ICAO Twelfth Air Navigation Conference

Preparatory Workshop for the Twelfth Air Navigation Conference
The International Civil Aviation Organization will be holding the Preparatory Workshop for the Twelfth Air Navigation Conference (AN-Conf/12) in Montréal, from 16 to 17 November 2012. Simultaneous interpretation will be available in English, French, Spanish,  Russian, Arabic and Chinese.  

The purpose of the preparatory workshop is to provide participants of the AN-Conf/12 with an overview of the ICAO Aviation System Block Upgrades (ASBU) methodology. The workshop will allow participants to gain insight into ICAO’s strategy for the modernization of the global air navigation system. It will address the content of the different block upgrades and their associated modules that comprise various operational improvements aimed at harmonising and improving the efficiency of system.

In preparation for the AN-Conf/12, ICAO will address the latest version of the Global Air Navigation Plan, during the preparatory workshop, as well as its strategic direction beyond the Conference. Invited international organizations will provide their perspectives on: the block upgrades, the harmonization process required for the modernization of the global air navigation system, the key Issues which need to be addressed at the Conference, and the way forward for ICAO and the aviation community as a whole in the near and medium-term.
 The Twelfth Air Navigation Conference (AN-Conf/12)  


The International Civil Aviation Organization will be holding the 12th Air Navigation Conference (AN-Conf/12) in Montréal, from 19 to 30 November 2012 with participation of its Member States and invited international organizations. The AN-Conf/12 will address the latest version of the Global Air Navigation Plan. This plan draws heavily on the aviation system block upgrades that were introduced to the international community at the Global Air Navigation Industry Symposium (GANIS). The block upgrades comprise various operational improvements aimed at harmonising and improving the efficiency of the Global Air Navigation System. To aid in the harmonisation the block upgrades are supported by a roadmaps for communications, navigation and surveillance as well information management and avionics.
The purpose of the AN-Conf/12 is to gain consensus, obtain commitments and formulate recommendations to achieve a harmonized global air navigation system for international civil aviation and optimizing the opportunities in technology and maturing work programmes toward common global objectives. The Conference will provide stakeholders with an opportunity to coalesce around these major themes, set priorities and refine the way forward based on lessons learned. Special consideration will be given to utilization of existing capacity of enabling systems and planning for their expansion taking into consideration user requirements.
The Conference’s vision: to achieve an integrated global ATM system in a progressive, cost-effective and cooperative manner. As the air navigation system gains maturity, ICAO continues to address the challenge of the integration, interoperability and harmonization of the systems leading to the concept of “One Sky” for international civil aviation.
This Conference will define the planning horizon for the next ten years. As the future aviation system is expected to be planned from “airport to airport” the AN-Conf/12 will include throughput targets for Security and performance targets for the Environment as they have an important influence on the air navigation system.
The AN-Conf/12 shall endeavour to reach unanimous agreement on the substance of all items of its agenda. Should it not be possible to do so, the Conference shall reach a decision by taking a vote (Directives to Divisional type Air Navigation Meetings and Rules of Procedure for their Conduct (Doc 8143), Part II, paragraph 4.1 refers).   
DB - 29 nov.png

The Conference Timetable is available in:
The List of Participants (Version 4) is available at:

