WP # | Agenda Item # | WP Title | |
1 | 1 | Provisional Agenda |  |
2 | 2 | Review of action taken by the ANC on MIDANPIRG/16 and RASG-MID/6 Reports |  |
3 | 2 | New Terms of Reference of PIRGs and RASGs |  |
4 | 2 | AN-Conf/13 Outcome |  |
5 | 3 | Development of an economically viable aviation system in the MID Region |  |
6 | 4 | Subjects of common interest for MIDANPIRG and RASG-MID |  |
7 | 4 | RVSM Operations and Monitoring Activities in the MID Region |  |
8 | 4 | MID RVSM SMR 2017 |  |
9 | 4 | GNSS Vulnerabilities |  |
10 | 5.1 | Follow-up on the outcome of RASG-MID/6 and RSC/6 Meetings |  |
11 | 5.1 | Outcome of the Third Meeting of the Annual Safety Report Team (ASRT/3) |  |
12 | 5.1 | Aerodrome Certification |  |
13 | 5.1 | Implementation Progress of the Safety Enhancement Initiatives (SEI)s |  |
14 | 5.1 | Outcome of the Fourth MID Region Safety Summit & Revised MID Region Safety Strategy |  |
15 | 5.1 | Outcome of the MID-SST/5 Meeting |  |
16 | 5.1 | Recommendation for the Establishment of an ICAO Accident Investigation Working Group (AIWG) for the MID Region |  |
17 | 5.1 | Strategy for the Enhancement of cooperation in the Provision of AIG Services |  |
18 | 5.1 | MENA RSOO |  |
19 | 5.2 | RASG-MID Working Arrangements |  |
20 | 5.2 | RASG-MID Future Work Programme |  |
21 | 6.1 | Follow-up on MIDANPIRG/16 and MSG/6 Conclusions and Decisions |  |
22 | 6.2 | ASBU Implementation Monitoring MID Air Navigation Report |  |
23 | 6.2 | MID Region Air Navigation Strategy |  |
24 | 6.2 | AIM matters |  |
25 | 6.2 | PBN Approach Charts - Transition from RNAV to RNP |  |
26 | 6.2 | AOP matter |  |
27 | 6.2 | Airspace Management Issues |  |
28 | 6.2 | Outcome of the ATFM TF/2 and FWC2022 TF/2 Meetings |  |
29 | 6.2 | Contingency Planning |  |
30 | 6.2 | Search and Rescue |  |
31 | 6.2 | Aeronautical Fixed Services (AFS) Matter |  |
32 | 6.2 | Frequency Management Matters |  |
33 | 6.2 | Surveillance matters |  |
34 | 6.2 | Cyber Security Issues |  |
35 | 6.2 | MET Matters |  |
36 | 6.2 | MID eANP |  |
37 | 6.2 | Collaborative Operational Enhancement Meeting Outcome (India/Oman/UAE/IATA) |  |
38 | 6.3 | Review of Air Navigation Deficiencies |  |
39 | 6.4 | MIDANPIRG Working Arrangements |  |
40 | 6.4 | MIDANPIRG Future Work Programme |  |
41 | 7 | Dates and Venue of MIDANPIRG/18 & RASG-MID/8 |  |
42 | 5.1 | ACI's Support to ICAO MID Safety Strategy |  |
43 | 6.2 | Disruption of Air Traffic Flow caused by Pakistan airspace closure on the UAE Air Traffic |  |
44 | 6.2 | Surveillance Sharing and Enhancements |  |
45 | 6.2 | ADSAG Developments |  |
46 | 4 | Call Sign Confusion |  |
47 | 6.2 | Regional Collaboration for Managing Contingency Situations |  |
48 | 6.4 | Proposals to Amend MIDANPIRG Handbook |  |
49 | 5.1 | Experience of the State of Qatar in a Phased Implementation of the State Safety Programme (SSP) |  |
50 | 5.1 | Preparation for the ICAO USOAP CMA Audit |  |
51 | 5.2 | Proposals to Amend RASG-MID Handbook |  |
52 | 8 | Implementation of Team Resource Management in Air Traffic Management (ATM) |  |
| | | |