2011 BOB-RHS/TF/6 and BBACG/22

​The Sixth Meeting of the Bay of Bengal Reduce​​​d Horizontal Separation Implementation Task Force (BOB-RHS/TF/6) and the First Meeting of the South Asia/Indian Ocean ATM Coordination Group (SAIOACG/1-formerly BBACG/22)

( Bangkok, Thailand,19-23 September 2011)

collapse Type Name :  ‎(7)
collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(1)
FINAL REPORT BOBRHSTF-6 SAIOACG1.pdfReport of the Sixth Meeting of the Bay of Bengal Reduced Horizontal Separation Implementation Task Force (BOB-RHS/TF/6) and The First Meeting of the South Asia/Indian Ocean ATM Coordination Group (SAIOACG/1)Sep 28,2011SecretariatFINAL REPORT BOBRHSTF-6 SAIOACG1
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(6)
OrderofBusiness.pdfOrder of BusinessSep 13,2011OrderofBusiness
photo for web.JPGGroup PhotoSep 19,2011photo for web
TOR_SAIOACG.pdfSouth Asia/Indian Ocean ATM Coordination Group (SAIOACG)Terms of ReferenceSep 07,2011TOR_SAIOACG
WP or IP TEMPLATE BBACG22.docWP/IP Template - SAIOACG/1 (formerly BBACG/22)Sep 16,2011WP or IP TEMPLATE BBACG22
AP097-11 (ATM) States.pdfState Letter ref. T3/8.13, T3/8.13.3-AP097/11 (ATM)Aug 10,2011AP097-11 (ATM) States
collapse Type Name : BOB-RHS/TF/6, 19-21 September 2011- Bangkok ‎(21)
collapse Category : 3-Working Papers ‎(16)
WP01 Provisional Agenda.pdfWP01Provisional Agenda - BOB-RHS/TF/6Sep 08,2011SecretariatWP01 Provisional Agenda
WP02 Review of BOB RHS-TF-5.pdfWP02Review of FIT-BOB/13 and BOB-RHS/TF/5Sep 08,2011SecretariatWP02 Review of BOB RHS-TF-5
WP03 ATM Routes Phase 2.pdfWP03ATM Routes to be considered in implementation of Phase 2 BOB-RHS 50NM Longitudinal SeparationSep 13,2011SecretariatWP03 ATM Routes Phase 2
WP04 IATA_Bob-RHS6_Phase_Two.pdfWP04Reduced Horizontal Separation - Phase TwoSep 08,2011IATAWP04 IATA_Bob-RHS6_Phase_Two
WP05 AIP on Implementation of Phase 2 of RNP 10 Operations - 50 NM longitudinal Separation.pdfWP05Implementation of RNP10 Operations Phase 2 (50NM Longitudinal Separation)Sep 14,2011SecretariatWP05 AIP on Implementation of Phase 2 of RNP 10 Operations - 50 NM longitudinal Separation
WP06 Essential Items to be Completed by States.pdfWP06Essential Items to be completed by States before Implementation of BOB-RHSSep 08,2011SecretariatWP06 Essential Items to be Completed by States
WP07 Task List REV.pdfWP07Update BOB-RHS/TF Task List (revised)Sep 15,2011SecretariatWP07 Task List REV
WP08 IATA_BOBRHSTF6_Future_Work_Program-REV.pdfWP08Future Work ProgramSep 08,2011IATAWP08 IATA_BOBRHSTF6_Future_Work_Program-REV
WP09 Phase_2_Readiness-Thailand.pdfWP09Thailand Readiness for Phase 2 Reduced Horizontal SeparationSep 14,2011ThailandWP09 Phase_2_Readiness-Thailand
WP10 BOBCAT Configuration with RVSM in Kabul FIR and RHS - REV _2_.pdfWP10BOBCAT Configuration with RVSM in Afghanistan Airspace and Reduced Longitudinal Separation of 50NMSep 14,2011ThailandWP10 BOBCAT Configuration with RVSM in Kabul FIR and RHS - REV _2_
WP11 BOBRHSTF6_Flexible_Use_Airspace-IATA.pdfWP11Increased Access through Flexible Use to Prohibited, Danger & Restricted AreasSep 14,2011IATAWP11 BOBRHSTF6_Flexible_Use_Airspace-IATA
WP12 Revised LOAs regarding Implementation of Phase 2 of RNP 10 Operations - 50 NM longitudinal Separation _2_.pdfWP12Letters of Agreement between States involved in BOB-RHS 50NM Longitudinal SeparationSep 16,2011SecretariatWP12 Revised LOAs regarding Implementation of Phase 2 of RNP 10 Operations - 50 NM longitudinal Separation _2_
WP13 India_Phase One doc rev _2_.pdfWP13The Analysis of Phase One of RHS in Indian FIRSep 19,2011IndiaWP13 India_Phase One doc rev _2_
WP14 India_Phase_2_Preparations__BOBRHSTF _2_.pdfWP14India's Preparations for Phase 2 of BOB-RHSSep 19,2011IndiaWP14 India_Phase_2_Preparations__BOBRHSTF _2_
