2011 Seamless ATM

​ICAO Asia/Pacific Seamless ATM Symposium and Ad​​​-Hoc Group Meeting

(Ban​gkok, Thailand,15-17 August 2011)

collapse Type Name :  ‎(6)
collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(1)
FINAL REPORT SEAMLESS ATM.pdfSummary of Discussions of the ICAO Asia/Pacific Seamless ATM Symposium and Ad Hoc MeetingFINAL REPORT SEAMLESS ATMSep 08,2011Secretariat
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(5)
AP076-11 (ATM) States.pdfState Letter ref. T3/10.1.21-AP076/11 (ATM) dated 3 June 2011AP076-11 (ATM) StatesJun 02,2011
AP096-11 (ATM) States.pdfState Letter ref. T3/10.1.21-AP096/11 (ATM) dated 27 July 2011AP096-11 (ATM) StatesAug 08,2011
group photo(resize).jpgGroup Photogroup photo(resize)Aug 16,2011
Seamless ATM programme final _REV_.pdfSymposium ProgrammeSeamless ATM programme final _REV_Aug 11,2011
collapse Type Name : 1-ICAO Asia/Pacific Seamless ATM Symposium (15-16 August 2011)- ‎(15)
collapse Category : Day-1 ‎(8)
D1 P1 GANP GASP ICAO.pdfP-1Seamless Global Drivers GANP/GASPD1 P1 GANP GASP ICAOAug 11,2011ICAO
D1 P2 JCAB CARATS.PDFP-2CARATS, Seamless ATM PerspectiveD1 P2 JCAB CARATSAug 15,2011Japan
D1 P3 Seamless ATM Bangkok - NextGen final (David Burkholder).pdfP-3Next Gen, Seamless ATM PerspectiveD1 P3 Seamless ATM Bangkok - NextGen final (David Burkholder)Aug 15,2011United States
D1 P4 SESAR JU Presentation Bangkok August 2011 [Compatibility Mode].pdfP-4SESAR, Seamless ATM PerspectiveD1 P4 SESAR JU Presentation Bangkok August 2011 [Compatibility Mode]Aug 15,2011SESAR JU
D1 P5, 6 Harmonizing ATM, Block Upgrades ICAO [Compatibility Mode].pdfP-5&P-6Harmonizing ATM Modernization Programmes & Aviation System Block UpgradesD1 P5, 6 Harmonizing ATM, Block Upgrades ICAO [Compatibility Mode]Aug 15,2011ICAO
D1 P7 FUA CIVMIL ICAO [Compatibility Mode].pdfP-7Flexible Use of Airspace Civil/Military CoopertaionD1 P7 FUA CIVMIL ICAO [Compatibility Mode]Aug 11,2011ICAO
D1 P8 Airline Perspective IATA.pdfP-8Airline PerspectiveD1 P8 Airline Perspective IATAAug 15,2011IATA
D1 P9 CANSO Seamless Airspace Presentation for BKK Symposium 29 Jul 11 [Compatibility Mode].pdfP-9Seamless Airspace - the ANSP PerspectiveD1 P9 CANSO Seamless Airspace Presentation for BKK Symposium 29 Jul 11 [Compatibility Mode]Aug 15,2011CANSO
collapse Category : Day-2 ‎(7)
D2 P1 and 2 PBN and UAS FAA [Compatibility Mode].pdfP-1&P-2Performance-based Navigation (PBN), Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM), and Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) IntegrationD2 P1 and 2 PBN and UAS FAA [Compatibility Mode]Aug 17,2011United States
D2 P3 AIM SWIM ICAO.pdfP-3AIM-SWIM, Flight Plan 2012D2 P3 AIM SWIM ICAOAug 11,2011ICAO
D2 P4 ATM Procedures FAA.pdfP-4Air Traffic Management (ATM) Procedures, Standards, and DriversD2 P4 ATM Procedures FAAAug 17,2011United States
D2 P5 Airline Operations IATA.pdfP-5Airline OperationsD2 P5 Airline Operations IATAAug 16,2011IATA
D2 P6 CNS Roadmaps ICAO.pdfP-6CNS RoadmapsD2 P6 CNS Roadmaps ICAOAug 17,2011ICAO
D2 P7 Surveillance ASA [Compatibility Mode].pdfP-7ADS-B Status UpdateD2 P7 Surveillance ASA [Compatibility Mode]Aug 17,2011Australia
D2 P8 PBN ICAO.pdfP-8Performance Based NavigationD2 P8 PBN ICAOAug 11,2011ICAO
collapse Type Name : 2-Ad-Hoc Group Meeting (17 August 2011)- ‎(8)
collapse Category : Presentations ‎(8)
D3 P1 Australia ASA [Compatibility Mode].pdfP-1Advancing Regional InteroperabilityD3 P1 Australia ASA [Compatibility Mode]Aug 17,2011Australia
D3 P2 CAAC [Compatibility Mode].pdfP-2CAAC ATM System Development Vision and ProgrammeD3 P2 CAAC [Compatibility Mode]Aug 11,2011China
D3 P3 Hong Kong, China [Compatibility Mode].pdfP-3Enabling Seamless ATM in the Asia and Pacific RegionsD3 P3 Hong Kong, China [Compatibility Mode]Aug 17,2011Hong Kong, China
D3 P4 India [Compatibility Mode].pdfP-4India's Vision and Perspective and Future Indian Air Navigation System (FIANS)D3 P4 India [Compatibility Mode]Aug 17,2011India
D3 P5 Singapore.pdfP-5CAAS' Approach to ATM ModernisationD3 P5 SingaporeAug 17,2011Singapore
D3 P6 Thailand.pdfP-6Development Vision & ProgrammeD3 P6 ThailandAug 17,2011Thailand
D3 P7 ENRI-RandD-ICAO-seamless-ATM-BKK2011AUG.pdfP-7R & D Activities in ENRI for Seamless ATMD3 P7 ENRI-RandD-ICAO-seamless-ATM-BKK2011AUGAug 15,2011ENRI
D3 P8 APAC Seamless ATM [Compatibility Mode].pdfP-8Regional Seamless ATM IssuesD3 P8 APAC Seamless ATM [Compatibility Mode]Aug 11,2011ICAO

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