ASBU Documentation


Available Documents

collapse Thread : ACAS ‎(4)
B0-ACASAnnex 6 - Part I/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/an_6.png
B0-ACASAnnex 10 - Vol IV/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/an10-1_en.png
B0-ACASPANS-ATM (Doc 4444)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/PANS-ATM.png
B0-ACASDoc 9863 - Airborne Collision Avoidance System (ACAS) Manual/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/9863.png
collapse Thread : ACDM ‎(1)
B0-ACDMDoc 9971 - Manual on Collab ATFM, Part II (Doc 9971)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/9971.png
collapse Thread : APTA ‎(14)
B0-APTAAnnex 11/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/an_11.png
B0-APTAAnnex 10 - Vol I/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/an10-1_en.png
B0-APTAPANS-OPS Vol II (Doc 8168)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/PANS-OPS.png
B0-APTAPANS-ATM (Doc 4444)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/PANS-ATM.png
B0-APTADoc 9674 - World Geodetic System - 1984 (WGS-84) Manual/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/DOC-9674-2-1-E.jpg
B0-APTADoc 9849 - Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Manual/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/9849_en.png
B0-APTADoc 9906 - Quality Assurance Manual for Flight Procedure Design Vol. V/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/9906-5.png
B0-APTADoc 9931 - CDO Manual (Doc 9931)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/DOC-9931-1-1-E.jpg
B0-APTADoc 8071 - Manual on Testing of Radio Navigation Aids/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/8071p2_en.png
B0-APTADoc 336 - Circ. On PBN Charting (Doc 336)
B1-APTAAnnex 11/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/an_11.png
B1-APTADoc 9674 - World Geodetic System - 1984 (WGS-84) Manual/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/DOC-9674-2-1-E.jpg
B1-APTADoc 9906 - Quality Assurance Manual for Flight Procedure Design Vol. V/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/9906-5.png
B1-APTADoc 8071 - Manual on Testing of Radio Navigation Aids/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/8071p2_en.png
collapse Thread : ASEP ‎(4)
B0-ASEPPANS-OPS Vol I (Doc 8168)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/PANS-OPS.png
B0-ASEPDoc 9994 - Airborne Surveillance Manual (Doc 9994)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/9994.png
B1-ASEPAnnex 6 - Part I/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/an_6.png
B1-ASEPAnnex 8/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/an_8.png
collapse Thread : ASUR ‎(5)
B0-ASURAnnex 10 - Vol IV/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/an10-1_en.png
B0-ASURPANS-ATM (Doc 4444)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/PANS-ATM.png
B0-ASURDoc 9871 - Technical Provisions for Mode S Services and Extended Squitter/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/9871.png
B0-ASURDoc 9924 - Aeronautical Surveillance Manual (Doc 9924)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/9924.png
B0-ASURDoc 326 - Circ. On the assessment of ADS-B and Multilateration Surveillance
collapse Thread : CCO ‎(4)
B0-CCOPANS-OPS Vol I (Doc 8168)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/PANS-OPS.png
B0-CCOPANS-OPS Vol II (Doc 8168)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/PANS-OPS.png
B0-CCODoc 9993 - CCO Manual (Doc 9993)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/9993.png
B0-CCODoc 9613 - PBN Manual (Doc 9613)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/9613.png
collapse Thread : CDO ‎(9)
B0-CDOPANS-OPS Vol I (Doc 8168)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/PANS-OPS.png
B0-CDOPANS-OPS Vol II (Doc 8168)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/PANS-OPS.png
B0-CDODoc 9931 - CDO Manual (Doc 9931)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/DOC-9931-1-1-E.jpg
B0-CDODoc 9613 - PBN Manual (Doc 9613)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/9613.png
B0-CDODoc 9992 - Manual on the Use of PBN AD (Doc 9992)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/9992.png
B0-CDODoc 9997 - PBN OPS App Manual (Doc 9997)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/9997.png
B1-CDOPANS-OPS Vol I (Doc 8168)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/PANS-OPS.png
B1-CDOPANS-OPS Vol II (Doc 8168)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/PANS-OPS.png
