Type Name : (12)
Category : 1-Report (2)
| | Report of the Seventh Meeting of the Bay of Bengal Reduced Horizontal Separation Implementation Task Force (BOB-RHS/TF/7) and The Second Meeting of the South Asia/Indian Ocean ATM Coordination Group (SAIOACG/2) | FINAL_REPORT_BOBRHSTF7SAIOACG2 | May 30,2012 | Secretariat |
| | Group Photo | GROUP PHOTO2 | May 30,2012 | Secretariat |
Category : 2-General Information (10)
| | State Leter ref. T3/8.13, T3/8.13.3-AP028/12 (ATM) | AP028-12 (ATM)_States | May 18,2012 | Secretariat |
| | State Letter ref. T3/8.13, T3/8.13.3-AP037/11 (ATM) | AP037-12 (ATM)_States | May 18,2012 | Secretariat |
| | Order of Business | ORDER OF BUSINESS_2 | May 22,2012 | Secretariat |
| | WEDNESDAY | Wednesday | May 22,2012 | Secretariat |
| | WP-IP Template BOB-RHS/TF/7 | WP or IP TEMPLATE-BOBRHSTF7 | May 18,2012 | Secretariat |
| | WP-IP Template SAIOACG/7 | WP-IP TEMPLATE_SAIOACG2 | May 18,2012 | Secretariat |
| | Provisional Agenda BOB-RHS/TF/7 | AP028-12 (ATM) BOBRHSTF7andSAIOACG2 APDX-A Agenda BOBRHSTF7 | May 18,2012 | Secretariat |
| | Provisional Agenda SAIOACG/2 | AP028-12 (ATM) BOBRHSTF7andSAIOACG2 APDX-B Agenda SAIOACG2 | May 18,2012 | Secretariat |
| | Registration Form | AP028-12 (ATM) BOBRHSTF7andSAIOACG2 APDX-C Registration Form | May 18,2012 | Secretariat |
| | Meeting Bulletin | AP028-12 (ATM) BOBRHSTF7andSAIOACG2 APDX-D Meeting Bulletin | May 18,2012 | Secretariat |
Type Name : BOB-RHS/TF/7 (21 May 2012)-ICAO Bangkok (7)
Category : 3-Working Papers (6)
| WP01 | Provisional Agenda - BOB-RHS/TF/7 | WP01 Agenda_BOBRHSTF7 | May 18,2012 | Secretariat |
| WP02 | Post Implementation Review | WP02 Post Implementation Review | May 18,2012 | Secretariat |
| WP03 | Dissolution of Bay of Bengal Reduced Horizontal Separation Task Force | WP03 Dissolution of BOBRHS | May 18,2012 | Secretariat |
| WP04 | Proposal to Introduce 50/30NM on ATS Route L301 and P574 as a Transition from 50/50 to 30/30NM RLS | WP04 India_Proposal_to_introduce_50-30Nm-A_transition_to_30-30NM_RLS_17052012 2030 | May 18,2012 | India |
| WP05 | Post Implementation Analysis on 50NM RLS in BOBASIO Region | WP05 India_Post_implementation_Analysis_on_50Nm_RLS_in_BOBASIO_Region_17052012 2030 | May 18,2012 | India |
| WP06 | BOB-RHS/TF Task List | WP06 Task List_BOBRHSTF7 | May 21,2012 | Secretariat |
Category : 4-Information Papers (1)
| IP01 | List of Working Papers and Information Papers | IP01 List of Papers_BOBRHSTF7 | May 21,2012 | Secretariat |
Type Name : SAIOACG/2 (22-25 May)-ICAO Bangkok (24)
Category : 3-Working Papers (18)
| WP01 | Provisional Agenda for SAIOACG/2 | WP01 Agenda_SAIOACG2 | May 18,2012 | Secretariat |
| WP02 | Relevant Meeting Outcomes | WP02 Relevant Meeting Outcomes | May 18,2012 | Secretariat |
| WP03 | ADS-B Planning | WP03 ADS-B Planning | May 18,2012 | Secretariat |
| WP04 | Establishment of SAIOACG Small Working Groups | WP04 SAIOACG Small Working Groups | May 18,2012 | Secretariat |
