Type Name : (7)
 Category : 1-Report (3)
|  | | PBN TF Group Photo | PBN TF Group Photo | May 31,2011 | |
|  | | PBN Workshop Group Photo | PBN Workshop Group Photo | May 31,2011 | |
| ![REPORT_PBNSeminarTF8_NewDelhi__2_[1].pdf REPORT_PBNSeminarTF8_NewDelhi__2_[1].pdf](/_layouts/15/images/icpdf.png?rev=23) | | Report of the Eighth Meeting of the Performance Based Navigation Task Force (PBN/TF/8) | REPORT_PBNSeminarTF8_NewDelhi__2_[1] | Jun 07,2011 | |
 Category : 2-General Information (4)
|  | | State Letter ref. T3/8.30-AP012/11 (ATM) dated 04 February 2011 | AP012-11 PBNTF8 States | Apr 05,2011 | |
|  | | State Letter ref. T3/8.30-AP044/11 (ATM) dated 28 March 2011 | AP044-11 (ATM) States | Apr 05,2011 | |
|  | | Order of Business | Order of BusinessREV | May 06,2011 | |
|  | | ICAO PBN News | PBN TF8 News | May 16,2011 | |
Type Name : PBN Implementation Seminar 2011 (10-11 May 2011)- (17)
 Category : Seminar Materials (17)
|  | | PBN TF/8 Seminar Programme | PBN TF8 Seminar Programme draft_WEB | May 06,2011 | |
|  | Presentation01 | ICAO Global PBN Update | Presentation1 PBN TF presentation110506 | May 16,2011 | ICAO |
| ![Presentation2 GAGAN- INDIAN SBAS PROGRAM [Compatibility Mode].pdf Presentation2 GAGAN- INDIAN SBAS PROGRAM [Compatibility Mode].pdf](/_layouts/15/images/icpdf.png?rev=23) | Presentation02 | Indian SBAS - GAGAN & PBN Implementation | Presentation2 GAGAN- INDIAN SBAS PROGRAM [Compatibility Mode] | May 16,2011 | India |
|  | Presentation03 | Asia-Pacific FPP & Asia COSCAP Update | Presentation3 FPP and COSCAP | May 16,2011 | COSCAP-NA |
| ![Presentation4 FAA PBN TF8 Briefing [Compatibility Mode].pdf Presentation4 FAA PBN TF8 Briefing [Compatibility Mode].pdf](/_layouts/15/images/icpdf.png?rev=23) | Presentation04 | Performance-Based Navigation: Area Navigation (RNAV) and Required Navigation Performance (RNP) Program | Presentation4 FAA PBN TF8 Briefing [Compatibility Mode] | May 16,2011 | US FAA |
|  | Presentation05 | PBN Implementation Barriers and Solutions for Small States - Fiji | Presentation5 PBN FIJI | May 16,2011 | Fiji |
|  | Presentation05A | PBN Implementation Update - Papua New Guinea | Presentation5A PBN PNG | May 16,2011 | Papua New Guinea |
| ![Presentation6 Elminating Roadblocks and Lessons Learned [Compatibility Mode].pdf Presentation6 Elminating Roadblocks and Lessons Learned [Compatibility Mode].pdf](/_layouts/15/images/icpdf.png?rev=23) | Presentation06 | Eliminating the Roadblocks (Lessons Learned) | Presentation6 Elminating Roadblocks and Lessons Learned [Compatibility Mode] | May 16,2011 | IATA |
| ![Presentation7 BKKTMA [Compatibility Mode].pdf Presentation7 BKKTMA [Compatibility Mode].pdf](/_layouts/15/images/icpdf.png?rev=23) | Presentation07 | Enhancing Airspace Safety and Capacity using PBN - Bangkok TMA Case Study | Presentation7 BKKTMA [Compatibility Mode] | May 16,2011 | Thailand |
| ![Presentation8 PBNTF ITAR Aus [Compatibility Mode].pdf Presentation8 PBNTF ITAR Aus [Compatibility Mode].pdf](/_layouts/15/images/icpdf.png?rev=23) | Presentation08 | Implementation of Terminal Area RNP in Australia | Presentation8 PBNTF ITAR Aus [Compatibility Mode] | May 16,2011 | Australia |
| ![Presentation9 PBN Implementation in HK May 2011 v2 [Compatibility Mode].pdf Presentation9 PBN Implementation in HK May 2011 v2 [Compatibility Mode].pdf](/_layouts/15/images/icpdf.png?rev=23) | Presentation09 | PBN Implementation in Hong Kong, China | Presentation9 PBN Implementation in HK May 2011 v2 [Compatibility Mode] | May 16,2011 | Hong Kong, China |