B1-CDODoc 9931 - CDO Manual (Doc 9931)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/DOC-9931-1-1-E.jpg
collapse Thread : DATM ‎(3)
B0-DATMAnnex 15/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/an_15.png
B0-DATMDoc 8126 - AIS Manual (Doc 8126)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/8126.png
B0-DATMDoc 8697 - Aeronautical Chart Manual (Doc 8697)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/8697.png
collapse Thread : FICE ‎(7)
B0-FICEAnnex 10 - Vol II/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/an10-1_en.png
B0-FICEAnnex 10 - Vol III/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/an10-1_en.png
B0-FICEPANS-ATM (Doc 4444)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/PANS-ATM.png
B0-FICEDoc 9880 - Manual on Detailed Technical Specifications for the ATN using ISO/OSI Standards and Protocols/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/9880.png
B1-FICEDoc 9880 - Manual on Detailed Technical Specifications for the ATN using ISO/OSI Standards and Protocols/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/9880.png
B1-FICEDoc 9694 - Manual of Air Traffic Services Data Link Applications/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/9694.png
B1-FICEDoc 9965 - Manual FF-ICE (Doc 9965)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/9965.png
collapse Thread : FRTO ‎(22)
B0-FRTOAnnex 2/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/an_2.png
B0-FRTOAnnex 10 - Vol III/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/an10-1_en.png
B0-FRTODoc 9971 - Manual on Collab ATFM, Part II (Doc 9971)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/9971.png
B0-FRTODoc 9613 - PBN Manual (Doc 9613)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/9613.png
B0-FRTODoc 9426 - ATS Planning Manual (Doc 9426)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/9426.png
B0-FRTODoc 9554 - Manual Concerning Safety Measures Relating to Military Activities/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/9554.png
B0-FRTODoc 9689 - Manual on Airspace Planning Methodology for the Determination of Separation Minima/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/9689.png
B0-FRTODoc 9992 - Manual on the Use of PBN AD (Doc 9992)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/9992.png
B0-FRTODoc 9997 - PBN OPS App Manual (Doc 9997)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/9997.png
B0-FRTODoc 9994 - Airborne Surveillance Manual (Doc 9994)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/9994.png
B0-FRTODoc 321 - Circ. On GNSS Longitudinal Sep (Circ. 321)
B0-FRTODoc 334 - Guidelines for the implementation for lateral separation minima (Circ. 334)
B1-FRTOAnnex 10 - Vol II/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/an10-1_en.png
B1-FRTOAnnex 10 - Vol IV/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/an10-1_en.png
B1-FRTOPANS-ATM (Doc 4444)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/PANS-ATM.png
B1-FRTOPANS-OPS Vol II (Doc 8168)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/PANS-OPS.png
B1-FRTODoc 9426 - ATS Planning Manual (Doc 9426)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/9426.png
B1-FRTODoc 9689 - Manual on Airspace Planning Methodology for the Determination of Separation Minima/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/9689.png
B1-FRTODoc 9554 - Manual Concerning Safety Measures Relating to Military Activities/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/9554.png
B1-FRTODoc 9971 - Manual on Collab ATFM, Part II (Doc 9971)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/9971.png
B1-FRTODoc 9992 - Manual on the Use of PBN AD (Doc 9992)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/9992.png
B1-FRTODoc 9994 - Airborne Surveillance Manual (Doc 9994)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/9994.png
collapse Thread : NOPS ‎(3)
B0-NOPSPANS-ATM (Doc 4444)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/PANS-ATM.png
B0-NOPSDoc 9971 - Manual on Collab ATFM, Part II (Doc 9971)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/9971.png
B1-NOPSDoc 9971 - Manual on Collab ATFM, Part II (Doc 9971)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/9971.png
collapse Thread : OPFL ‎(4)
B0-OPFLAnnex 10 - Vol II/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/an10-1_en.png
B0-OPFLPANS-ATM (Doc 4444)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/PANS-ATM.png
