2011 ATM/AIS/SAR/SG/21

​The Twenty-First Meeting of the ATM/AIS/SAR Sub-Grou​​p (ATM/AIS/SAR/SG/21) of APANPIRG

( B​​angkok, Thailand,27 June - 01 July 2011)

collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(1)
FINAL REPORT ATMAISSARSG21.pdfReport of the Twenty-First Meeting of the ATM/AIS/SAR Sub-Group of APANPIRG (ATM/AIS/SAR/SG/21)Jul 13,2011SecretariatFINAL REPORT ATMAISSARSG21
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(5)
AP038-11 (ATM) States.pdfState Letter ref. T3/10.1-AP038/11 (ATM) dated 24 March 2011Jun 07,2011SecretariatAP038-11 (ATM) States
group photo for web.JPGGroup PhotoJun 28,2011Secretariatgroup photo for web
Order of Business.pdfOrder of BusinessJun 20,2011SecretariatOrder of Business
Order of Discussion.pdfOrder of DiscussionJun 24,2011SecretariatOrder of Discussion
WP or IP TEMPLATE(2).docWP/IP TemplateMay 27,2011SecretariatWP or IP TEMPLATE(2)
collapse Category : 3-Working Papers ‎(36)
WP01 Agenda.pdfWP01Provisional AgendaJun 15,2011SecretariatWP01 Agenda
WP02 APANPIRG21 Report Conclusions and Decisions.pdfWP02Review and Update Conclusions and Decisions of APANPIRGJun 15,2011SecretariatWP02 APANPIRG21 Report Conclusions and Decisions
WP03 Objectives, Metrics, PFF.pdfWP03Review of Regional Performance Objectives, Performance Framework Forms and MetricsJun 15,2011SecretariatWP03 Objectives, Metrics, PFF
WP04 RASMAG.pdfWP04RASMAG/13 and RASMAG/14 OutcomesJun 22,2011SecretariatWP04 RASMAG
WP05 METWARN1 TF Contingency Planning.pdfWP05Meteorological Advisories and Warnings Implementation Task Force (MET/WARN/1 TF) Contingency PlanningJun 16,2011SecretariatWP05 METWARN1 TF Contingency Planning
WP06 Seamless ATM.pdfWP06ICAO Asia/Pacific Seamless ATM Symposium and Ad-Hoc Group MeetingJun 15,2011SecretariatWP06 Seamless ATM
WP07 PBN-TF.pdfWP07Asia/Pacific Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) Task ForceJun 15,2011SecretariatWP07 PBN-TF
WP08 FPL and AM-TF.pdfWP08Asia/Pacific ICAO Flight Plan & ATS Messages Implementation Task Forces and Seminar (FPL&AM/TF/3 and /4 and Seminar)Jun 15,2011SecretariatWP08 FPL and AM-TF
WP09 AAITF.pdfWP09Outcomes of the Sixth Meeting of the AIS-AIM Implementation Task ForceJun 21,2011SecretariatWP09 AAITF
WP10 DGCA-47 Revised.pdfWP10Outcomes of the 47th DGCA ConferenceJun 20,2011SecretariatWP10 DGCA-47 Revised
WP11 FITBOB.pdfWP1113th Meeting of the FANS Implementation Team - Bay of Bengal Outcomes (FIT-BOB/13)Jun 16,2011SecretariatWP11 FITBOB
WP12 FITSEA.pdfWP12Summary Report of the Eleventh Meeting of FANS Implementation Team for South-East Asia (FIT-SEA/11)Jun 15,2011SecretariatWP12 FITSEA
WP13 SEACG.pdfWP13Eighteenth Meeting of the South-East Asia ATS Coordination Group (SEACG/18)Jun 15,2011SecretariatWP13 SEACG
WP14 SEARR-TF.pdfWP14Southeast Asia Route Review Task Force (SEA-RR/TF)Jun 20,2011SecretariatWP14 SEARR-TF
WP15 BBACG.pdfWP15The Twenty-First Meeting of the Bay of Bengal ATS Coordination Group (BBACG/21)Jun 16,2011SecretariatWP15 BBACG
AI-5 WP15 BBACG Attachment A.docWP15ABBACG AttachmentJun 30,2011SecretariatAI-5 WP15 BBACG Attachment A
WP16 BOBRHS-TF.pdfWP16The Fifth Meeting of the Bay of Bengal Reduced Horizontal Separation Implementation Task Force (BOB-RHS/TF/5)Jun 15,2011SecretariatWP16 BOBRHS-TF
WP17 SEARR-TF _IATA_.pdfWP17South-East Asia Route Review Task Force ReviewJun 21,2011IATAWP17 SEARR-TF _IATA_
WP18 ATFM_SG1.pdfWP18First Meeting of the Asia/Pacific ATFM Steering Group (ATFM/SG/1)Jun 16,2011SecretariatWP18 ATFM_SG1
WP19 METATM-TF.pdfWP19ICAO/WMO Asia/Pacific Meteorology/Air Traffic Management (MET/ATM) Seminar and the Second Meeting of the MET/ATM Task Force (MET/ATM/TF/2)Jun 16,2011SecretariatWP19 METATM-TF
WP20 Timeliness of AIS Promulgation Affecting Global Databases.pdfWP20Timeliness of AIS Promulgation affecting Global DatabasesJun 20,2011IATAWP20 Timeliness of AIS Promulgation Affecting Global Databases
