First Meeting of Common Aeronautical VPN Operations Group
(Bangkok, Thailand, 16 December 2016)
List '2016 CRV-OG1 ' does not exist at site with URL ''.
collapse Type Name : 2016 CRV-OG1 ‎(12)
collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(1)
CRV OG-1 final report with appendices.pdfFinal Report30 Dec. 2016Secretariat
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(7)
AP137-16-CNS.pdfLetter of invitation06 Oct. 2016Secretariat
AP137 - Attachment A - TOR of CRV OG.pdfAttachment A - TOR of CRV TF and CRV OG06 Oct. 2016Secretary
AP137 - Attachment B - CRV TF 6 - Provisional Agenda.pdfAttachment B - Provisional Agenda of CRV TF/606 Oct. 2016Secretariat
AP137 - Attachment C - CRV OG 1 - Provisional Agenda.pdfAttachment C - Provisional Agenda of CRV OG/106 Oct. 2016Secretariat
AP137 - Attachment D - Meeting Bulletin.pdfAttachment D - Meeting Bulletin06 Oct. 2016Secretariat
AP137 - Attachment E - Nomination Form.pdfAttachment E - Nomination Form06 Oct. 2016Secretariat
Template for CRV OG.docxWP/IP Template08 Dec. 2016Secretariat
collapse Category : Flimsy ‎(4)
Flimsy 1 - Development of the Operations Manager.pdfFlimsy 01Development of the CRV OG Operations Manual16 Dec. 2016Secretariat
Annex 1b to the MSA with CRV Task Force - 16 Dec 16.pdfFlimsy 01Annex 1B to the MSA16 Dec. 2016Secretariat
Flimsy 2 - CRV Common Package.pdfFlimsy 02CRV Common Package16 Dec. 2016Secretariat
Flimsy 03 - Common Regional Virtual Private Network Operations Group Operations Manual.pdfFlimsy 03CRV OG - Operations Manual (First Draft - December 2016)20 Dec. 2016Secretariat

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