Human Performance (HP) represents the human contribution to system performance and refers to how people perform their work. Throughout the aviation system, people are both the source of some of the risks and an integral part of identifying and managing all risks.
How we support HP is informed by Human Factors (HF). HF is concerned with the application of what we know about human beings, their abilities, characteristics and limitations, to the design of equipment they use, environments in which they function and jobs they perform.

HP considerations are key to enabling safe operations, whether focused on flight operations, air traffic control, maintenance, or remote operations (including remotely piloted aircraft systems and remote towers). HP-related areas of work are dispersed across a range of topics including:
Key concepts that highlight the human contribution to the aviation system and that provide a foundation for approaches and actions that support HP include:
The Manual on HP for Regulators (Doc 10151)
This ICAO manual supports regulators to make it easy for people in the aviation system to "do the right thing" on the day and avoid negative safety consequences. It addresses HP considerations in regulatory activities such as the development of appropriate regulatory material, through evaluating, accepting and approving organizations, systems, processes and people, and through continued surveillance. It also illustrates how HP considerations are embedded in key oversight responsibilities and activities that are included in a State Safety Programme.