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State Considerations for alternative means of delivering cabin crew recurrent training

While physical distancing remains a training constraint, the State may need to consider allowing alternative means of training delivery for hands-on and practical exercises that could further the transmission of COVID-19, (e.g. erecting a life-raft canopy from the outside of a raft, versus the inside of the raft). When assessing the adequacy of alternative methods for delivering cabin crew training, the State should consider the following:



Items to Consider

Further Guidance

Size and complexity of the operator

  • Number of aircraft types in the fleet

  • Number of cabin crew members affected by alleviations

Refer to Sections 2.4/2.5

of Doc 10148

Operator's digital learning capabilities

  • Existing e-learning platform

  • Capability for instructor-led online training sessions

  • Operator's experience with digital learning

Number and location of the operator's training facilities

  • Types of facilities and devices at each centre (e.g. full motion cabin simulator)

  • Domestic vs. foreign training centres

  • Use of facilities and training devices owned by another operator, or by approved training organization (ATO)


Regardless, the operator should support any proposed change in training delivery methods with a safety risk assessment for the State to review, before implementing the change.  Once conditions permit, the required hands-on and practical exercises should be completed by each cabin crew member.

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