AFI Aviation Security Meeting

 Aviation Security Meeting Overview

The African Region will be presented with the results of the second cycle of ICAO Universal Security Audit Programme (USAP) audits, an update on transition to the USAP Continuous Monitoring Approach, and progress being made in the AFI Region to enhance States’ aviation security and facilitation programme performance.
The second part of the meeting will be dedicated to the presentation of the new initiative for enhancing aviation security and facilitation in Africa. 
This invaluable strategic forum will allow participants to share information on lessons learned and emerging aviation security and facilitation challenges, and is expected to bring new vitality to aviation security and facilitation enhancement in the AFI Region.

 Aviation Security

The Aviation Security Meeting will consider establishment of the AFI Security and Facilitation Initiative.
New! The Working paper is now available in "Documentation".

 Meeting Programme

Wednesday, 28 May 2014
King Fahd Palace Hotel, Dakar
15:30 – 15:50
Opening of the AFI Aviation Security Meeting
  • Opening Remarks – Mr. Raymond Benjamin, Secretary General, International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
  • Opening Statement – Air Commodore Kwame Mamphey, President, African Civil Aviation Commission (AFCAC)
  • Message from Mr. Jean-Paul Laborde, Executive Director of the UN Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate
15:50 16:10
Universal Security Audit Programme (USAP) Results, Policy Milestones, Key Challenges - ICAO WACAF Regional Office (presenter to be confirmed)
16:10 16:40
Presentation of the AFI SECFAL Initiative - Mr. John Wycliffe Kabbs Twijuke, Representative of Uganda to ICAO
16:40 17:40
Roundtable on the AFI SECFAL Initiative (delegation by delegation) – Comments and input - Moderator: Ambassador Moumouni Dieguimde, Representative of Burkina Faso on the Council of ICAO
17:40 17:55
Way forward - Mr. John Wycliffe Kabbs Twijuke, Representative of Uganda to ICAO
17:55 18:00 Closing remarks – Air Commodore Kwame Mamphey, President, AFCAC.

 Professionals who should attend include:

  • Directors General
  • Directors of Aviation Security
  • Senior representatives of aviation security authorities
  • Senior representatives of international and regional organizations
  • Aviation security partners 
  • Leading industry stakeholders
  • Financial institutions


To take part in the meeting please indicate your participation on the registration form for the symposium.

For more information, please contact the AVSEC Branch at

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