| ![Presentation10 Application of the terminal PBN separation standard [Compatibility Mode].pdf Presentation10 Application of the terminal PBN separation standard [Compatibility Mode].pdf](/_layouts/15/images/icpdf.png?rev=23) | Presentation10 | Application of the Terminal PBN Separation Standard | Presentation10 Application of the terminal PBN separation standard [Compatibility Mode] | May 16,2011 | ICAO |
|  | Presentation11 | The Role of Commercial Organisations in developing State PBN Capability | Presentation11 J RuppertPBN Task Force Seminar | May 16,2011 | GE Aviation |
|  | Presentation12 | RNP Regional Interoperability | Presentation12 RNP Regional Interoperability v1 | May 16,2011 | Australia |
| ![Presentation13 CAMBODIA PBN [Compatibility Mode].pdf Presentation13 CAMBODIA PBN [Compatibility Mode].pdf](/_layouts/15/images/icpdf.png?rev=23) | Presentation13 | PBN Implementation Plan - SSCA Cambodia | Presentation13 CAMBODIA PBN [Compatibility Mode] | May 16,2011 | Cambodia |
|  | Presentation14 | Progress on PBN Implementation in the Maldives | Presentation14 MALDIVES | May 16,2011 | Maldives |
| ![Presentation15 Thai PBN Progress [Compatibility Mode].pdf Presentation15 Thai PBN Progress [Compatibility Mode].pdf](/_layouts/15/images/icpdf.png?rev=23) | Presentation15 | Performance Based Navigation Implementation in Thailand | Presentation15 Thai PBN Progress [Compatibility Mode] | May 16,2011 | Thailand |
Type Name : PBN Workshop (9-12 May 2011)- (5)
 Category : Workshop Document (5)
|  | | Airspace Concept Handbook Activities 1 to 15: Project Planning Sample | 08_ Time Required per project (calculation) | May 04,2011 | |
|  | | Vertical Interaction between Unconstrained Departure & Arrival | 08_New sid-star x v3 | May 04,2011 | |
|  | | PBN Airspace Concept - Case Study | 08_Place_TMA_Single_RWY_Docs_students new2 | May 04,2011 | |
|  | | Recent Developments in Kapitali TMA | 08_RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN Nordland TMA single rwy | May 04,2011 | |
|  | | Workshop Time-Table | New Delhi Time Table_Revised | May 05,2011 | |
Type Name : PBN/TF/8 (12-13 May 2011)- (16)
 Category : 3-Working Papers (11)
|  | WP01 | Provisional Agenda | WP01 | May 04,2011 | Secretariat |
|  | WP02 | State PBN Implementation Progress (Note: Attachment to WP/02 will be sent to all participants by e-mail) | WP02 | May 05,2011 | Secretariat |
|  | WP03 | Proposed Amendments to the Asia/Pacific Regional PBN Implementation Plan | WP03 | May 05,2011 | IATA |
|  | WP04 | Regional Development and Implementation (REDI) Initiatives | WP04 | May 05,2011 | IATA |
|  | WP05 | Status of APANPIRG Conclusions | WP05 | May 04,2011 | Secretariat |
|  | WP06 | RNP4 Survey | WP06 | May 04,2011 | Secretariat |
|  | WP07 | Future of the PBN TF | WP07 | May 06,2011 | Australia |
|  | WP08 | Progress on the Establishment of APAC Regional RAIM Prediction System | WP08 | May 05,2011 | Thailand |
|  | WP09 | Review of PBN TF Task List | WP09 | May 04,2011 | Secretariat |
|  | WP10 | RNP Regional Interoperability | WP10 | May 06,2011 | |
|  | WP11 | PBN Update | WP11 | May 09,2011 | Secretariat |
 Category : 4-Information Papers (5)
|  | IP01 | List of Working Papers (WPs) and Information Papers (IPs) | IP01 | May 09,2011 | Secretariat |
|  | IP02 | FPP/COSCAP PBN Update | IP02 | May 05,2011 | FPP/COSCAPs |
|  | IP03 | Thailand PBN Implementation Update | IP03 | May 05,2011 | Thailand |
|  | IP04 | APANPIRG Contributory Bodies Structure Review Task Force | IP04 | May 05,2011 | Secretariat |
|  | IP05 | The Current Status of the MTSAT Services | IP05 | May 09,2011 | Japan |