Type Name : (7)
 Category : 1-Report (1)
 | | Report of the Sixth Meeting of the Bay of Bengal Reduced Horizontal Separation Implementation Task Force (BOB-RHS/TF/6) and The First Meeting of the South Asia/Indian Ocean ATM Coordination Group (SAIOACG/1) | Sep 28,2011 | Secretariat | FINAL REPORT BOBRHSTF-6 SAIOACG1 |
 Category : 2-General Information (6)
 | | Order of Business | Sep 13,2011 | | OrderofBusiness |
 | | Group Photo | Sep 19,2011 | | photo for web |
 | | South Asia/Indian Ocean ATM Coordination Group (SAIOACG)Terms of Reference | Sep 07,2011 | | TOR_SAIOACG |
 | | WP/IP Template - SAIOACG/1 (formerly BBACG/22) | Sep 16,2011 | | WP or IP TEMPLATE BBACG22 |
 | | WP/IP Template - BOB-RHS/TF/6 | Sep 07,2011 | | WP or IP TEMPLATE BOBRHSTF6 |
 | | State Letter ref. T3/8.13, T3/8.13.3-AP097/11 (ATM) | Aug 10,2011 | | AP097-11 (ATM) States |
Type Name : BOB-RHS/TF/6, 19-21 September 2011- Bangkok (21)
 Category : 3-Working Papers (16)
 | WP01 | Provisional Agenda - BOB-RHS/TF/6 | Sep 08,2011 | Secretariat | WP01 Provisional Agenda |
 | WP02 | Review of FIT-BOB/13 and BOB-RHS/TF/5 | Sep 08,2011 | Secretariat | WP02 Review of BOB RHS-TF-5 |
 | WP03 | ATM Routes to be considered in implementation of Phase 2 BOB-RHS 50NM Longitudinal Separation | Sep 13,2011 | Secretariat | WP03 ATM Routes Phase 2 |
 | WP04 | Reduced Horizontal Separation - Phase Two | Sep 08,2011 | IATA | WP04 IATA_Bob-RHS6_Phase_Two |
 | WP05 | Implementation of RNP10 Operations Phase 2 (50NM Longitudinal Separation) | Sep 14,2011 | Secretariat | WP05 AIP on Implementation of Phase 2 of RNP 10 Operations - 50 NM longitudinal Separation |
 | WP06 | Essential Items to be completed by States before Implementation of BOB-RHS | Sep 08,2011 | Secretariat | WP06 Essential Items to be Completed by States |
 | WP07 | Update BOB-RHS/TF Task List (revised) | Sep 15,2011 | Secretariat | WP07 Task List REV |
 | WP08 | Future Work Program | Sep 08,2011 | IATA | WP08 IATA_BOBRHSTF6_Future_Work_Program-REV |
 | WP09 | Thailand Readiness for Phase 2 Reduced Horizontal Separation | Sep 14,2011 | Thailand | WP09 Phase_2_Readiness-Thailand |
 | WP10 | BOBCAT Configuration with RVSM in Afghanistan Airspace and Reduced Longitudinal Separation of 50NM | Sep 14,2011 | Thailand | WP10 BOBCAT Configuration with RVSM in Kabul FIR and RHS - REV _2_ |
 | WP11 | Increased Access through Flexible Use to Prohibited, Danger & Restricted Areas | Sep 14,2011 | IATA | WP11 BOBRHSTF6_Flexible_Use_Airspace-IATA |
 | WP12 | Letters of Agreement between States involved in BOB-RHS 50NM Longitudinal Separation | Sep 16,2011 | Secretariat | WP12 Revised LOAs regarding Implementation of Phase 2 of RNP 10 Operations - 50 NM longitudinal Separation _2_ |
 | WP13 | The Analysis of Phase One of RHS in Indian FIR | Sep 19,2011 | India | WP13 India_Phase One doc rev _2_ |
 | WP14 | India's Preparations for Phase 2 of BOB-RHS | Sep 19,2011 | India | WP14 India_Phase_2_Preparations__BOBRHSTF _2_ |
 | WP15 | System Performance on Malaysia's ADSC/CPDLC and Readiness for Phase 2 Reduced Horizontal Separation on RNAV Route N571 and P628/L510 within the Kuala Lumpur FIR | Sep 19,2011 | Malaysia | WP15 BOB-RHS TF6 - Malaysia r _2_ |