B0-OPFLDoc 9994 - Airborne Surveillance Manual (Doc 9994)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/9994.png
B0-OPFLDoc 325 - ITP Circular (Circ. 325)
collapse Thread : RPAS ‎(2)
B1-RPASAnnex 7/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/an_7.png
B1-RPASDoc 328 - Circ. On Unmanned Aircraft Systems
collapse Thread : SNET ‎(1)
B0-SNETPANS-ATM (Doc 4444)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/PANS-ATM.png
collapse Thread : SURF ‎(13)
B0-SURFAnnex 6 - Part I/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/an_6.png
B0-SURFAnnex 6 - Part II/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/an_6.png
B0-SURFAnnex 6 - Part III/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/an_6.png
B0-SURFPANS-ATM (Doc 4444)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/PANS-ATM.png
B0-SURFDoc 9924 - Aeronautical Surveillance Manual (Doc 9924)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/9924.png
B0-SURFDoc 9871 - Technical Provisions for Mode S Services and Extended Squitter/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/9871.png
B0-SURFDoc 7030/5 - Regional Supplementary Procedures, Sec. 6.5.6 and 6.5.7/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/7030.png
B0-SURFDoc 7030 - EUR and NAT Regional SUPPs/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/7030.png
B1-SURFAnnex 14 - Vol I/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/an_14.png
B1-SURFAnnex 11/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/an_11.png
B1-SURFDoc 9994 - Airborne Surveillance Manual (Doc 9994)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/9994.png
B2-SURFDoc 9830 - A-SMGCS Manual (Doc 9830)/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/9830.png
B2-SURFDoc 9880 - Manual on Detailed Technical Specifications for the ATN using ISO/OSI Standards and Protocols/airnavigation/PublishingImages/ICAO-Docs/9880.png

​Anticipated Documents

collapse Thread : ACAS ‎(4)
B0-ACASPANS-OPS Vol I (Doc 8168) / Provisions on new ACAS logic. Revised altitude levelling laws and auto-coupling.2016-07-30
B2-ACASAnnex 10 - Vol IV / Develop provisions on ACAS-X
B2-ACASDoc 9863 - Airborne Collision Avoidance System (ACAS) Manual  / Guidance on dealing with false aircraft proximity alerts.2018-11-30
B2-ACASDoc 9863 - Airborne Collision Avoidance System (ACAS) Manual  / Guidance on the function and operation of ACAS-X
collapse Thread : ACDM ‎(7)
B0-ACDMPANS-ATM (Doc 4444) / Provisions to support airport CDM and ATFM.2018-11-30
B0-ACDMPANS-ATM (Doc 4444) / Amendment to add flight crew /de-icing crew phraseology in Chapter 12.2016-06-30
B0-ACDMDoc 9640 - Manual of A/C Ground De-Icing/Anti-Icing Ops (Doc 9640)  / Guidance on the use of phraseology (scripts) and procedures for de-icing ground and flight crews.2016-06-30
B0-ACDMDoc 9971 - Manual on Collab ATFM, Part III (Doc 9971)  / Airport CDM guidance material.2016-06-30
B1-ACDMPANS-AERO (Doc 9981) / Procedures for CDM/A-CDM.
B1-ACDMPANS-ATM (Doc 4444) / Provisions to support airport CDM and ATFM.2018-11-30
B1-ACDMDoc 9971 - Manual on Collab ATFM, Part III (Doc 9971)  / Airport CDM guidance material.2016-06-30
collapse Thread : AMET ‎(17)
B0-AMETAnnex 3 / Improved resolution of WAFS forecast information; availability of volcanic ash and tropical cyclone advisory information, AIRMET and special air reports in digital form; rationalisation of SIGMET, AIRMET and special air reports (uplink)
B0-AMETDoc 9766 - Manual on IAVW (Doc 9766)  / Provision of information on sulphur dioxide and other hazardous gases in the atmosphere. Handbook on the International Airways Volcano Watch (IAVW): Operational Procedures
B0-AMETDoc 9691 - Manual on VARMTCC  (Doc 9691)  / Provision of information on sulphur dioxide and other hazardous gases in the atmosphere.
B1-AMETAnnex 3 / Requirements for the provision of METAR/SPECI, TAF and SIGMET in digital form.
B1-AMETAnnex 3 / Requirements for digital information2016-07-01
B1-AMETAnnex 11 / Provisions for the establishment of air traffic management requirements for the use/integration of aeronautical meteorological information in ATM operations decision support processes.2018-07-31
B1-AMETAnnex 3 / Initial proposals for inclusion in Amendment 78 to Annex 3 to meet operational requirements in line with the GANP and to integrate space weather information into the SWIM.2018-07-31
