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Additional information for FSTD training refresher using CBTA

Special emphasis in practice

The special competency emphasis of this refresher session is the result of an analysis of the pilot competencies and their associated observable behaviors, combined with the training need of an average already qualified pilot population lacking both training and operational experience.


Pilot competencies to be trained during refresher session

PC 0

Application of knowledge


PC 1

Application of procedures and compliance with regulations


PC 2



PC 3

Aeroplane Flight Path Management, automation


PC 4

Aeroplane Flight Path Management, manual control


PC 5

Leadership and Teamwork


PC 6

Problem Solving and Decision Making


PC 7

Situation awareness and management of information


PC 8

Workload Management



TA: Means competencies trained and assessed

SE: Means competencies requiring special emphasis during training

As an example, from Annex 1 Pilot Competencies, Application of procedures and compliance with regulation, the Observable behaviors in bold have been used to define the training objectives of the session.



Observable behaviors

Application of procedures and

compliance with regulations


Identifies and applies appropriate

procedures in accordance with

published operating instructions and


OB 1.1 Identifies where to find procedures and regulations

OB 1.2 Applies relevant operating instructions, procedures and techniques in a timely manner

OB 1.3 Follows SOPs unless a higher degree of safety dictates an appropriate deviation

OB 1.4 Operates aeroplane systems and associated equipment correctly

OB 1.5 Monitors aircraft systems status

OB 1.6 Complies with applicable regulations.

OB 1.7 Applies relevant procedural knowledge


CBTA Instructional System Design
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