WP15 BOB-RHS TF6 - Malaysia r _2_.pdfWP15System Performance on Malaysia's ADSC/CPDLC and Readiness for Phase 2 Reduced Horizontal Separation on RNAV Route N571 and P628/L510 within the Kuala Lumpur FIRSep 19,2011MalaysiaWP15 BOB-RHS TF6 - Malaysia r _2_
WP16 Afghanistan Status Report and Significant Events Overview WP16.pdfWP16Afghanistan-Kabul Area Control Centre (KACC) Status Report and Significant Events OverviewSep 22,2011Afghanistan/KACCWP16 Afghanistan Status Report and Significant Events Overview WP16
collapse Category : 4-Information Papers ‎(4)
IP01 List of Papers.pdfIP01List of Working Papers (WPs) and Information Papers (IPs)Sep 22,2011SecretariatIP01 List of Papers
IP02 RNP10_Training_Indonesia.pdfIP02RNP10 Training Program to support the Implementation of RHS 50NM within Bay of Bengal by JakartaSep 19,2011IndonesiaIP02 RNP10_Training_Indonesia
IP03 Freq 128 3 capability_Indonesia _2_.pdfIP03VHF Communication Capability Monitoring within Jakarta Airspace to support the Implementation of RHS 50NM at Bay of BengalSep 19,2011IndonesiaIP03 Freq 128 3 capability_Indonesia _2_
IP04 The Current Status of Myanmar for BOB-RHS Phase 2 Implementation.pdfIP04The Current Status of Myanmar for BOB-RHS Phase II ImplementationSep 20,2011MyanmarIP04 The Current Status of Myanmar for BOB-RHS Phase 2 Implementation
collapse Category : 6-Flimsy ‎(1)
Flimsy01-bob.pdfFlimsy No.1Procedures for Monitoring Aircraft Navigation Errors in the Bay of Bengal, Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean AirspaceSep 22,2011Sri LankaFlimsy01-bob
collapse Type Name : SAIOACG/1 (formerly BBACG/22), 22-23 September 2011- Bangkok ‎(15)
collapse Category : 3-Working Papers ‎(8)
WP01 Provisional Agenda BBACG22.pdfWP01Provisional Agenda - SAIOACG/1 (formerly BBACG/22)Sep 22,2011SecretariatWP01 Provisional Agenda BBACG22
WP02 Terms of Reference SAIOACG.pdfWP02Terms of Reference of SAIOACGSep 16,2011SecretariatWP02 Terms of Reference SAIOACG
WP03 Airspace Concept of Operations.pdfWP03Airspace Concept of OperationsSep 16,2011SecretariatWP03 Airspace Concept of Operations
WP04 Task List.pdfWP04Review BBACG Task ListSep 16,2011SecretariatWP04 Task List
WP05 Route catalogue.pdfWP05Review of Asia Pacific Region Route CatalogueSep 16,2011SecretariatWP05 Route catalogue
WP06 BOBCAT Operational Updates and Future Arrangement.pdfWP06BOBCAT Operational Updates and Future ArrangementSep 16,2011WP06 BOBCAT Operational Updates and Future Arrangement
WP07 SAIOACG-INDIA docrev.pdfWP07Developmental Activities in Indian FIRSep 19,2011IndiaWP07 SAIOACG-INDIA docrev
WP08 India_BOBASMA_BOBRHSTF6 docrev _2_.pdfWP08Bay of Bengal Arabian Sea Indian Ocean Monitoring Agency - EMA, IndiaSep 19,2011IndiaWP08 India_BOBASMA_BOBRHSTF6 docrev _2_
collapse Category : 4-Information Papers ‎(6)
IP01 List of Papers-SAIOACG.pdfIP01List of Working and Information PapersSecretariatIP01 List of Papers-SAIOACG
IP02 Bay of Bengal and South Asia ATFM Handbook Version 2 3 _2_.pdfIP02Bay of Bengal and South Asia Air Traffic Flow Management Handbook Version 2.3Sep 16,2011ThailandIP02 Bay of Bengal and South Asia ATFM Handbook Version 2 3 _2_
IP03 APANPIRG Outcomes.pdfIP03Outcomes from APANPIRG/22Sep 16,2011SecretariatIP03 APANPIRG Outcomes
IP04 Singapore-Thailand CDM Initiative - Final - REV _2_.pdfIP04Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) Initiative (Revised)Sep 19,2011Malaysia, Singapore, ThailandIP04 Singapore-Thailand CDM Initiative - Final - REV _2_
IP05 India_Contingency Plan - BBACG221.pdfIP05INSPIRE and the Demonstration FlightsSep 19,2011IndiaIP05 India_Contingency Plan - BBACG221
IP06 India_INSPIRE - BBACG221.pdfIP06INSPIRE and the Demonstration FlightsSep 19,2011IndiaIP06 India_INSPIRE - BBACG221
collapse Category : 6-Flimsy ‎(1)
Flimsy01.pdfFlimsy No.1Draft Air Traffic Management (ATM) Contingency Plan for Air Traffic Services in Colombo FIRSep 22,2011Flimsy01

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