B1-AMETAnnex 3 / Proposals for inclusion in Amendment 78 to Annex 3 to establish a regional advisory system to meet operational requirements in line with the GANP and to integrate the information on the provision of hazardous weather into the SWIM environment.2018-07-31
B1-AMETAnnex 3 / Proposals for inclusion in Amendment 78 to Annex 3 to meet operational requirements in line with the GANP and to integrate the information on the release of radioactive material into the atmosphere into the SWIM.2018-07-31
B1-AMETAnnex 3 / Proposals for inclusion in Amendment 78 to Annex 3 to meet operational requirements in line with the GANP and to integrate WAFS information into the SWIM environment.2018-07-31
B1-AMETAnnex 3 / Provisions for the establishment of air traffic management requirements for aeronautical meteorological service capabilities to support ATM operations Block 1.2018-07-31
B1-AMETAnnex 3 / Standards for IWXXM compliant METAR, SPECI, TAF and SIGMET exchange2018-07-31
B1-AMETPANS-ATM (Doc 4444) / Procedures for the use/integration of aeronautical meteorological information in ATM operations decision support processes.2018-07-31
B1-AMETDoc 10003 - Manual on Digital Exchange of AMET Information (Doc 10003)  / Manual on the digital exchange of information (Doc 10003). Guidance on the digital exchange of meteorological information
B1-AMETDoc #### - PANS-MET (Doc ####)  / Amendment to facilitate the introduction of the meteorological component of SWIM.2018-07-31
B1-AMETDoc #### - PANS-MET (Doc ####)  / Develop PANS-MET document including technical specifications
B1-AMETDoc 10003 - Manual on Digital Exchange of AMET Information (Doc 10003)  / Update related guidance material to support the implementation of Annex 3 Amendments2018-07-31
collapse Thread : APTA ‎(29)
B0-APTAAnnex 6 - Part I / Specify requirement for operational capabilities document
B0-APTAPANS-OPS Vol I (Doc 8168) / Procedure design criteria on LP/Baro-VNAV.2016-06-30
B0-APTAPANS-OPS Vol II (Doc 8168) / Procedure design criteria on LP/Baro-VNAV.2016-06-30
B0-APTADoc 8697 - Aeronautical Chart Manual (Doc 8697)  / Procedure design criteria on LP/Baro-VNAV.2016-06-30
B0-APTADoc #### - CRM Model (Doc ####)  / Precision Approach procedure Collision Risk Model tool update2016-06-30
B0-APTADoc 9905 - RNP AR P. Design Manual (Doc 9905)  / Update FAS Calculator2016-06-30
B0-APTADoc 9905 - RNP AR P. Design Manual (Doc 9905)  / Update existing mathematical equations2016-06-30
B0-APTADoc 9905 - RNP AR P. Design Manual (Doc 9905)  / Requirements for RF Display for missed approach2016-06-30
B0-APTADoc 9613 - PBN Manual (Doc 9613)  / Update operational guidance for consistency and clarity
B0-APTADoc 9997 - PBN OPS App Manual (Doc 9997)  / Include guidance on documentation of PBN capabilities in a clear consistent manner
B1-APTAAnnex 10 - Vol I / Standards to cover GBAS use as a landing aid under Cat II/III2018-06-30
B1-APTAAnnex 10 - Vol I / Standards to support  GBAS support via multiple constellations and frequencies2018-07-30
B1-APTAAnnex 6 - Part I / SARPS to embed PBN into traditional operations.2016-07-01
B1-APTAAnnex 10 - Vol I / Standards to support  SBAS support via multiple constellations and frequencies2018-07-30
B1-APTAAnnex 10 - Vol I / Standards to support GNSS multi-constellation dual frequency2018-07-30
B1-APTAPANS-ATM (Doc 4444) / Separation minima for RNP parallel approaches2018-06-30
B1-APTAPANS-ATM (Doc 4444) / GBAS Landing System (GLS) approaches to parallel runway operations2016-07-01
B1-APTAPANS-OPS Vol II (Doc 8168) / Procedure design criteria for GBAS Cat II/III2018-11-30
B1-APTAPANS-OPS Vol I (Doc 8168) / Visual procedures utilizing PBN2018-06-30
B1-APTAPANS-OPS Vol II (Doc 8168) / Visual procedures utilizing PBN2018-06-30
B1-APTAPANS-ATM (Doc 4444) / Voice phraseologies associated with runway safety programme
B1-APTAPANS-OPS Vol II (Doc 8168) / Update to flight procedures to allow multiple GNSS constellations2018-07-30
B1-APTADoc 8697 - Aeronautical Chart Manual (Doc 8697)  / Visual procedures utilizing PBN2018-06-30
B1-APTADoc 9849 - GNSS Manual (Doc 9849)  / Update of manual to cover GBAS use as a landing aid under Cat II/III2018-07-01
B1-APTADoc 9905 - RNP AR P. Design Manual (Doc 9905)  / Procedure design requirements for RNP AR and OEI2018-06-30
B1-APTADoc 9613 - PBN Manual (Doc 9613)  / Update to navspecs to allow multiple GNSS constellations2018-07-30
