2011 metatm seminar

​ICAO/WMO Asia/Pacific Meteorology/Air Traffic Manage​​​ment (MET/ATM) Seminar

(Fuku​​oka, Japan,24-26 January 2011)

collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(2)
Sem Photo.JPGGroup PhotoSem PhotoMar 17,2011Secretariat
Seminar Report.pdfSummary Report of ICAO/WMO Asia/Pacific Meteorology/Air Traffic Management (MET/ATM) SeminarSeminar ReportMar 17,2011Secretariat
collapse Category : 3-Working Papers ‎(16)
wp01.pdfWP01Seminar Programmewp01Feb 23,2011Secretariat
wp02.pdfWP02Volcano Observatory Response to an Eruption in the Far Eastwp02Feb 23,2011Russian Federation
wp03.pdfWP03Contingency Points of Contact for Volcanic Ash Eventswp03Feb 23,2011Secretariat
wp04.pdfWP04Support to METWARN/1 TF in Developing Contingency Plan - Revisedwp04Feb 23,2011Secretariat
wp05.pdfWP05Impact of the Mount Merapi Eruption to the Civil Aviationwp05Feb 23,2011Indonesia
wp06.pdfWP06Impact of the Volcanic Ash on Air Traffic Managementwp06Feb 23,2011Japan
wp07.pdfWP07Organization of MET Support for ATM in Japanwp07Feb 23,2011Japan
wp08.pdfWP08Meteorological Elements that Affect Air Traffic Managementwp08Feb 23,2011Japan
wp09.pdfWP09Traffic Meteorological Category Forecast - Revisedwp09Feb 23,2011Japan
wp11.pdfWP11Weather Briefing for ACC (Area Control Center) Controllerswp11Feb 23,2011Republic of Korea
wp12.pdfWP12Development of MET Products and Services for ATM and ATFMwp12Feb 23,2011Hong Kong, China
wp13.pdfWP13New Meteorological Services Supporting Air Traffic Managementwp13Feb 23,2011WMO
wp14.pdfWP14Information on Perspective Future Function of the World Area Forecast Systemwp14Feb 23,2011USA
wp15.pdfWP15Development Plan of Meteorological Services in the Terminal Area in Chinawp15Feb 23,2011China
wp16.pdfWP16Impact of the 23 September 2009 Sydney Dust Stormwp16Feb 23,2011Australia
wp17.pdfWP17Aviation Meteorological Products and Serviceswp17Feb 23,2011Hong Kong, China
collapse Category : 4-Information Papers ‎(7)
ip01.pdfIP1Meeting Bulletinip01Feb 23,2011Secretariat
ip02.pdfIP2Service of the Air Traffic Meteorology Center - Revisedip02Feb 23,2011Japan
ip03.pdfIP3Current and Proposed Organizational Frameworks and Consultative Mechanismsip03Feb 23,2011Russian Federation
sp03.pdfSP03Evolution of ICAO Requirementssp03Feb 23,2011ICAO/WMO
sp10.pdfSP10Regional Contingency Arrangements for Volcanic Ash Incidentsp10Feb 23,2011Singapore
sp13.pdfSP13Air Traffic Meteorological Category Forecast - Second revisedsp13Feb 23,2011Japan
sp16.pdfSP16Impact of the 23 September 2009 Sydney Dust Stormsp16Feb 23,2011Australia
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(17)
sp01.pdfSP01Introduction of MET/ATM Seminarsp01Feb 23,2011Secretariat
sp02.pdfSP02What is ATM?sp02Feb 23,2011Secretariat
sp04.pdfSP04Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM)sp04Feb 23,2011Secretariat
sp05.pdfSP05Report on MET in Support of ATM â?? ad hoc WG from AMOFSGsp05Feb 23,2011USA
sp06.pdfSP06U.S Volcanic Ash Program in Support of IVATFsp06Feb 23,2011USA
sp07.pdfSP07Weather Exchange Model - Revisedsp07Feb 23,2011USA
sp08.pdfSP08Traffic Flow Management Requirement for ATMSP/9 â?? ATM Dealing with Weather Impactsp08Feb 23,2011USA
sp09.pdfSP09ATM Dealing with Weather Impactsp09Feb 23,2011USA
sp11.pdfSP11Influence of the Weather Forecast on Air Traffic Managementsp11Feb 23,2011Japan
sp12.pdfSP12Impact of the Volcanic Ash on Air Traffic Managementsp12Feb 23,2011Japan
sp14.pdfSP14Services of the Air Traffic Meteorology Center (ATMetC) - Revisedsp14Feb 23,2011Japan
sp15.pdfSP15A Pilot Perspective on Volcanic Ashsp15Feb 23,2011IFALPA
sp17.pdfSP17How is my driving? (ATM Operational Needs)sp17Feb 23,2011IFATCA
sp18.pdfSP18Impact of the Mount Merapi Eruption to the Civil Aviationsp18Feb 23,2011Indonesia
sp19.pdfSP19Aviation Meteorological Products and Servicessp19Feb 23,2011Hong Kong, China
sp20.pdfSP20Development of MET Products and Services for ATM and ATFM in Hong Kongsp20Feb 23,2011Hong Kong, China
sp21.pdfSP21Development of MET Products and Services for ATM and ATFM in Hong Kongsp21Feb 23,2011WMO
collapse Category : Working Papers ‎(1)
wp10.pdfWP10Influence of the Weather Forecast on Air Traffic Managementwp10Feb 23,2011Japan


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