Vienna Workshop EUR NAT PANS OPS 16002, 24 July 2017

​Under ICAO’s global initiative “No Country Left Behind” (NCLB), Regional Office EUR/NAT developed a capacity building Technical Assistance Programme (EUR/NAT TAP) to be implemented through Technical Assistance projects. The EUR/NAT TAP would be implemented according to the availability of funds and human resources.

Specifically, EUR NAT 16002, PANS OPS  Oversight capacity building project, has been developed and is under implementation  in   two distinctive phases :

Phase 1 : Dedicated missions  offered support to  the nine (9) EUR States  included in the EANPG List Of Air Deficiencies,  in the AIS area and specifically related to the lack of mechanism to ensure compliance with ICAO Annex. 4  (Aeronautical Charts) and Doc. 8168 (PANS-OPS) provisions (deficiency EUR- AIS 04).

Phase 2 : Establish and  train  within the EUR/NAT region, a network of PANS OPS experts to  provide additional oversight capacity at regional level. A number of dedicated Workshops and OJT activities are developed for that purpose.



(See full size picture) 


The first Workshop of phase 2  was held at Vienna, 24-26/07/2017.The objective of the WS  was to provide theoretical, practical knowledge and skills to qualified  inspectorate personnel to discharge oversight functions in the PANS-OPS and Cartography areas.

11 participants/national inspectors from 9 States took part in the  3 days Workshop which was organized by ICAO EUR NAT and  hosted by Austrian MoT, in cooperation with Austrocontrol.

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