Category : (3)
|  | | Table CNS 1B – ATN ROUTER PLAN | | | FASID Table CNS 1B - ATN Router Plan - corrected |
|  | | | | | FASID Table CNS 1E - AIDC Routing Plan clean copy - corrected |
Category : 1-Report & Appendices (12)
|  | | Report of the Sixth Meeting of ATNICG of APANPIRG | May 26,2011 | Secretariat | APX. A - TOR |
|  | | Appendix B - Subject/Tasks List of ATNICG | May 26,2011 | Secretariat | APX. B - Subject tasks list |
|  | | Appendix C - Table CNS 1B - ATN Router Plan | May 26,2011 | Secretariat | APX. C - Table CNS 1B |
|  | | Appendix D - Table CNS 1C - AMHS Routing Plan | May 26,2011 | Secretariat | APX. D - Table CNS 1C |
|  | | Appendix E - Table CNS 1E - AIDC Plan | May 26,2011 | Secretariat | APX. E - Table CNS 1E - AIDC Routing Plan |
|  | | Appendix F - ATN/AMHS Implementation Planner | May 26,2011 | Secretariat | APX. F - AMHS Implementation Planner |
|  | | Appendix G - Update List of Action Items | May 26,2011 | Secretariat | APX. G - Action item list |
|  | | Appendix H - CNS/ATM Implementation Matrix | May 26,2011 | Secretariat | APX. H - CNS-ATM Matrix |
|  | | Attachment 1 - List of Participants | May 26,2011 | Secretariat | Attachment 1 - Final List of Participants |
|  | | Attachment 2 - List of Working/Information Papers and Presentations | May 26,2011 | Secretariat | Attachment 2 - List of papers |
|  | | Report of the Sixth Meeting of ATNICG of APANPIRG | May 26,2011 | Secretariat | Final Report of ATNICG6 |
|  | | Group Photo | May 26,2011 | Secretariat | Group photo |
Category : 3-Working Papers (19)
|  | WP01 | | | | WP01_ICAO_Agenda |
|  | WP02 | | | | WP02_ICAO_AI. 8 - ATN Forum (REV) |
|  | WP03 | | | | WP03_ICAO_AI. 3 - Outcome of ATNICG WG 8 and 9 |
|  | WP04 | | | | WP04_ICAO_AI.4 - Review FASID Tables |
|  | WP05 | | | | WP05_ICAO_AI. 9 - PFF |
|  | WP06 | | | | WP06_ICAO AI.9 - Action Item Lists |
|  | WP07 | | | | WP07_ICAO AI.3 - Outcome of CNS-MET-14 and APANPIRG related AMS |
|  | WP08 | | | | WP08_ICAO AI.2 - TOR and Subject-Task List |
|  | WP09 | | | | WP09_ICAO AI. 3 - Review ACP Meeting |
|  | WP10 | | | | WP10_ICAO AI.4 - Review status of ATN-AMHS in other regions |
|  | WP11 | | | | WP11_ICAO AI. 9 - CNS-ATM Planning Matrix |
|  | WP11a | CNS/ATM Implementation Planning Matrix | | | WP11_ICAO AI. 0 - Attachment |
|  | WP12 | | | | WP12_USA AI. 5 - Voice over internet protocol |
|  | WP13 | | | | WP13_USA AI.9 - Recommendations for update of ATN planning document |
|  | WP14 | | | | WP14_IND AI.5 - AFTN from X-25 |
|  | WP15 | | | | WP15_ICAO AI. 6 - XML based applications |
|  | WP16 | | | | WP16_USA AI.4 - Initiation of AMHS service between UK and USA |
|  | WP17 | | | | WP17 - USA AI. 8 Status of ASIA-PAC Security Document |
|  | WP18 | | | | WP18_Ad HoC AI.9 - ATSAMHS |
Category : 4-Information Papers (18)
|  | IP01 | Meeting Bulletin | Mar 30,2011 | Secretariat | IP01_ICAO - Meeting bulletin |
|  | IP02 | Extensible Mark up Language (XML) | Apr 25,2011 | Secretariat | IP02_ICAO - AI. 6 - XML |
|  | IP03 | ATN/AMHS Implementation Status Report | May 04,2011 | Macao, China | IP03_Macao China - Implementation Status report |
|  | IP04 | AIDC and Its Standard | May 10,2011 | Japan | IP04_JPN AI.6 - AIDC and ists standard |
|  | IP05 | ATN/AMHS Implementation Status Report | May 09,2011 | Japan | IP05_JPN - Implementation Status report |
|  | IP06 | ATN/AMHS Implementation Status Report | May 12,2011 | Hong Kong, China | IP06_HKG - Implementation Status Report |
|  | IP07 | ATN/AMHS Implementation Status Report | May 12,2011 | New Zealand | IP07_NZ AI.4 - Implementation Status Report |
|  | IP08 | ATN/AMHS Implementation Status Report (Revised) | May 13,2011 | China | IP08_CHN AI.4 - REV. Implementation Status report |
|  | IP09 | Hosting ATNICG WG/10 Meeting in India | May 13,2011 | India | IP09_IND AI.10 - Hosting ATNICG WG-10 |
|  | IP10 | ATN/AMHS Implementation Status Report | May 13,2011 | India | IP10_IND AI.4 - Implementation Status Report |
|  | IP11 | ATN/AMHS Implementation Status Report | May 13,2011 | Sri Lanka | IP11_SRL AI. 4 - Implementation Status Report |
|  | IP12 | Report of ATN/AMHS Status in Indonesia between Jakarta and Makassar | May 13,2011 | Indonesia | IP12_INDO AI.4 - Implementation Status Report |
|  | IP13 | ATN/AMHS Implementation Status Report | May 16,2011 | Republic of Korea | IP13_ROK AI.4 - Implementation Status Report |
|  | IP14 | Singapore ATN/AMHS Implementation Status Report | May 16,2011 | Singapore | IP14_SIN AI.4 - Implementation Status Report |
|  | IP15 | AMHS Implmentation Status Report | May 16,2011 | Pakistan | IP15_PAK AI.4 - Implementation Status Report |
|  | IP16 | ATN/AMHS Trial between Indonesia and Singapore | May 16,2011 | Singapore | IP16 - SIN AI.4 - ATN-AMHS between IDN and SIN |
|  | IP17 | ATN/AMHS Implementation Status Report | May 16,2011 | Fiji Islands | IP17_FJI AI. 4 - ATN-AMHS Implementation Status Report |
|  | IP18 | ATN/AMHS System Composition of Republic of Korea | May 16,2011 | Republic of Korea | IP18_ROK AI.4 - ATN-AMHS Composition |
Category : 5-Presentations (3)
|  | SP1 | ATN Directory Service Operational Requirements | May 16,2011 | Comsoft | SP01_Comsoft - ATN Directory Service Operational Requirements |
| ![SP02_eNitiative - ICAO ATN-AMHS Directory Services May2011C [Compatibility Mode].pdf SP02_eNitiative - ICAO ATN-AMHS Directory Services May2011C [Compatibility Mode].pdf](/_layouts/15/images/icpdf.png?rev=23) | SP2 | eNitiatives ICAO ATN-AMHS Directory Service Support | May 18,2011 | eNitiatives | SP02_eNitiative - ICAO ATN-AMHS Directory Services May2011C [Compatibility Mode] |
|  | SP3 | VoIP in Air Traffic Management | May 18,2011 | Frequentis | SP03_Frequentis - VoIP in ATM_2011_Rev02 |