| WP05 | Infrastructure Development, ATM Improvements, and Capacity Enhancements in the South Asia/Indian Ocean Area | WP05 SAIOACG2 | May 18,2012 | Secretariat |
| WP06 | Procedure for the Amendment of Regional Air Navigation Plan | WP06 SAIOACG2 BANP amendment | May 18,2012 | Secretariat |
| WP07 | Issues and Suggestions regarding BOBCAT ATFM Operations - Delhi FIR | WP07 India_ ISSUES AND SUGGESTIONS REGARDING BOBCAT ATFM OPERATIONS - DELHI FIR 16052012 | May 18,2012 | India |
| WP08 | SAIOACG Task List | WP08 SAIOACG Task List | May 18,2012 | Secretariat |
| WP09 | ADS-B Implementation Plan | WP09 India_ADS-B implementation Plan 17052012 2030 | May 18,2012 | India |
| WP10 | ATM Contingency Plan of India | WP10 India_ATM CONTINGENCY PLAN OF INDIA 17052012 2030 | May 18,2012 | India |
| WP11 | Converting Non-RNAV Routes to RNP10 Routes and Creation of New ATS Routes in Arabian Sea Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal | WP11 India_CONVERTING NON-RNAV ROUTES | May 18,2012 | India |
| WP12 | Update on AMHS Trials and AIDC Testing | WP12 India_UPDATE ON AMHS TRIALS AND AIDC TESTING 16052012SAIOACG2 | May 18,2012 | India |
| WP13 | UPR Paper Trials for Feasibility Study of Establishment of UPR Zone in Arabian Sea Indian Ocean Region | WP13 India_UPR_Paper_Trials_for_feasibility_study_of_establishment_of_UPR_Zone | May 18,2012 | India |
| WP14 | Capacity Enhancement Table | WP14 Capacity Enhancement Table | May 18,2012 | Secretariat |
| WP15 | India's Preparedness for New ICAO FPL 2012 | WP15 India_New FPL_SAIOACG2 17052012 1930 | May 18,2012 | India |
| WP16 | Review of BOBASIO/02 Meeting at Chennai | WP16 India_REVIEW_OF_BOBASIO-02_MEETING_AT_CHENNAI_17052012_17351 | May 18,2012 | India |
| WP17 | Future Work: Future Work Focus & Concepts | WP17 IATA_SAIOACG 2 WP - Future Work | May 18,2012 | IATA |
| WP18 | BOBCAT Operational Updates and Future Arrangement | WP18 Thailand - BOBCAT Operational Updates and Future Arrangement | May 18,2012 | Thailand |
Category : 4-Information Papers (6)
| IP01 | List of Working and Information Papers | IP01 List of Papers_SAIOACG2 | May 21,2012 | Secretariat |
| IP02 | 2012 FPL & ATS Message Implementation Update | IP02 2012 FPL and ATS Message Implementation Update | May 18,2012 | Thailand |
| IP03 | Regional ATM Contingency Planning Task Force Updates | IP03 Regional ATM Contingency Planning | May 18,2012 | Secretariat |
| IP04 | Establishment of an ATS Route Structure for the Proposed New Hambantota International Airport (HIA) in Sri Lanka | IP04 SRL_ATS Route Structure for HIA | May 18,2012 | Secretariat |
| IP05 | Civil Military Cooperation for Seamless ATM | IP05 India_Civil Military Cooperation for seamless ATM 16052012 | May 18,2012 | Sri Lanka |
| IP06 | Suvarnabhumi Airport Runway Maintenance (11 Jun - 10 Aug 2012) | IP06 Thailand - VTBS RWY Maintenance | May 21,2012 | India |