WP21 Regional CIVMIL Cooperation.pdfWP21Regional Civil/Military CooperationJun 20,2011SecretariatWP21 Regional CIVMIL Cooperation
WP22 Concept of Operations for CNSATM.pdfWP22Future APAC Airspace Concept of OperationsJun 22,2011IATAWP22 Concept of Operations for CNSATM
WP23 ADS-B SITF.pdfWP23Outcome of the Tenth Meeting of Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Study and Implementation Task ForceJun 16,2011SecretariatWP23 ADS-B SITF
WP24 SAR Capability.pdfWP24Search and Rescue CapabilityJun 22,2011SecretariatWP24 SAR Capability
WP25 APA TFG.pdfWP25Asia/Pacific Regions Area Traffic Forecasting GroupJun 22,2011SecretariatWP25 APA TFG
WP26 IPACG 33 and 34.pdfWP2633rd and 34th Meeting of the Informal Pacific Air Traffic Control (ATC) Coordinating Group (IPACG/33 & IPACG/34)Jun 23,2011United States & JapanWP26 IPACG 33 and 34
WP27 ISPACG-25.pdfWP2725th Meeting of the Informal South Pacific Air Traffic Services Coordinating Group (ISPACG/25)Jun 23,2011United StatesWP27 ISPACG-25
WP28 ATS Point of Contact Update.pdfWP28ATS Point of Contact UpdateJun 16,2011SecretariatWP28 ATS Point of Contact Update
AI-6 WP28 Appendix A.docWP28AAttachment to WP28 - ATS Safety Contact Points (MS Word)Jul 01,2011SecretariatAI-6 WP28 Appendix A
WP29 ATMAISSAR Deficiency List Update.pdfWP29List of Air Navigation Deficiencies in the ATM/AIS/SAR FieldsJun 16,2011SecretariatWP29 ATMAISSAR Deficiency List Update
WP30 Creation of Multi-Regional FPL Coordination Group.pdfWP30Creation of Multi-Regional Flight Plan Coordination GroupJun 23,2011United StatesWP30 Creation of Multi-Regional FPL Coordination Group
WP31 Contingency_TF.pdfWP31ATM Contingency Plan Task ForceJun 16,2011SecretariatWP31 Contingency_TF
WP32 ATMAISSAR Task List.pdfWP32ATM/AIS/SAR Task ListJun 16,2011SecretariatWP32 ATMAISSAR Task List
WP33 US Progress in Transitioning from AIS to AIM.pdfWP33United States Progress in Transitioning from AIS to AIMJun 23,2011United StatesWP33 US Progress in Transitioning from AIS to AIM
WP34 Kabul ACC Status Report.pdfWP34Kabul ACC Status Report and Overview of Significant EventsJun 23,2011AfghanistanWP34 Kabul ACC Status Report
collapse Category : 4-Information Papers ‎(34)
IP01 List of Papers.pdfIP01List of Tentative Working and Information PapersJun 30,2011SecretariatIP01 List of Papers
IP02 AsiaPacific ATS Route Review.pdfIP02Review of the Asia/Pacific ATS Route CatalogueJun 16,2011SecretariatIP02 AsiaPacific ATS Route Review
IP03 Tohoku-Pacific Ocean Earthquake and Airport Operations.pdfIP03Tohoku-Pacific Ocean Earthquake and Airport OperationsJun 16,2011JapanIP03 Tohoku-Pacific Ocean Earthquake and Airport Operations
IP04 ATM Response to the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake.pdfIP04Air Traffic Management Response to the Great Eastern-Japan EarthquakeJul 07,2011JapanIP04 ATM Response to the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake
IP05 ACBSRTF Revised.pdfIP05APANPIRG Contributory Bodies Structure Review Task Force (ABSRTF/1)Jun 20,2011SecretariatIP05 ACBSRTF Revised
AI-8 IP05 ACBSRTF Attachment A.pdfIP05AAttachmentJun 30,2011SecretariatAI-8 IP05 ACBSRTF Attachment A
IP06 Status of the PAN-ICD.pdfIP06Status of Harmonization of the Interface Control Document for the North Atlantic and Asia/Pacific Regions (PAN ICD)Jun 20,2011United StatesIP06 Status of the PAN-ICD
IP07 Global Air Navigation Industry Symposium[1]X.pdfIP07GANIS, AN-Conf/12 and NAT SPG/47 on SATCOM VoiceJun 29,2011SecretariatIP07 Global Air Navigation Industry Symposium[1]X
IP08 Endorsement of ADSB for monitoring RVSM.pdfIP08Endorsement of Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast Data for Monitoring RVSM Aircraft Altimetry System ErrorJun 21,2011AustraliaIP08 Endorsement of ADSB for monitoring RVSM
IP09 Regional CNS Update.pdfIP09Regional CNS UpdateJun 21,2011SecretariatIP09 Regional CNS Update