B1-APTADoc 9849 - GNSS Manual (Doc 9849)  / Update to allow SBAS support via multiple constellations and frequencies2018-07-31
B1-APTADoc 9997 - PBN OPS App Manual (Doc 9997)  / Update to OPS approval to allow multiple GNSS constellations2018-07-30
B1-APTADoc 9849 - GNSS Manual (Doc 9849)  / Update to allow GBAS support via multiple constellations and frequencies2018-07-30
collapse Thread : ASEP ‎(3)
B1-ASEPPANS-ATM (Doc 4444) / Separation minima for interval management2022-07-31
B1-ASEPPANS-ATM (Doc 4444) / Phraseology and message set for interval management2022-11-30
B1-ASEPDoc 9994 - Airborne Surveillance Manual (Doc 9994)  / Guidance to support interval management procedures2022-11-30
collapse Thread : CCO ‎(1)
B0-CCOPANS-ATM (Doc 4444) / Procedures and phraseologies for SID/STAR2016-07-30
collapse Thread : CDO ‎(2)
B0-CDOPANS-ATM (Doc 4444) / Procedures and phraseologies for SID/STAR2016-07-30
B1-CDOPANS-ATM (Doc 4444) / Procedures and phraseologies for SID/STAR2016-07-30
collapse Thread : DATM ‎(16)
B0-DATMAnnex 4 / Final amendment on the transition from AIS to AIM2016-07-30
B0-DATMAnnex 3 / Requirements for digital information2016-07-01
B0-DATMAnnex 15 / Final Amendment (39)  supporting transition from AIS to AIM2016-07-30
B0-DATMDoc 10039 - Manual on SWIM Concept (Doc 10039)  / First Edition
B0-DATMDoc #### - PANS-AIM (Doc ####)  / Introduction of PANS-AIM2016-07-30
B0-DATMDoc 8126 - AIS Manual (Doc 8126)  / Guidance to support PANS-AIM2018-11-30
B1-DATMAnnex 11 / Provisions on making use of SWIM
B1-DATMAnnex 15 / Provisions on the use and support of SWIM2020-07-31
B1-DATMAnnex 11 / Amendment on the requirements on the use of improved operational information access for ATM2020-11-30
B1-DATMAnnex 3 / Amendment on the requirements of the use of  improved operational information access for MET2020-07-31
B1-DATMAnnex 11 / Amendment on the requirements on the use of improved operational information access for AIM2020-07-31
B1-DATMPANS-ATM (Doc 4444) / Amendment on the requirements on the use of improved operational information access for ATM2020-11-30
B1-DATMPANS-ATM (Doc 4444) / Procedures for flight and flow information for pre-departure2018-11-30
B1-DATMDoc 10039 - Manual on SWIM Concept (Doc 10039)  / Second Edition2020-11-01
B1-DATMDoc #### - Manual on the ATM RM (Doc ####)  / New manual on the ATM Reference Model2018-11-01
B1-DATMDoc #### - PANS-AIM (Doc ####)  / Procedures and guidance on the general use improved operational information access (including chages to NOTAM)2020-07-31
collapse Thread : FICE ‎(8)
B0-FICEDoc 9694 - Manual of Air Traffic Services Data Link Applications  / Update AIDC section to reflect current implementation of character-based messaging for electronic coordination and  Delete air-ground applications section as it has been superseded by GOL2016-07-30
B1-FICEAnnex 2 / New rules related to flight planning2018-07-30
B1-FICEAnnex 11 / New services associated to extended flight plan2018-07-30
B1-FICEAnnex 15 / Requirements for publication of flight planning services provided, formats accepted, and associated procedures2018-07-30
B1-FICEPANS-ATM (Doc 4444) / Procedures for flight and flow information for pre-departure2018-11-30
B1-FICEDoc 10037 - GOLD Document (Doc 10037)  / Guidance on the use of DLIC, CPDLC and ADS-C (upgrade regional document into a global manual)2015-11-30
B1-FICEDoc  - Untitled  / Manual on implementation of FF-ICE2018-07-30
B2-FICEPANS-ATM (Doc 4444) / Ensure FF-ICE captures PBN requirements correctly2020-07-31
collapse Thread : FRTO ‎(30)
B0-FRTOAnnex 6 - Part I / Provisions for performance-based communication and surveillance2016-07-30
B0-FRTOAnnex 11 / Provisions for performance-based communication and surveillance2016-07-30
B0-FRTOAnnex 10 - Vol II / Provisions on the use of SATVOICE2016-07-30
B0-FRTOAnnex 6 - Part III / Provisions for performance-based communication and surveillance2016-07-31
B0-FRTOAnnex 6 - Part II / Provisions for performance-based communication and surveillance2016-07-31
B0-FRTOPANS-ATM (Doc 4444) / Procedures for performance-based communication and surveillance, and SATVOICE2016-11-30
B0-FRTOPANS-ATM (Doc 4444) / RLongSM 5 minutes longitudinal separation between ADS-C aircraft on same identical tracks.2016-06-30
B0-FRTOPANS-ATM (Doc 4444) / Procedures on implementation of ATFM.2018-07-30
B0-FRTOPANS-ATM (Doc 4444) / Provisions to support airport CDM and ATFM.2018-11-30
