012India
SP06_Flight Validation_Noppadol.pptSP/06Flight Validation Process of RNP APCH Procedures: Thailand Case StudySP06_Flight Validation_NoppadolMar 26,2012Thailand
SP07_ADS-B implementation Updates in Hong Kong (revised).pptSP/07Updates on ADS-B Implementation in Hong Kong, ChinaSP07_ADS-B implementation Updates in Hong Kong (revised)Mar 26,2012Hong Kong, China
SP08_ PBN Implementation Part B- Hong Kong China.pptSP/08Hong Kong PBN Implementation - Part BSP08_ PBN Implementation Part B- Hong Kong ChinaMar 26,2012Hong Kong, China
SP09_GNSS and PBN -Australia_ Mallett.pdfSP/09GNSS and PBNSP09_GNSS and PBN -Australia_ MallettMar 26,2012Australia
SP10_ASBU overview and NAV Roadmap.pptxSP/10Aviation System Block Upgrade (ASBU) Methodology Introduction and Navigation RoadmapSP10_ASBU overview and NAV RoadmapMar 26,2012Secretariat
SP10_Attachment Reference Working Version of ASBU Doc.pdfSP/10Attachment to SP/10SP10_Attachment Reference Working Version of ASBU DocMar 26,2012Secretariat

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