  Second Briefing on the Aviation System Block Upgrades

Packaging Tomorrow’s Aviation System    


English ASBU2 video.png
English ASBU2 video.png
Spanish ASBU2 video.png
English ASBU2 video.png
English - 17:48
French - 23:27
Spanish - 26:59
Russian - 23:24
Arabic - 30:02
Chinese - 22:29​
Agenda Item 2 of the Yellow Cover Report (WP/162.2) is available in EN, FR, SP, RU, AR, ZH at: http://www.icao.int/Meetings/anconf12/Yellow%20Cover%20Report/Forms/AllItems.aspx2012-11-30
Agenda Item 3 of the Yellow Cover Report (WP/162.3) is available in EN, FR, SP, RU, AR, ZH at: http://www.icao.int/Meetings/anconf12/Yellow%20Cover%20Report/Forms/AllItems.aspx2012-11-30
Agenda Item 4 of the Yellow Cover Report (WP/162.4) is available in EN, FR, SP, RU, AR, ZH at: http://www.icao.int/Meetings/anconf12/Yellow%20Cover%20Report/Forms/AllItems.aspx2012-11-30
Agenda Item 5 of the Yellow Cover Report (WP/162.5) is available in EN, FR, SP, RU, AR, ZH at: http://www.icao.int/Meetings/anconf12/Yellow%20Cover%20Report/Forms/AllItems.aspx2012-11-30
Agenda Item 6 of the Yellow Cover Report (WP/162.6) is available in EN, FR, SP, RU, AR, ZH at: http://www.icao.int/Meetings/anconf12/Yellow%20Cover%20Report/Forms/AllItems.aspx2012-11-30
The General Portion of the Yellow Cover Report (WP/162.GENERAL) is available in EN, FR, SP, RU, AR, ZH at: http://www.icao.int/Meetings/anconf12/Yellow%20Cover%20Report/Forms/AllItems.aspx2012-11-30
Agenda Item 1 of the Yellow Cover Report (WP/162.1) is available in EN, FR, SP, RU, AR, ZH at: http://www.icao.int/Meetings/anconf12/Yellow%20Cover%20Report/Forms/AllItems.aspx2012-11-29
The Draft Report of the Committee on Agenda Item 6 is available in EN, FR, SP, RU, AR, ZH at: http://www.icao.int/Meetings/anconf12/Draft%20Reports/Forms/AllItems.aspx2012-11-29
The Order Business for Friday is available in EN at: http://www.icao.int/Meetings/anconf12/Documents/AN-Conf%2012%20OB%202%20en.pdf2012-11-29
The List of Participants (Version 4) is available at: http://www.icao.int/Meetings/anconf12/Documents/12ANConf%20List%20of%20Delegates%204.pdf2012-11-29
The Daily Bulletin - 30 November 2012 is available at: http://www.icao.int/Meetings/anconf12/Daily%20Bulletin/DB%20-%2030%20nov.pdf2012-11-29
Corrigendum to Agenda Item 1 of the Yellow Cover Report is available in EN, FR, SP, RU, AR, ZH at: http://www.icao.int/Meetings/anconf12/Yellow%20Cover%20Report/Forms/AllItems.aspx2012-11-29
The AN Conf WPs & IPs Logical Grouping revised as of 27 November 2012 (Version 18) is available at: http://www.icao.int/Meetings/anconf12/Documents/ANConf12%20WPs%20and%20IPs%20Grouping.pdf2012-11-28
The Revised Draft Report of the Committee on Agenda Item 2 is available in EN, FR, SP, RU, AR, ZH at: http://www.icao.int/Meetings/anconf12/Draft%20Reports/Forms/AllItems.aspx2012-11-28
The Draft Report of the Committee on Agenda Item 5 is available in EN, FR, SP, RU, AR, ZH at: http://www.icao.int/Meetings/anconf12/Draft%20Reports/Forms/AllItems.aspx2012-11-28
The Daily Bulletin - 29 November 2012 is available at: http://www.icao.int/Meetings/anconf12/Daily%20Bulletin/DB%20-%2029%20nov.pdf2012-11-28
Version II of the List of Participants is availale at: http://www.icao.int/Meetings/anconf12/Documents/12ANConf%20List%20of%20Delegates%202.pdf2012-11-27
The Revised Draft Report on Agenda Item 1 is available in EN, FR, SP, RU, AR, ZH at: http://www.icao.int/Meetings/anconf12/Draft%20Reports/Forms/AllItems.aspx2012-11-27
The Revised Draft Report on Agenda Item 3 is available in EN, FR, SP, RU, AR, ZH at: http://www.icao.int/Meetings/anconf12/Draft%20Reports/Forms/AllItems.aspx2012-11-27
The Draft Report of the Committee on Agenda Item 4 is available in EN, FR, SP, RU, AR, ZH at: http://www.icao.int/Meetings/anconf12/Draft%20Reports/Forms/AllItems.aspx2012-11-27
The Daily Bulletin - 28 November 2012 is available at: http://www.icao.int/Meetings/anconf12/Daily%20Bulletin/DB%20-%2028%20nov.pdf2012-11-27
A revised Daily Bulletin for today, Monday 26 November 2012 is available at: http://www.icao.int/Meetings/anconf12/Daily%20Bulletin/Revised%20DB%20-%2026%20nov.pdf2012-11-26
A revision to the Draft Report on Agenda Item 1 is available in EN at: http://www.icao.int/Meetings/anconf12/Draft%20Reports/Revised%20ANConfWP156.1.EN.pdf2012-11-26
The Daily Bulletin - 27 November 2012 is available at: http://www.icao.int/Meetings/anconf12/Daily%20Bulletin/DB%20-%2027%20nov.pdf2012-11-26
An updated version of the AN-Conf WPs & IPs Logical Groupings is available at: http://www.icao.int/Meetings/anconf12/Documents/ANConf12%20WPs%20and%20IPs%20Grouping.pdf2012-11-26
The Draft Report of the Committee on Agenda Item 3 is available in EN, FR, SP, RU, AR, ZH at: http://www.icao.int/Meetings/anconf12/Draft%20Reports/Forms/AllItems.aspx?SPS_ListID=c3c8b348-e450-4ac6-b370-0250b8403d14&SPS_ItemID=17&SPS_LinkWith=22012-11-25
The Daily Bulletin - 26 November 2012 is available at: http://www.icao.int/Meetings/anconf12/Daily%20Bulletin/DB%20-%2026%20nov.pdf2012-11-25
The Draft Report of the Committee on Agenda Item 2 is available in EN, FR, SP, RU, AR, ZH at: http://www.icao.int/Meetings/anconf12/Draft%20Reports/Forms/AllItems.aspx2012-11-23
The Draft Report of the Committee on Agenda Item 1 is available in EN, FR, SP, RU, AR, ZH at: http://www.icao.int/Meetings/anconf12/Draft%20Reports/Forms/AllItems.aspx2012-11-22
Flimsy No. 2 "GLOBAL AIR NAVIGATION PLAN" is available at: http://www.icao.int/Meetings/anconf12/Flimsies/ANConfFL2.1.EN.pdf2012-11-22
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