B0-FRTODoc 9869 - PBCS Manual (Doc 9869)  / Guidance on performance-based communication and surveillance2016-03-31
B0-FRTODoc 10037 - GOLD Document (Doc 10037)  / Guidance on the use of DLIC, CPDLC and ADS-C (upgrade regional document into a global manual)2015-11-30
B0-FRTODoc 10038 - Satellite Voice Guidance Material (Doc 10038)  / Guidance on the use of SATCOM voice.2016-03-31
B0-FRTODoc 330 - Circular on Civil/Military Coop. in ATM (Circ. 330)  / Guidance on cooperation on ATM between civil and military entities (Improve the contents of Cir.330 and upgrade it to ICAO Manual).2016-11-30
B1-FRTOAnnex 6 - Part I / Standards on the use of PBN on Conventional routes2016-07-01
B1-FRTOAnnex 2 / Requirements on speed variation in en-route airspace2016-07-30
B1-FRTOAnnex 11 / Re-introduce FRT suffixes for ATS routes into Annex 112016-07-01
B1-FRTOPANS-ATM (Doc 4444) / Advanced RNP2018-07-30
B1-FRTOPANS-ATM (Doc 4444) / Separation minima and procedures for RNP 1, 2 advanced RNP.2018-11-30
B1-FRTOPANS-ATM (Doc 4444) / PBN based Lateral Separation Minima To Special Use Airspace (SUA)2018-07-30
B1-FRTOPANS-OPS Vol I (Doc 8168) / Procedures for the use of PBN on Conventional routes. EN-ROUTE2018-07-01
B1-FRTOPANS-ATM (Doc 4444) / Separation minima on FRT2018-11-30
B1-FRTOPANS-OPS Vol II (Doc 8168) / Instrument flight procedures for FRT2018-11-30
B1-FRTOPANS-OPS Vol I (Doc 8168) / Pilot requirements on FRT2018-11-30
B1-FRTOPANS-ATM (Doc 4444) / Refined route spacing, separation minima and procedures for all PBN navigation specifications.2016-07-01
B1-FRTOPANS-ATM (Doc 4444) / 23 NM lateral separation to support ½ degree oceanic flex tracks.2016-06-30
B1-FRTOPANS-ATM (Doc 4444) /  Define flight planning and ATM requirements to permit safe use of FRT’s2018-07-31
B1-FRTODoc 9613 - PBN Manual (Doc 9613)  / Update on FRT functionality to align with Do 236c2018-11-30
B1-FRTODoc 10037 - GOLD Document (Doc 10037)  / Guidance on the use of DLIC, CPDLC and ADS-C (upgrade regional document into a global manual)2015-11-30
B1-FRTODoc 9997 - PBN OPS App Manual (Doc 9997)  / Certification of systems to support FRT implementation
B1-FRTODoc 330 - Circular on Civil/Military Coop. in ATM (Circ. 330)  / Guidance on cooperation on ATM between civil and military entities (Improve the contents of Cir.330 and upgrade it to ICAO Manual).2016-11-30
collapse Thread : NOPS ‎(6)
B0-NOPSPANS-ATM (Doc 4444) / Procedures on implementation of ATFM.2018-07-30
B1-NOPSPANS-ATM (Doc 4444) / Provisions to support airport CDM and ATFM.2018-11-30
B1-NOPSPANS-ATM (Doc 4444) / Procedures on implementation of ATFM.2018-07-30
B1-NOPSPANS-ATM (Doc 4444) / PBN based Lateral Separation Minima To Special Use Airspace (SUA)2018-07-30
B1-NOPSDoc  - Report on capability operation of C&M S&CA Systems  / Report on activities needed to ensure compatible operation of civil and military surveillance and collision avoidance systems.2016-11-30
B1-NOPSDoc 330 - Circular on Civil/Military Coop. in ATM (Circ. 330)  / Guidance on cooperation on ATM between civil and military entities (Improve the contents of Cir.330 and upgrade it to ICAO Manual).2016-11-30
collapse Thread : RATS ‎(2)
B1-RATSAnnex 11 / Provisions on remotely operated ATS
B1-RATSPANS-ATM (Doc 4444) / Procedures on remotely operated ATS
collapse Thread : RPAS ‎(35)
B1-RPASAnnex 1 / Provisions for Remote pilot licence for: - Remote Pilot - Remote student pilot  -RPAS instructor2018-07-01
B1-RPASAnnex 10 - Vol II / C2 link systems requirements based on RCP  Specifically including link mode control, hand over procedures, C2 status monitoring and lost C2 link procedure2020-07-01
B1-RPASAnnex 10 - Vol III / Define requirements for the security of the C2 link2020-07-01
B1-RPASAnnex 6 - Part IV / C2 Communications service provider: Provisions for C2 link RCP and approval/acceptance of C2 link service providers2020-07-31
B1-RPASAnnex 10 - Vol IV / Develop technical provisions for RPA Detect and Avoid Capabilities
B1-RPASAnnex 10 - Vol V / Potential use of Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) spectrum allocations to support the safe operation of remotely piloted aircraft systems2020-07-31
B1-RPASAnnex 6 - Part IV / Provisions for the carriage of flight recorders in RPASs2020-07-31
B1-RPASAnnex 8 / Provisions for continuing airworthiness2018-07-01
B1-RPASAnnex 18 / Amendment
B1-RPASAnnex 6 - Part IV / Operational Requirements: Initial requirements for IFR RPAS operations in controlled airspace / aerodromes, develop provisions
