2011 ATNICG WG10

​Tenth Working Group M​eeting of Aeronautical Telecommunication Network Implementation Coordination Group (ATNICG W​​​​​G/10)

( Jai​​​pur, India,26 - 29 September 2011)

collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(3)
AMHS Implementation Planner 27Sep11.xlsAMHS Implementation Planner 27Sep11
Final Report of ATNICG WG-10 V6 final.pdfReport of the Tenth Working Group Meeting of Aeronautical Telecommunication Network Implementation Co-ordination Group of APANPIRG (ATNICG WG/10)Dec 07,2011SecretariatFinal Report of ATNICG WG-10 V6 final
WP-IP Template.docxWP-IP Template
collapse Category : 3-Working Papers ‎(7)
WP01_ICAO -  Provisional Agenda.pdfWP/1Provisional AgendaAug 17,2011SecretariatWP01_ICAO - Provisional Agenda
WP02_ICAO AI.2 - Outcome of CNS-MET and APANPIRG related to AMS and AFS.pdfWP/2Report on Outcome of CNS/MET SG/15 and APANPIRG/22 Meetings relevant to AFS and AMSSep 20,2011SecretariatWP02_ICAO AI.2 - Outcome of CNS-MET and APANPIRG related to AMS and AFS
WP03_ICAO AI. 8 - Review action item list.pdfWP/3Review of Action Items ListSep 20,2011SecretariatWP03_ICAO AI. 8 - Review action item list
WP04_ICAO AI. 2 - Review ACP WG I and WG M.pdfWP/4Review of Aeronautical Communication Panel Review of Aeronautical Communication Panel Working Group I (IPS) and M (Maintenance)Meeting ReportsSep 20,2011SecretariatWP04_ICAO AI. 2 - Review ACP WG I and WG M
WP05_AD Hoc WG AI.3 - Review Message Transfer Envelop for IPM requirements.pdfWP/5Review of Message Transfer Envelop for IPM RequirementsSep 20,2011ASIA/PAC AMHS Technical Specification Ad-hoc WGWP05_AD Hoc WG AI.3 - Review Message Transfer Envelop for IPM requirements
WP06_USA AI. 5 - ICD for ATN Ground-Ground Router IP SNDCF.pdfWP/6AISA/PAC ICD for ATN Ground-Ground Router IP SNDCFSep 20,2011USAWP06_USA AI. 5 - ICD for ATN Ground-Ground Router IP SNDCF
WP07_ICAO AI.6 - Outcome of ACP WG on SWIM and Directory Service.pdfWP/7Outcome of ACP Working of the Whole Meeting on SWIM and Directory ServiceSep 20,2011SecretariatWP07_ICAO AI.6 - Outcome of ACP WG on SWIM and Directory Service
collapse Category : 4-Information Papers ‎(8)
IP01_ICAO - Meeting Bulletin.pdfIP/1Meeting BulletinAug 17,2011SecretariatIP01_ICAO - Meeting Bulletin
IP02_ICAO AI. 2 - Review ATNICG-6 report.pdfIP/2Review of Sixth Meeting of Aeronautical Telecommunication Network Implementation Coordination Group ReportSep 20,2011SecretariatIP02_ICAO AI. 2 - Review ATNICG-6 report
IP03_ROK AI.8 - Composition of bypass route.pdfIP/3The Composition of Bypass Route for International Aeronautical Communication Network in the Republic of KoreaSep 22,2011Republic of KoreaIP03_ROK AI.8 - Composition of bypass route
IP04_THA AI. 8 - Propose ATNICG WG-11.pdfIP/4Proposed ATNICG Working Group 11 Meeting & AMHS Workshop in ThailandSep 26,2011ThailandIP04_THA AI. 8 - Propose ATNICG WG-11
IP05_USA-HKG-SIN AI.8 - Final Report on testing of XML-based OPMET.pdfIP/5Final Report on Testing of XML-Based OPMET Over AMHSSep 27,2011USA, Hong Kong China and SingaporeIP05_USA-HKG-SIN AI.8 - Final Report on testing of XML-based OPMET
IP06_INDIA AI. 8 - New FPL Format 2012.pdfIP/6New FPL Format 2012 Implementation Status ReportSep 27,2011IndiaIP06_INDIA AI. 8 - New FPL Format 2012
IP07_India AI. 4 - AMHS Update.pdfIP/7ATN/AMHS Implementation Status ReportSep 27,2011IndiaIP07_India AI. 4 - AMHS Update
IP08_THA and SIN AI.4 - AMHS Testing Rev.2.pdfIP/8AMHS Connection Testing between Thailand's and Singapore's AMHS SystemSep 27,2011Thailand & SingaporeIP08_THA and SIN AI.4 - AMHS Testing Rev.2
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(4)
SP01_USA - SWIM.pdfSP/1The System Wide Information Management (SWIM)Sep 21,2011USASP01_USA - SWIM
SP02_USA - ENRD-Part4-COM-Charts-v4 0.pdfSP/2EUR/NAT Routing Directory - Part IV COM Charts per ICAO RegionSep 21,2011USASP02_USA - ENRD-Part4-COM-Charts-v4 0
SP03_USA - Implementation planning.pdfSP/3ATS Messaging Management - Implementation PlanningSep 21,2011USASP03_USA - Implementation planning
SP04_THA - AMHS Management Centre.pdfSP/4AMHS Management CentreSep 28,2011ThailandSP04_THA - AMHS Management Centre

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