Welcome to ECHO Initiative website!

1. Introduction and presentation

The Second ICAO High Level Conference on Aviation Security (HLCAS/2) conducted in November 2018 called for Regional initiatives and improved collaboration and cooperation among the various stakeholders represented in each region to achieve better targeted and needs based capacity building while avoiding duplication.

Following this call the 7th meeting of the EUR/NAT AVSEC Group (ENAVSECG/07) and in particular, the conclusion resulting from its Working Paper 7 (WP/07) tasked States and Stakeholders to establish an initiative with the target "… to facilitate both, the identification of AVSEC needs as well as the available resources, namely for assistance and capacity building. It shall eventually establish an impartial and inclusive mechanism to monitor the activities in the region and to assist efforts to reach the aspirational EUR/NAT regional targets set forth in the GASeP regional roadmap effectively and efficiently.»

You are invited to familiarize with the ENAVSECG sub - working group established after ENAVSECG/07, which is called the ENAVSECG Coordination Hub -Organon (ECHO) initiative. 

Though the outbreak of the COVID-19 Pandemic influenced priority setting, the need for targeted and needs based capacity building has not changed, but enlarged and the ECHO initiative responded by promoting and developing several tools to identify available capacity building means as well as concrete needs to improve the implementation of Annex 17 Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs).

ECHO -  Summary of available capacity building opportunities

2. Catalogue of available Capacity Building Opportunities

Catalogue of available Capacity Building Opportunities

3. ICAO AVSEC needs and mapping templates

The Capacity Building Mapping tool was developed in ICAO headquarters for global use, asking States and Stakeholders to insert their available Capacity Building materials, which refer to and support the implementation of Annex 17 in the frame of the Global Aviation Security Plan (GASeP) – link to the capacity building excel sheet in EN and RU.

To complement the mapping of existing capacity building material the ECHO initiative developed two spreadsheets with the target to receive a clear picture on prevailing needs:

  • the first spreadsheet seeks for gathering the "classical", prior to the COVID-19 Crisis, AVSEC needs; - link to the spreadsheet in EN and RU
  • the second spreadsheet is responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and strives for gathering information on the impact of the pandemic and new vulnerabilities in the AVSEC System – link to the spreadsheet in EN and RU 

Each State and Organization is encouraged to complete the capacity building tool as well as the two needs evaluation spreadsheets to contribute to a wider knowledge of given capacity building means as well as defined needs. This will support the work of the ECHO initiative and help developing a mechanism to match available capacity building material and prevailing needs for the benefit of all 56 States of the EUR/NAT Regions and beyond.

4. Glossary and useful references


5. Activities in ICAO EUR/NAT Regions

ICAO EUR/NAT ECHO Initiative Webinar was held on 19 April 2022 from 13.30 to 16.00 Paris time (UTC+2). If you wish to view the recoding of the webinar, please click the link ECHO Initiative webinar

6. Contact

If you wish to obtain further details or inform about your capacity building activities please contact icaoeurnat@icao.int

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