B1-RPASAnnex 6 - Part IV / Operational Requirements: Define requirements for handovers between RPS, develop provisions
B1-RPASAnnex 6 - Part IV / airworthiness and operations requirements for C2 link RCP2020-07-01
B1-RPASAnnex 6 - Part IV / Mitigation strategies related to annexes with the existing material Add the mitigation means applicable to RPAS which are missing2020-07-01
B1-RPASAnnex 6 - Part IV / C2 Communications service provider: Requirements for oversight of C2 link service providers including, but not limited to technical, airworthiness and operational elements – develop the operational provisions
B1-RPASAnnex 6 - Part IV / ROC Development: Requirements for safety management on RPAS operators and operations and coordinate with appropriate ICAO expert groups the development of provisions2020-07-31
B1-RPASAnnex 6 - Part IV / ROC Development: Develop a template for the ROC and provisions for operations specifications2020-07-31
B1-RPASAnnex 6 - Part IV / Provisions for continuing airworthiness2020-07-31
B1-RPASAnnex 2 / ATM contingency procedures for loss of C2 link
B1-RPASAnnex 2 / Mitigation strategies related to annexes with the existing material Add the mitigation means applicable to RPAS which are missing2020-07-01
B1-RPASAnnex 13 / Provisions for the investigation of accidents and incidents involving RPAS2020-07-31
B1-RPASAnnex 1 / Provisions for  Credit for remote pilot licence obtained in military service and manned aviation2018-07-01
B1-RPASPANS-ATM (Doc 4444) / RPA separation Procedures and wake turbulence separation criteria
B1-RPASDoc 10019 - Manual on RPAS  (Doc 10019)  / Update guidance material2018-07-31
B1-RPASDoc 9284 - Tech Ins for the ST of DG by Air (Doc 9284)  / Instructions on how to handle dangerous goods carried on RPA2020-07-31
B1-RPASDoc 9284SU - Supplement to the Tech Instructions (Doc 9284SU)  / Amendment2020-07-31
B2-RPASAnnex 10 - Vol IV / Mitigation strategies related to annexes with the existing material Add the mitigation means applicable to RPAS which are missing2020-07-01
B2-RPASAnnex 10 - Vol V / Mitigation strategies related to annexes with the existing material Add the mitigation means applicable to RPAS which are missing2020-07-01
B2-RPASAnnex 11 / Mitigation strategies related to annexes with the existing material Add the mitigation means applicable to RPAS which are missing2020-07-01
B2-RPASAnnex 14 - Vol I / Mitigation strategies related to annexes with the existing material Add the mitigation means applicable to RPAS which are missing2020-07-01
B2-RPASAnnex 19 / Mitigation strategies related to annexes with the existing material Add the mitigation means applicable to RPAS which are missing2020-07-01
B2-RPASAnnex 3 / mitigation strategies related to annexes with the existing material Add the mitigation means applicable to RPAS which are missing2020-07-01
B2-RPASAnnex 8 / Mitigation strategies related to annexes with the existing material Add the mitigation means applicable to RPAS which are missing2020-07-01
B2-RPASPANS-ATM (Doc 4444) / Mitigation strategies related to annexes with the existing material Add the mitigation means applicable to RPAS which are missing2020-07-01
B2-RPASDoc 10019 - Manual on RPAS  (Doc 10019)  / Hazards identified for detect and avoid (DAA) , Propose hazard mitigation strategies2020-07-01
B2-RPASDoc 10019 - Manual on RPAS  (Doc 10019)  / Mitigation strategies related to annexes with the existing material Add the mitigation means applicable to RPAS which are missing2020-07-01
collapse Thread : RSEQ ‎(3)
B1-RSEQPANS-OPS Vol I (Doc 8168) / Flight Procedures on RTA2018-11-30
B1-RSEQPANS-ATM (Doc 4444) / ATM procedures for RTA.2018-11-30
B1-RSEQDoc 9997 - PBN OPS App Manual (Doc 9997)  / Updated OPS approval Manual to include RTA2018-11-30
collapse Thread : SNET ‎(2)
B1-SNETDoc #### - Manual for Ground-based Safety Nets  / ​Update to include Approach Path Monitoring2018-11-30
B1-SNETDoc #### - Manual for Ground-based Safety Nets  / Contains guidance on STCA, MSAW and Area Proximity Warnings
collapse Thread : SURF ‎(19)
B0-SURFDoc 9365 - Manual of All WX OPS (Doc 9365)  / Guidance on provisons to support low visibility operations.2015-11-30
B0-SURFDoc 9476 - Manual SMGCS (Doc 9476)  / Guidance on provisions to support low visibility operations2018-07-01
B0-SURFDoc 9830 - A-SMGCS Manual (Doc 9830)  / Guidance on provisions to support low visibility operations.