 | WP16 | Afghanistan-Kabul Area Control Centre (KACC) Status Report and Significant Events Overview | Sep 22,2011 | Afghanistan/KACC | WP16 Afghanistan Status Report and Significant Events Overview WP16 |
 Category : 4-Information Papers (4)
 | IP01 | List of Working Papers (WPs) and Information Papers (IPs) | Sep 22,2011 | Secretariat | IP01 List of Papers |
 | IP02 | RNP10 Training Program to support the Implementation of RHS 50NM within Bay of Bengal by Jakarta | Sep 19,2011 | Indonesia | IP02 RNP10_Training_Indonesia |
 | IP03 | VHF Communication Capability Monitoring within Jakarta Airspace to support the Implementation of RHS 50NM at Bay of Bengal | Sep 19,2011 | Indonesia | IP03 Freq 128 3 capability_Indonesia _2_ |
 | IP04 | The Current Status of Myanmar for BOB-RHS Phase II Implementation | Sep 20,2011 | Myanmar | IP04 The Current Status of Myanmar for BOB-RHS Phase 2 Implementation |
 Category : 6-Flimsy (1)
 | Flimsy No.1 | Procedures for Monitoring Aircraft Navigation Errors in the Bay of Bengal, Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean Airspace | Sep 22,2011 | Sri Lanka | Flimsy01-bob |
Type Name : SAIOACG/1 (formerly BBACG/22), 22-23 September 2011- Bangkok (15)
 Category : 3-Working Papers (8)
 | WP01 | Provisional Agenda - SAIOACG/1 (formerly BBACG/22) | Sep 22,2011 | Secretariat | WP01 Provisional Agenda BBACG22 |
 | WP02 | Terms of Reference of SAIOACG | Sep 16,2011 | Secretariat | WP02 Terms of Reference SAIOACG |
 | WP03 | Airspace Concept of Operations | Sep 16,2011 | Secretariat | WP03 Airspace Concept of Operations |
 | WP04 | Review BBACG Task List | Sep 16,2011 | Secretariat | WP04 Task List |
 | WP05 | Review of Asia Pacific Region Route Catalogue | Sep 16,2011 | Secretariat | WP05 Route catalogue |
 | WP06 | BOBCAT Operational Updates and Future Arrangement | Sep 16,2011 | | WP06 BOBCAT Operational Updates and Future Arrangement |
 | WP07 | Developmental Activities in Indian FIR | Sep 19,2011 | India | WP07 SAIOACG-INDIA docrev |
 | WP08 | Bay of Bengal Arabian Sea Indian Ocean Monitoring Agency - EMA, India | Sep 19,2011 | India | WP08 India_BOBASMA_BOBRHSTF6 docrev _2_ |
 Category : 4-Information Papers (6)
 | IP01 | List of Working and Information Papers | | Secretariat | IP01 List of Papers-SAIOACG |
 | IP02 | Bay of Bengal and South Asia Air Traffic Flow Management Handbook Version 2.3 | Sep 16,2011 | Thailand | IP02 Bay of Bengal and South Asia ATFM Handbook Version 2 3 _2_ |
 | IP03 | Outcomes from APANPIRG/22 | Sep 16,2011 | Secretariat | IP03 APANPIRG Outcomes |
 | IP04 | Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) Initiative (Revised) | Sep 19,2011 | Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand | IP04 Singapore-Thailand CDM Initiative - Final - REV _2_ |
 | IP05 | INSPIRE and the Demonstration Flights | Sep 19,2011 | India | IP05 India_Contingency Plan - BBACG221 |
 | IP06 | INSPIRE and the Demonstration Flights | Sep 19,2011 | India | IP06 India_INSPIRE - BBACG221 |
 Category : 6-Flimsy (1)
 | Flimsy No.1 | Draft Air Traffic Management (ATM) Contingency Plan for Air Traffic Services in Colombo FIR | Sep 22,2011 | | Flimsy01 |