IP11 Contingency Operations-New Zealand.pdfIP11New Zealand Earthquake ATM Contingency ResponseJun 23,2011New ZealandIP11 Contingency Operations-New Zealand
IP12 Air Koryo Monitoring.pdfIP12RVSM Height Keeping Monitoring for Air Koryo of DPR KoreaJun 22,2011ChinaIP12 Air Koryo Monitoring
IP13 In-Trail Procedures.pdfIP13Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) In-Trail Procedures (ITP) Operational Flight Trial Project OverviewJun 23,2011United StatesIP13 In-Trail Procedures
IP14 CDP Development and Implementation Status.pdfIP14CDP Development and Implementation StatusJun 23,2011United StatesIP14 CDP Development and Implementation Status
IP15 India - Paper A - Proposal for forming BOBASIO group.pdfIP15Proposal for constitution of informal ATS Co-ordination Group in the Bay of Bengal, Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean RegionJun 30,2011IndiaIP15 India - Paper A - Proposal for forming BOBASIO group
IP16 SAR Use of the UAS.pdfIP16Search and Rescue Use of the Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS)Jun 23,2011United StatesIP16 SAR Use of the UAS
IP17 Status of the ASPIRE Partnership.pdfIP17Status of the ASPIRE PartnershipJun 23,2011United StatesIP17 Status of the ASPIRE Partnership
IP18 US Implementation of FPL 2012.pdfIP18Status of FAA Implementation of Amendment 1 to PANS-ATM, Doc 4444, 15th EditionJun 23,2011United StatesIP18 US Implementation of FPL 2012
IP19 India-Myanmar-Thailand ATM Coordination.pdfIP19The First India-Myanmar-Thailand Air Traffic Management Coordination Meeting (IMT-ATM/CM/1)Jun 24,2011ThailandIP19 India-Myanmar-Thailand ATM Coordination
IP20 Mekong ATM Coordination Group Meeting.pdfIP20The First Meeting of the Mekong ATM Coordination GroupJun 24,2011ThailandIP20 Mekong ATM Coordination Group Meeting
IP21 Status of NextGen.pdfIP21Status of NextGenJun 24,2011United StatesIP21 Status of NextGen
IP22 ATFM Collaborative Initiatives.pdfIP22Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) Collaborative InitiativesJun 24,2011United StatesIP22 ATFM Collaborative Initiatives
IP23 Cross Polar Working Group.pdfIP23Summary of the Outcomes of the Eleventh Meeting of the Cross Polar Trans-East Air Traffic Management Providers Working Group (CPWG/11)Jun 24,2011United StatesIP23 Cross Polar Working Group
IP24 Global Hawk Pacific Operations.pdfIP24Global Hawk Pacific OperationsJun 24,2011United StatesIP24 Global Hawk Pacific Operations
IP25 India - Paper B - RHS IMPLEMENTATION.pdfIP25Implementation of Phase 1 of BOB-RHSJun 30,2011IndiaIP25 India - Paper B - RHS IMPLEMENTATION
IP26 India - Paper C - Establishment of EMA.pdfIP26Establishment of En-Route Monitoring Agency (BOBASMA)Jun 30,2011IndiaIP26 India - Paper C - Establishment of EMA
IP27 India - Paper D - ATFM.pdfIP27Air Traffic Flow Management - India's PerspectiveJun 30,2011IndiaIP27 India - Paper D - ATFM
IP28 India - Paper E - PBN Implementation.pdfIP28PBN Implementation in IndiaJun 30,2011IndiaIP28 India - Paper E - PBN Implementation
IP29 India - Paper F - ATM CONTINGENCY  PLAN.pdfIP29Contingency PlanJun 30,2011IndiaIP29 India - Paper F - ATM CONTINGENCY PLAN
IP30 India - Paper G - SAR.pdfIP30Search & Rescue Agreements with the Neighbouring CountriesJun 30,2011IndiaIP30 India - Paper G - SAR
IP31 India - Paper H - Automation.pdfIP31ATC Automation System in IndiaJun 30,2011IndiaIP31 India - Paper H - Automation
IP32 India - Paper I - AIS.pdfIP32Transition from AIS to AIMJun 30,2011IndiaIP32 India - Paper I - AIS
IP33 Singapore - Paper A - Traffic Movements and GNE reports.pdfIP33Traffic Movements and GNE Reports June 2010 to May 2011 on the six designated monitored areas in the South China SeaJun 30,2011SingaporeIP33 Singapore - Paper A - Traffic Movements and GNE reports

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