B1-SURFAnnex 10 - Vol III / Amendments to accommodate Airport Surface Datalink2016-07-30
B1-SURFAnnex 6 - Part I / Technology for runway safety (on- board equipment) provisions2018-07-01
B1-SURFAnnex 6 - Part II / SARPS to address lighting systems considerations for low visibility operations.2018-07-01
B1-SURFAnnex 6 - Part II / Technology for runway safety (on- board equipment) provisions2018-07-01
B1-SURFAnnex 10 - Vol IV / Provisions on the situational awareness on the airport surface for ground vehicles.2018-06-30
B1-SURFPANS-OPS Vol I (Doc 8168) / Harmonization of low visibility/surface movement guidance provisions
B1-SURFPANS-OPS Vol I (Doc 8168) / Procedures and symbology on  charts  for low visibility operations2018-07-14
B1-SURFPANS-OPS Vol I (Doc 8168) / Technology for runway safety (on- board equipment) provisions2018-07-30
B1-SURFPANS-OPS Vol I (Doc 8168) / Amended procedures for low visibility operations2018-11-30
B1-SURFDoc 9871 - Technical Provisions for Mode S Services and Extended Squitter  / Guidance on ADS-B capability for ground vehicles2018-07-31
B1-SURFDoc 9365 - Manual of All WX OPS (Doc 9365)  / Guidance on provisons to support low visibility operations.2015-11-30
B1-SURFDoc 9365 - Manual of All WX OPS (Doc 9365)  / Guidance and symbology on  charts  for low visibility2018-07-31
B1-SURFDoc 9830 - A-SMGCS Manual (Doc 9830)  / Guidance on the harmonization of low visibility/surface movement guidance.2018-07-01
B1-SURFDoc #### - Circ on technology for runway safety (VA) (Doc ####)  / Circular in technology for runway safety (visual aids) (Or provisions as recommended by Panel. See element PANS-OPS in this element )2018-07-01
B2-SURFPANS-OPS Vol I (Doc 8168) / ​Identify the needs for additional requirements to accommodate indications and alerts to pilots for surface operation2024-07-31
B2-SURFDoc 9994 - Airborne Surveillance Manual (Doc 9994)  / ​Manual on Airborne Surveillance Applications / Guidance to support surface operations with indications and alerts (SURF-IA)2024-07-31
collapse Thread : SWIM ‎(7)
B1-SWIMAnnex 11 / Provisions on making use of SWIM
B1-SWIMAnnex 10 - Vol III / Provisions to support SWIM2020-07-01
B1-SWIMAnnex 15 / Provisions on the use and support of SWIM2020-07-31
B1-SWIMPANS-ATM (Doc 4444) / Amendment on the requirements on the use of improved operational information access for ATM2020-11-30
B1-SWIMDoc 10039 - Manual on SWIM Concept (Doc 10039)  / Second Edition2020-11-01
B1-SWIMDoc 8126 - AIS Manual (Doc 8126)  / Guidance to support PANS-AIM2018-11-30
B1-SWIMDoc #### - PANS-AIM (Doc ####)  / Procedures and guidance on the general use improved operational information access (including chages to NOTAM)2020-07-31
collapse Thread : TBO ‎(30)
B0-TBOAnnex 6 - Part I / Provisions for performance-based communication and surveillance2016-07-30
B0-TBOAnnex 11 / Provisions for performance-based communication and surveillance2016-07-30
B0-TBOAnnex 10 - Vol II / Provisions on the use of SATVOICE2016-07-30
B0-TBOAnnex 6 - Part III / Provisions for performance-based communication and surveillance2016-07-31
B0-TBOAnnex 6 - Part II / Provisions for performance-based communication and surveillance2016-07-31
B0-TBOAnnex 15 / Provisions on the publication of SATVOICE service and RCP/RSP2016-06-30
B0-TBOAnnex 10 - Vol III / Provisions on the use of SATVOICE2016-06-30
B0-TBOAnnex 10 - Vol II / Provisions on data link initiation capability2016-06-30
B0-TBOAnnex 10 - Vol II / improved procedures and message set for CPDLC and ADS-C2016-07-30
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